chapter 5

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The town was so beautiful,the houses where neatly in a row and the streets where very neat,no dirts,after a few minutes of walk,we reached the town square where the market is located ,the stalls where neatly  arranged base on what you are selling,i like the neatness and when buying things you dont  suffer searching.

"Jun,lets go to the snack area"

"are you hungry"

"no,i want to see what snacks they have,so i can decide what to sell"

The snack market is full of aroma,there are beancakes,meatball,dumpling,sugarstick,milkcandy,sweetflour candy,pancake alot of goodies.
After more than 30 minutes of eating from every stall,Jun and Mayina's stomach was stuff.....

"mayina,i told u to eat less,is your tummy hurting....

"just a little,Jun go to work,when am done playing i will come see you ok,dont be late"



I decided to stroll,one thing i like about this people is thier dressing,the young girls are wearing short gowns,since this place is a bit ancient i thought i will be wearing long gowns and covering my body but am so relieved,the ladies are in short and long gowns,even some of the men are wearing shorts and cotton shirts with their farm tools.
The resturants and shop streets is amazing,with all the traditional decorations,i was busy thinking of what to do next when i heard people shouting....

"master,lets beat him to death,how can he say that is a recipe huh"

"leave him alone," well the man is handsome but not like my jun jun is the most handsome

'yes,yes,we know,your jun is the most handsome,this is ur chance to make money and you are thinking of jun......

"stone,what did u say,chance to make money how?

"you see that master needs a new recipe in order to boost his business,he is so pitiful,his stepmother has being bullying him since he was a child and now she decided to set him up,on the outside you will think the resturant is in money but it's almost bankrupt and it was her son that caused it,the father is not around so before he comes back she wants him to think that the young man is incompetant."

"wow,what a wicked bitch"

"oh,its potato in the basket and i know you have amazing recipes for that eh"

"oh,ofcourse darling,i feel so bad for this young master lets help him alright"

Mayina went close to the young man
"good morning young master,can i have a few words with you"

Randy was stunned,no noble lady wants to talk to him because of his title as the illegitmate child which ofcourse he is not,and the lady is so beatiful eveb though her clothes are not expensive,the noble aura around her is enough to cover for the rest.

"uhm,young master,the lady is talking to you" the servant has to nugde Randy before he came back to his senses

"oh,please come in,,....
When they got inside,mayina notice the place is empty not like that other eatery oppsite where there are plenty people,after they sat down and pastries where served mayina decided to go straight to business

"young master.....

"call me Randy....

"Randy,i have a business proposal for you,i have few recipes with me,fried potapo with ketchup,bake potato,potato porridge,softegg potato,fried rice,jollof rice and loads more,we can set a price,i know your eatery is in need of new dishes and am in need of money so what do you say"

"i like the fact that there is no pretence,if you know i need a recipe then you must know my story right? I wunt lie am at lost of what to do i will buy your recipes but not at a good price i think you should go next door"

"ok,how about this i will give two recipes at 100 silver coins,i will teach your chefs how to cook it,for the rest when your eatery is back on track we can talk about it uhm,what do you say"

"ok,no problem i can prepare 100 silver coins"

"good,prepare a contract,and i will give you a list of what i will need ehn"

30 minutes later:in the kitchen

Ok after peeling the potato,the cutting depends on what you want to cook,today i will teach two recipes fried potato and ketchup and softegg potato....lets start with softegg
After peeling,there is no cutting,
First step: washing the potapo,dont let it suck in water because it absorb water quickly ...

2nd step:boil the potato,while its boiling .....crack eggs according to the portion of potato,beat the egg after adding ingredients such the chill peper,blend crayfish,salt,garlic,onions

3rd step:mix the cooked potato with the egg mixture and can serve it with a stir fry vegetable dish

An hour later we where done and the aroma is just too much even for me as a chef
"ok any questions"

"yes miss,that thing you called crayfish its not poisonous "

"no its not, just dry it and blend it ,add it to your dishes it will smell nice and add to the sweetness"

Their gaze carried worship,not like the way they looked at her an hour ago,the head chef was busy smiling like no tomorow....

"ok everyone has work hard,lets make our eatery  the best huh,everybody fighting"

I could feel their spirit renewed and their eyes shinning

"ok,serve Randy let him taste our new dish"

"mayina,this is amazing"

"am glad you like it,am done with my job,its left for you to advertise your new dishes"

"dont worry,my father's friend has a party tomorrow and he ask  us to do the dishes,i know he just asked out of respect for my father not because he thinks our dishes are good but i will suprise them tomorrow with this new recipes,thank you so much ,can we be friends"

"we are already friends"

Randy gave me the money,am so happy i made my first cash in this world and Randy offered me another job to coach his chef's,well then opening a snack shop under the sun i prefer to coach chef's...i will go see Jun,while i was going i started making a mental list of what to do clothes for everybody
2.foodstuff a house for me amd Jun or build a new house for my parents

And i will achieve this goal.....FIGHTING.....

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