chapter 8

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This chapter is dedicated to all my new followers, and those that check this book out....thank you......
can I ask a favour....pls I need ur comments without it I don't feel motivated at waiting 😊😊😊

Immediately I got to the port,my eyes started wandering around in search of Jun,when I didn't see him I decide to ask other labourers.

'Good afternoon brother'

'Good afternoon,can I help you'

'Am asking for brother Jun please'

'Oh,he left since morning,the day has been very bad there is no work'
I figured he might have gone hunting again....
'Thank you for your help'
'Your welcome'

This Jun can't you stay in one place,if he really went hunting...hump he will see how I will deal with him....didn't we agree to meet here after am done with my sightseeing .

'Mayina you piece of shit,please stop I can't rest just because you are in love '

'Stone honey,did you just say something? Repeat yourself I didn't hear you'

'Oh the magnificent mayina,the light that shines brighter than the morning star,I was just trying to say your beauty......

'Stop,stop stop...... Thank you ugly stone, now shut up'

Since Jun wasn't around I decide to get some supplies

'Hey,what do you need

'A bag of white rice,noodles,flour,pack of sugar,a jar of oil,a pack of salt...

'Wh....what need all that do you have money to pay...

I looked up at the lady she was looking at me with wide eyes

Shit I forgot am wearing cheap clothing

'Ah sister, am a maid, where can I get this type of money.....

'Oh I understand, we poor people suffer a lot........and it goes on and on about how her family suffers alot, her pay here is not much and her mother in-law is a bitch....

A bag of rice weigh 25kg so is noodles and flour so the three cost 1 silver and 50 copper, a park of sugar is 25 copper and so is salt .....that is 2silvers

I removed 2 silvers and gave it to the lady,added a tip of 5copper ...from the way she was thanking me with so much enthusiasm I knew she wasn't lying when she said she was suffering
Now a major problem I can't carry this things, just as I was thinking of what to do I saw pa Edi on his cart coming towards me ......

'Mayina,going home

'Yes pa Edi.... I have loads though

'Not a problem...

'We loaded my things to the cart and I got on ....I felt a stare behind my head when I turned I saw the sister looking at me with inquisitive eyes I just smiled at her.....

When we got to the village bus stop or should I say cart stop 😂😂😂😂
There are no more passengers because pa Edi got there late,I saw the disappointment in his eyes....
Well good for me though I don't want to share the cart and I wasn't done with my shopping yet I didn't buy meat yet .....

'Pa  Edi, why don't I pay you 10 coppers but we have to go back to the meat stall,I forgot to buy meat

'Are you joking with me mayina ....

'Hell no pa Edi, I immediately remove 10copper and gave it to him,am so glad I asked Randy to give me some copper coins ............

'I got a good job today pa Edi I didn't steal it...

'I know, am just so happy, I can buy some meat for my wife and kid.....

Everybody knows pa Edi is the poorest man in the village, he got married at forty because nobody wanted a poor man and anty Abi couldn't get married because she is ugly not ugly per say but she has black spots on her face that doesn't fade,she is a nice woman....when both decided to get married they got everybody's blessing, after the wedding pa Edi brought his donkey cart even though he doesn't make much it can feed his family for a day

When we got to the meat stall there is only pork remaining and it weigh 1.5pound which the butcher said he will sell at 50 coppers because am the last person,well its a lot of meat though, I paid for it and asked him to remove half a pound and package it in another oil cloth .....
I gave it to pa Edi, the man almost cry.....

******* ***** ****
Third person's POV
While she is busy shopping and going through emotional rollercoaster with pa Edi
Jun is about to be rip apart by a tiger

'Jun,run run run run faster ....Dan cried at him

But before he could say another word the tiger lipped at Jun with it's mouth wide open.... he died ??????

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