Friends again

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I sat on the bed and looked around Natalie’s room. It was the same as it ever was, messy and disorganised, but that was Natalie. There was a photo on her bedside table of her and Harry. Harry was hugging her from behind, resting his chin on the top of her head, and they were both grinning like fools.

I smiled at the photo, wonder who would have taken it, when I heard the floorboard creek on the landing. I quickly put the photo down and got into bed, facing away from the door. I still cared about Natalie and I knew that if her parents found out that she wasn’t there they’d probably ground her or something. She’s 20, I know, but still.

I pulled the blanket over the top of me just as the door was opened. I closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. I heard a sigh as someone walked into the room and closed the window. “You’ll catch a cold if you’re not careful Nat.” Her dad whispered. He kissed the top of my head and walked out of the room.

I gave a sigh of relief as I pulled the blanket off me and sat up. I looked around the room again, hoping to find something that would tell me where she was.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I sighed once more and walked out of her room. I stood there, making sure her parents were asleep before walking back down the stairs. I didn’t have a clue where she could be.

I went into the living room, just for something to do. There was nothing out of the ordinary there. I sat there for a little while, still thinking of what to do when my phone started ringing. I quickly answered it with seeing who was calling.

“Hello?” I asked. “Mads?” I heard someone crying. “Where are you?” I asked. “Treehouse in the woods.” She sobbed. I groaned slightly. I loved the woods, but not when it was 2 o’clock in the morning. “I’ll be right there.” I said before hanging up and heading back to the front door.

It was only a 10 minute walk to the wood, so I left the car there and started walking. All to soon I was standing at the edge of the woods. I took a deep breath before I started walking again.

I knew the path to the tree house off by heart. I knew that Natalie and Charlie built it together when they were little, and whenever they got the chance they would just sit and talk for hours about everything and nothing. It was always the place they would go if they got in an argument with the other. They were always able to find each other to make up. I dunno why I didn’t think of it before.

I was soon standing at the base of the house, looking up as I heard the continued sobs from Natalie. I started to climb the ladder and when I looked inside my heart broke.

Natalie was sitting in the corner, huddled in a thin blanket, crying her eyes out. In one swift movement I was inside the tree house and was pulling her into my arm.

Old SparksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora