I guess this is goodbye

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Being back home just felt weird now. I missed everyone. I sighed as I sat on the couch next to dad. “Cheer up Mads, We’ll see them soon, I promise.” He said as he kissed my temple.

“I know, I just didn’t realise I’d miss them all this much.” He chuckled slightly before handing me a letter. “Its from the hospital.” He said. I groaned slightly as I opened it. I was hoping that no news was good news. Apparently not...

I skimmed through the letter, not impressed in the slightest. “What is it?” dad asked. I sighed as I handed him the letter. “They just want me to come in tomorrow, but they haven’t said why.” Dad folded the letter and put it on the coffee table. “I’m sure it’ll be fine Mads.” I nodded.

“I was just hoping that no news was good news, thats all.” I sighed. He pulled me into a hug. “Its gonna be fine Maddie. Trust me.” He said. We stayed like that, just watching tv, until I fell asleep.


“Miss Swann?” the nurse called. “The doctor will see you know.” She gave me a tight smile as I stood up. “Want me to come with you kiddo?” dad asked. I turned to face him and nodded frantically. “I may be 20, but I still need my daddy.” I whispered. He squeezed my hand as we went into Dr. Merrygold’s office.

“Ah, Madison, good to see you again. How was Doncaster?” he asked. I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t. I didn’t want to be reminded of the best holiday I’d had in a long while when he was about to give me some bad news.


I could have dropped off to sleep in the studio. “LOUIS!” I nearly jumped out of my skin when Harry came and sat next to me. “What?” I groaned, keeping my eyes closed.

“You’ve been miserable since Christmas. This isn’t my boo bear.” I opened my eyes to see him pouting slightly making me chuckle slightly. “Nearly.” Harry muttered. “What is it Harry?” I asked. “Mate, its been 3 months. Just drive down there or something.” He said.

I sighed. It was alright for him. Natalie had been able to find the time to come up to London and meet Harry. They were going strong. Not yet official, but it wouldn’t take long. The few fans that have seen them together have been alright about it, making Harry even more happy. “Its not that simple.” I muttered.

It was Harry’s tern to sigh now. “Why not. Its only an hours drive away.” He said. “She doesn’t want to see me Harry.” I said. It pained me so much to utter those words. “Why not?” Harry asked. I shrugged.

“We talk all the time on the phone, but whenever I mention her coming up to London, or me going down to Brighton, she always come up with an excuse not to.” I saw Harry frown slightly. “What? You know something, don’t you?” I asked. Harry looked away. “Harry Styles, you tell me what you know!” I hissed.

He slowly turned to face me. “Alright, but you didn’t hear it from me.” He whispered. He quickly looked around so we wouldn’t be interrupted. Zayn was recording his solos, Niall was strumming one of our new songs on his guitar and Liam was talking to the technicians sorting out the sound system. I face Harry again, needing to know what he knew.

“Ok, so Natalie told me something the other day. Well, she actually let it slip, and begged me not to repeat it, but...” he trailed off before starting again. “Maddie’s going away.” He held his breath, waiting for my reaction. “Going away?” I asked. Harry nodded.

“Part of her college work I think.” He continued. “She going to America.” I frowned. “Isn’t she too ill to be doing that?” I asked. He shrugged. “Its all bought and paid for apparently. Nat wasn’t too happy when I made her fess up.” He chuckled slightly.

“Do you think that’s why she doesn’t want to see me?” I asked. “I dunno mate. Maybe she just needs space.” I took in a sharp intake of breath. Harry held up his hands. “Don’t shoot the messenger.” He muttered before joining Niall.

I sighed. All everyone had been telling me was to give her space, to not push her. It was killing me to not see her, not tell her how I felt about her. It had been 2 months; surely she’s had all the space she needs. I quickly pulled out my phone and decided to call her.

“Yello’” her chirpy voice filled my ear. “What’s this about you going away to America?” I got straight to the point. “I’m gonna kill that girl.” I heard her whisper. “Lou, it’s all part of college. I get to go over there, show off some of my art pieces. Everyone in my art class are going, you didn’t really expect me to miss out on an opportunity like this, did you?” I sighed.


“No buts. I’m going, and that’s final.” If I was there I knew she’d be giving me such a stern look. “I just wish you’d have told me, rather than me finding out through Harry.” I heard her sigh this time. “I couldn’t bring myself to tell you.” She mumbled. “I’m your best friend Maddie!” I moaned. “Correction. Natalie’s my best friend. Well, she won’t be for much longer when I get my hands on her.” I chuckled slightly.

“So, how long are you gone for?” I asked. “Er, about 6 months.” I near enough exploded. “6 MONTHS! AND YOU DIDN’T THINK TO TELL ME!” I was standing up now, trying to calm down. Everyone was staring at me as if I’d gone mad. “Louis, calm down!” I just about heard her down the phone. “I’ve already had this lecture from dad; I don’t need it from you.”

“Maddie. You’re ill. You can’t expect me not to worry when you’re spending 6 months in America.” There was silence down her end. “Listen Lou, I’m going, and that’s final.” I heard a muffled call on her end of the phone. “Who’s that?” I asked. “No one. Look, my flights just been called. I’ll see you in 6 months then.” The line went dead.

Everyone was crowded round me. “What’s going on?” Zayn asked. “Maddie’s going to America for 6 months.” Liam made me sit on the couch next to him. “We gathered that much, but there’s something else, isn’t there?” he asked. I rested my head in my hands.

“She’s boarding the plane as we speak. I won’t get to see her again...” I trailed off as I realised what I was saying. She wouldn’t? Would she? Would her dad really let her go away to America for 6 months when she’s that ill she could...die?

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