Chapter 22: The Return

Start from the beginning

Hazel: I've got a mission. I'm gonna do it no matter how much I don't want to.

C: Respect.

C then pushes Hazel back and rushes him. He gets some quick strong blows in until a blast of fire knocks him away from his opponent.


C pulls out two revolvers from his holsters and fires at Cinder. She blocks the shots with one hand as C lands against the wall. He pushes his feet off it leaving huge cracks as he goes flying at Cinder, but Hazel grabs his leg and tosses C at the door sending him flying out. He crashes through and sees Blake.

C: Oh....hey Bookworm! We're all inside. I've got an absolutely huge ass to kick! Be right back!

He gets up and dashes into Haven Academy. Once there he drop kicks Hazel into a wall and then grabs the guy while running dragging Hazel across the walls. He then hits him in the stomach and then continues to deliver as many blows as possible, but Hazel doesn't seem to feel the pain he clearly is being damaged. C cocks back his fist and delivers a blow to Hazel that sends the guy flying out through the roof and so far away no one could even see him. A pained cry comes from behind him as he turns and sees Weiss fall to the floor with a flaming spear coming out of her side.

C: no. CINDER!!

He looks over, but she is going down an elevator with Raven and Vernal.


He rushes to the elevator shaft and shoots himself down it after them. They step off the elevator just in time to avoid him crashing into the bottom of it. He looks up with his eyes glowing as he glares at Cinder.

C: I'll kill you. For all you've done, you will die.

Ice then appears at C's feet.

C: Really, again?

He is encased in ice as they all walk to the vault. Vernal walks up to it with Cinder behind her and Raven a little ways back. Vernal outstretches her hand towards the huge vault door. Raven is then frozen solid as Vernal is stabbed in the stomach by Cinder's left arm, a Grimm arm. Cinder walks up to her and slams her to the floor as C shoots out of his ice and shoves his fist through Cinder's back. She looks down and sees his bloody metal hand coming out her chest.

C: I told you, you would die.

He pulls his fist out of her and she falls to her knees. C picks her up by the throat and holds her over the side of the vault. His lips are blue from the ice and he spits in Cinder's face before tossing her down into the vault. The spit freezes and turns Cinder to ice. She falls into the black abyss out of sight. The sound of shattering glass fills the air as C turns and sees Raven break out and run to Vernal. Vernal has gone limp and C doesn't feel her soul anymore.

C: She's dead.

Raven:...yes, she is.

Raven closes Vernal's eyes and walks up to the Vault and touches it. It opens up and Raven goes to enter but she is stopped by an ice wall.

C: You don't get to have that. Sorry Deadbeat.

Raven: Move or be moved.

C: You'll die trying.

She rushes in with a slice, but C stops it with a very familiar weapon in his hands. C smirks at her as he pushes down with the Scissors in his hands.

C: Decapitation mode.

The Scissors expand making them longer. He swings at Raven, but she blocks it. He spins around and keeps slicing yet he isn't able to hit her once.

Straight to the Punch (Yang Xiao Long X OP OC) Multiverse Tales Book 2Where stories live. Discover now