chapter 4

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At the crack of dawn, Jun was awake more like he didn't sleep,he was excited about meeting mayina,he even washed his clothes last night in order to impress her more.

At mayina's house same thing was happening,mayina couldn't believe that she can't sleep throughout the night even though she was thinking about businesses to do to make money her thought will drift off to Jun.

This is the first time she is falling in love,in her world what she lack the most is love,even when guys at school hit at her,her cousin Cami will report it at home with enough salt to add to injury and she will be punished without food and water, including sleeping in the basement and missing school,all in all she is a loner that was why that competition meant the world to her, it was her stepping stone to freedom.

But she is here now and she is falling in love,she is so happy and she decided to make the most out of this world,she believe it's God own way of compensating her.

Since she couldn't sleep at the first ray of light mayina got up to prepare breakfast.

Breakfast table

"Jun,eat more, eat more don't be shy because of you,we are able to eat mayina's food,ah always come for breakfast here ok" said mayina's father

Sander:"father just tell brother Jun to always come here to eat that's all"

Everybody :😂😂😂😂😂😂


Mayina:awwn he is blushing how cute" in her heart

Stone:"you pervert"

After breakfast mayina said she is going to town with Jun since he is going to work,she wants to go check out how this world works and she needs to talk to Jun about their future.

"brother Jun, I know you really want to marry me but I can see you have some reservation,can we talk about it "

Jun was not even listening,he is thinking of how to beg  PA Edi the only carriage man in their village to take him and mayina to town and he will pay after work but he doesn't want to embarrass mayina in front of the villagers.
Well the village gossip has already started......

"mayina, are you and Jun together now, I heard he paid the 5taels for your PA,have u packed to his house without inviting us villagers to drink wine"

"no auntie,i didn't pack to his house yet but the wedding will be soon, don't worry I will invite you to drink wine "

"oooo,but I heard you didn't want to marry Jun"

Oh my God here we go again, why must every village have a gossip Uhm

"auntie you heard wrong, Jun is a nice,handsome man and he works hard,why wunt I want to marry him"

"but he is poor "

"auntie,dont worry my husband will grow and we will be rich "

"OK, come and join us on the carriage "

"no, auntie we are fine"

"we know Jun is poor and can't afford the carriage,just come auntie will pay"

Mayina's countenance changed at once but she decided to smile and conceal her anger,she didn't want people to say she doesn't respect elders .

"ah, no auntie of course my Jun has money remember he paid 5taels for my PA,i just want to exercise to lose weight so I can look fine in my wedding dress but auntie is old even though you don't lose weight you wunt look like a pig "

Jun was busy smiling till his teeth were shining "my Jun" huh he loves hearing that,he was being respectful because this is not his village,so he can be sent out anytime and they have the right to refuse selling land to him, as a commoner and a soon to be married man he knows the importance of land but if he marries mayina he is automatically a citizen of the village by marriage,so he will wait to settle before he can talk but he feels bad that because of a few copper coins for a carriage ride mayina is fight with this village women.

When the auntie heard mayina she was angry in her heart, everyone with commonsense hearing this will know mayina is insulting her,,,,...' hummmph,i will dealt with this mayina,useless girl '.....

"PA Edi,lets go since they wunt enter the carriage"

"am so sorry mayina,i couldn't pay for the ride"

Mayina smiled at him "one day you will buy a carriage for me, it's not wrong for me to suffer with you first don't worry,its not like I don't have the money to pay but I want us to talk about our way about our marriage "

He was very happy that mayina believes in him and their future, of course he will work hard for mayina and his future cute little ones.
"so, what do you want to talk about "

"can we get married in 3months,if there is a suitable date"

"mayina,its not I don't want to marry you right now but it will soon be rainy season,my hut leaks it's better for you to stay at your parents until I can fix the house"

"Jun, I know all this but don't worry am planning to start a business didn't you say earlier at breakfast that my pancake is better than the ones in town,am going into town with you to check the business and how I should start,i will make money soon "

"Uhm, I will still go hunting to see if I can kill a boar,or tiger to sell,if I can get 10teals we can build a 3room brick house "

"building is that cheap "

" of course it's cheap, all the materials are in abundance,its only that the brick company ask a little more since they cut and shape the bricks, but if u want the villagers to gather rocks it even cheaper but I prefer the company bricks the are smooth"

"but Jun you can't go hunting,let me see how the business will start"

"don't worry about me, I don't go alone,we go in group with some friends at work"

"Jun,do you mind that am going into town for business,some husband's don't like it"........she doesn't know much of this world apart from the fact that it seems like a mix world because the features of the people differs, some are very dark like chocolate and some are more fair,other are very white like peeled eggs and their clothing she has never seen such beautiful design but that is for another day.

"I don't mind mayina but don't stress yourself am your husband now, allow me the honour to take care of you OK ""


"we will be in town in less than 15minutes"

Both holding hands and feeling the warmth of each other as they walk into town ......

Phew,oh my God,that was intense  I had everything led out for this book but after a few days of not updating the idea is becoming a little rusty, but I hope my readers will enjoy it.... Pls ur comments means alot to me,it encourages me to write,even though I started this book for my consumption but am a writer deep down I love it when people read my books.... Pls add to your reading list,recommend,vote and comment...... Next chapter will have a Q and A for the readers and I,so it's only when you comment that I can reach out.... One love 😍😍😍😍😍😍

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