The reminder and a favor

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We drove back to the college in silence. Harry was in the back seat, concentrating on his phone the whole time, and me and Louis were sat in the front. It wasn’t an awkward silence though, and every now and then I caught Louis’ eye and we both started grinning from ear to ear.

Louis parked to car round the back, so he and Harry wouldn’t bump into any crazed fans that might be lurking about. I got out the car and was about to close the door when I was pulled onto a massive bear hug. “WE WON WE WON WE WON!” screaming filled my ears. When I pulled away o saw Nat, Libby and Steph looking so happy!

“Can you believe we won?” Libby asked, still grinning like an idiot. I started laughing. “Yes, I can.” We all started laughing then until Louis put his arm round my waist. “Knew you girls could do it.” I wriggled out of his hold and gave him a stern look. “What?” he asked, a little confused. I shook my head and followed the girls into the building when I saw a beautiful, brown haired girl stand up and give Louis a quick peck on the lips.

“El? What are you doing here?” he asked, a tad bit shocked to see her. “Well, Harry texted me saying that the competition had finished so I came down to surprise you.” She smiled at him as he turned to face Harry. He just shrugged and started walking down the corridor. Louis was about to follow him but Eleanor had his attention back. I sighed as I went to follow him.

“Harry!” I hissed, not wanting to properly shout his name, in case screams erupted everywhere. He slowly turned around, probably thinking it was a crazed fan, but I noticed he relaxed when he saw it was me. “Hey.” He mumbled. “Thank you.” I smiled at him. He frowned a little bit. “For what?” I leant against the wall and kept looking at him. “For somehow getting Eleanor to come here.” I shrugged as I looked out the window. It was the end of the day, but I wanted to make sure Harry was alright.

“You’re thanking me?” he asked as he stood next to me. I nodded. “Seeing me again, Louis completely forgot he had a girlfriend, and he thought he could pick up where we left off.” I said as the door opened and Natalie turned up. She waited at the other end of the corridor waiting for me. I saw Harry nod slightly. “I’m sorry, but…” he trailed off as I turned to face him.

“Hazza, you did the right thing, trust me.” I said as he started to laugh. “Only Louis calls me Hazza.” I just shrugged. “Well, I’m calling you it now.” I stood on tiptoes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thank you.” I whispered before heading towards Natalie so that we could go home.


“So, how was the competition?” Dad asked as he dished up the lasagne. “It was…eventful.” I said through a mouthful of food. “Attractive.” Dad rolled his eyes at me. I just smiled at him before taking another mouthful. “So, how was it eventful?” he asked. I hesitated. “Well, One Direction were the judges, Louis came with me to my appointment today, I then went on stage with Nat, Lib and Steph, before coughing up blood. Harry then insisted that I was taken to the hospital, had some tests done, Harry obviously found out about the cancer, and then Louis was reminding me of Ryan, the surgery and mum, before we ended up back at the college and Louis’ girlfriend happened to be there because Harry and told her that the competition was over. That answer your question?” I asked before taking a sip of water. Dad’s mouth was hanging open in shock.

“Louis was there?” he asked. I nodded and continued to eat. “And Harry got Eleanor to come…” he trailed off whilst I nodded. “Why did he get Eleanor to come?” he asked, a frown forming on his face. I sighed and looked at him. “Because Louis was acting as if we were together again, and he needed reminding that he does have a girlfriend.” Dad didn’t say anything for a while.

“What about you?” he asked. I looked at him confused. “What about me?” I asked as I finished the last of my dinner. “What with Louis knowing and acting as if nothing’s changed between you two, I would have thought that feeling would have played a part.” He shrugged as he picked up the 2 plates and rinsed them off. “Dad, nothing’s going to happen. Louis’ with Eleanor, and I’ve got cancer. It’ll just be nice to have a friend from back home, that’s all.” I said before kissing him on the cheek and heading upstairs.

I lay on the bed, thinking about what happened today when I got a text from Natalie. “Check twitter xx” I sighed as I sat back up and grabbed my laptop from the end of my bed. It took a while to load, so I text Natalie back. “Why? What’s happened now?? Xx” she just ignored me so I waited for the laptop to fire up properly.

When it eventually did, I quickly signed into twitter. There was nothing special about it. That was until I saw the amount of followers I had. I’d somehow gone from 200 to 2500 in the space of an afternoon. “What the…” I trailed off as I started searching through my followers until I noticed that @Harry_Styles had started following me. That’s when I saw the DM.

“Hey, hope you don’t me following you? I just wanted to see how you were H x”

I just stared at the message for ages, not knowing what to do. That when I came to me. “Hey Hazza :P that’s no problem, so long as I can ask for a favour? X” it was a long shot, but I had to give it ago, right. It wasn’t long before he answered. “If its about Lou then I’m not doing it! X” I started laughing then.

“No no no, he wishes it was about him ;) Your mum does stuff for believe in magic right? X”

“Yeah? Why? X”

“Was wondering if I could talk to her J I’m thinking about doing something to help raise money x

“I’ll give her a ring and get back to you x”

“thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu x”

“And I thought Louis was the weirdo :P x”

“OI! -.- we’re both weirdo’s, alright :P x”

“Ha-ha, true! But for what it’s worth, I think you and Lou should get back together x”

I didn’t answer that last one. I started crying. I so wanted to get back together with him, but he’s with Eleanor, and I’m frickin dying! I sighed as I lay on the bed and turned the TV on. There was nothing good on, so I just put on my DVDs of fresh prince. It wasn’t long before I fell asleep though.

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