Getting Back on Track

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Over the next couple of weeks I finally got back in touch with everyone. Dad said he understood, but would have preferred it if I still phoned once in awhile. The rest of the band, and Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie all understood why I did what I did. Yes, I got in touch with Eleanor. She even assured me she was happy that me and Louis had finally sorted things out.

 It was Natalie that was now ignoring me. I’d explained to her why I’d ignored everyone, how I was feeling the whole time I was in America, but she wouldn’t hear any of it. She said that I was a selfish bitch who needed to grow up.

I couldn’t blame her for hating me. It was my fault. Harry said that she’d soon come round, but I knew her better than he did. I knew I had to persuade her to forgive me, I just had to think of a way how.

I was sat in the front room of the flat, me and Ellie having a load of photos spread across the coffee table, the TV was on, just as background noise, whilst Louis and Niall where sat on the sofa, looking completely clueless as to what we were doing.

“Whats with all the photos?” Niall asked as he made a space between me and Ellie. “I’m trying to find the first photo of me and Natalie.” I muttered. It sounded stupid, but I had a feeling there was something about it that would make her forgive me. I heard Niall groan slightly. “But there’s like, hundreds of ‘em here. How are you gonna find the right one?” he asked.

I shrugged slightly as I frowned. “I’m not sure.” I said as I sat back on my heels and rubbing my eyes. “But I’m hungry. Who’s up for pizza?” I asked as I grabbed my phone. “Can we go and get Nando’s instead?” Niall asked, giving me his puppy dog eyes. I looked over at Louis who was shaking his head slightly, an amused expression on his face.

I fake sighed as I turned to face Ellie. “What do’ya say El? Pizza or Nando’s?” I asked. Ellie frowned slightly. “Well, both are tempting...” she said, only pretending to think about it. Niall started to fidget. “Come on guys! Its been ages since I’ve had Nando’s!” he whined. “Plus you do have that black card.” Louis added, winking at me. “That settles it then.” I said as I grabbed my keys from the floor next to me. “

Pizza!!!!!” Ellie shouted as she got up. “Wait, what!?” Niall said his eyes wide. I looked at Ellie, then at Louis, and all three of us burst out laughing. “Oh Niall.” I said as I patted his arm. “Of course we’re going to Nando’s. It’ll always be Nando’s, whether its you or Ellie.” I said as Louis took hold of my hand and we all headed out of the flat.

There were a few paps around, but I didn’t mind. I knew it was to be expected. I actually expected more. Louis took the car keys out of my hand. “Louis.” I said, but he’d already opened the passenger door, waiting for me to climb in. Niall and Ellie were already in the back seat, waiting for us. I knew Ellie would start moaning, and Niall for that matter, so I quickly pecking Louis on the lips and climbed into the car. “You two are so cute.” I heard Ellie whisper in my ear. I rolled my eyes as Louis climbed in and started the engine.

“Double chicken burger and chips, here we come.” I cheered. “Don’t forget the extra side of chips.” Ellie giggled. I turned around and just poked my tongue at her. “I swear there are now 3 Niall’s.” Louis said as he pulled out of the driveway. Both me and Ellie started laughing. “Niall would still beat us in an eating competition.” I said. “YEAH BUDDY!” Niall shouted, making us all jump and start laughing.

It’s fair to say, the rest of the day was us just acting like clowns


 That night everyone was round Harry’s. And I mean everyone. There were the boys, Josh Devine, Natalie, Danielle, Eleanor, Perrie, the rest of Little Mix, and then Me and Ellie. Harry had wanted a party, “To celebrate Maddie and Louis FINALLY getting together!” he said. I rolled my eyes at him when he started getting the alcohol out. “Any excuse.” I heard Louis mutter, making me giggle.

The party was soon underway. We would have gone to the local club, but we would have been followed by the paparazzi, so a home party was the next best thing. It didn’t take long for everyone to start enjoying themselves. Natalie was still ignoring me, but I had an idea as to make her forgive me.

I was talking to Niall in the corner, his words slightly slurred, but he wasn’t wasted. I hadn’t touched a drop, wanting to keep a clear head, plus I knew that I couldn’t handle alcohol very well. Yeah, I’m a lightly weight, problem?

“You know he was moping around the whole time you didn’t talk to him.” Niall suddenly mentioned. I sighed as I turned to look towards Louis. He and Harry were in the middle of the room, doing the most random dance moves ever! “I know. I feel really bad about it. I just cut everyone off.” I turned back to look at Niall. “I’m sorry.” I muttered.

Niall gave me a famous Horan hug before chuckling. “I understand why you did. We all do. Including Nat.” He added. I laughed at the latter. “I know, but she holds grudges for a very long time. I remember when I first met her.” I started laughing at the memory. “It was the very first day of college. Our Italian class actually.” Niall looked surprised at that, but didn’t say a word. “We ended up sitting next to each other and the girl next to Nat accidently spilt her water all over Natalie’s work. Nat went ballistic! Started shouting at the poor girl, but cussing in Italian”

Niall started laughing with me. “It was only water, and the paper soon dried out, but Natalie wouldn’t speak the girl for a month.” Niall’s eyes widened in shock. “A month?” he asked. I nodded. “So, imagine how long she’ll hold this grudge against me.” I looked over at Natalie and saw she was talking to the girls. Well, not so much Ellie. I sighed, before turning back to Niall.

“I didn’t know you knew Italian.” He said. I smiled. “I’m not very good.” I admitted. “But I’ve always wanted to go the Italy, so I figured I might as well learn the language.” I shrugged. “And Natalie? That’s obviously how you two met.” I nodded. “Nat’s actually Italian, so why she took the class I have no idea.” Niall nearly choked on his beer, the contents of the glass falling down his front.

“I didn’t know Natalie was Italian.” I giggled as he tried to clean himself up with a napkin. “Nobody knows. She lived in Italy until she was 7, and then her family moved over here. She doesn’t really talk about it. She hates being Italian. She bites your head off whenever you mention it, so be warned.” We started laughing as Ellie came over.

“Er, Mads, can I have a quick word please? Outside?” I nodded and quickly kissed Niall on the cheek. “Won’t be long.” I said as I grabbed my jacket and headed outside. Ellie grabbed my arm and started dragging me down the road, towards the park at the end of the street.

“Ellie, whats going on?” I asked when she finally stopped and turned to look at me. She took a deep breath before turning to face me. “I think I’ve found a way to get Natalie to be your best friend again.” She said as she broke into a huge grin.

“And we needed to be away from everyone for you tell me that!?” I laughed as we sat down on the bench. It was 3 in the morning but we didn’t care. Ellie just shrugged. “I’ve got a plan. Its a crazy plan, stupid even, but if everyone plays a part, it might just work.” She said. I smiled. “Tell me what to do.”

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