Chapter 22

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Papa Edi is a wise man, listening to Jun, he knew something was wrong, it wasn't just about finding greener pastures, there is more to this news he just received, he tried to recall the conversation he just had with Jun..

''Pa Edi,my family and few of my friends, we have decided to seek for greener pastures in country E, we have a reliable source of information from their immigration office and we think we stand a chance to migrate, so we came to ask you, if you are interested in coming with us''

''Jun, you and your wife are good people, thank you for sharing this information with me, I and my wife will discuss this and get back to you '' Pa Edi said..

Jun laughed '' Of course, you need to run it by auntie, but I hope it won't take long, we leave in two days''

Pa Edi gasped '' that early!!

''Yes'' Jun knew that Papa Edi understood what is at stake.

He also wants to save everybody but at this point he can't, first: no one will believe him, second : the people love this country no matter what, he will have stayed if he is alone but he has a family, the responsibility of man is to keep his family safe and well sheltered and he will to the extreme to do that.

'' Jun, advice as a man to man, be careful of your wife's family, they are not what you think they are, not all of them but you should be able to discover who is against you and who will stand by you'' Pa Edi said with a sigh ....

'' your wife is too good to be part of such a family, she might have wanted to be crooked in her ways when growing up but she changed and its a good change, I hope she will keep behaving like this''

Jun smiled '' I hope so too but I know she won't change, don't worry ''

His family weren't just refugees fleeing from the south, there is something deep within, he is more than just a hunter,how can he not know if something is not right with Mayina.

But that is a story for a another day.

At Mayina's house in the second brother's room, he and his wife where having a conversation..
'' Husband, how can we agree to this, your mother already said it so it can't be a lie,the future of our kids, your future is all at stake because of her..

Sabin's face twisted but he didn't utter a word..

His wife knew she should add more salt to injury, so she continued

'' just imagine, she came like a saint to pay for my dowry and standing up for you, isn't it because she knows she is using your destiny to be rich and the foodstuff in the house she buys them all, tomorrow am sure she will say she feeds and raised this family, how can a man hide behind his sister ''

The last sentence broke him, he is not a weakling and his mother is right, how can they allow a child they picked up be more successful than them..
Whatever Mayina has today should be theirs..

In the first brother's room..

His wife shouted '' what do you mean you are the first child, so you should support your parents, do you believe in their useless superstition, the ability of man to make money is within him, what is within your sister helped her make money, her ability to cook and think of various recipes and your brother in-law his ability to hunt, which one of these abilities was yours in the first place ''

The first brother was dumbfounded....why didn't he know that his wife was so beautiful when she has a temper'

(Author face palmed🙄; first brother, we are talking about you abandoning and betraying your sister, not how beautiful your wife is when she is angry!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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