Remember, Hettie, that grief and loss of loved ones are a powerful motivator. It is that motivation that drives our warriors to step outside these mountains with nothing more than a bow and arrow and fight for what right. Never lose that motivation, Hettie, always strive for what is right.

I stared sadly at Jake, still grieving myself as I no doubt will me for days to come, as the words of the Elder of The Country's Warriors words rang in my mind. 

Jake reached out for Neytiri's hand as she accepted it, both of them standing and facing Tsu'tey. I could see the uncertainty in Tsu'tey's eyes and the acceptance as he met Jake's eyes. I could see the very change in Tsu'tey as he stepped back a bit from Jake, waiting for Jake to speak and not looking at all enraged at Neytiri and Jake together. I stared sadly at the gear around Tsu'tey's neck, the mark of the Olo'eyktan. Things really have changed in such a short time, for all of us.

"With your permission, I will speak now." Jake said lowly, still in pain I can tell from his voice. I looked out over the Na'vi, waiting for an answer, as Jake continued to speak, "I will speak now. You would honor me by translating." Jake said, Tsu'tey bowing his head once to Jake in a sign of respect. I wondered if Jake had not learned enough of Na'vi to tell The People what he wishes to tell them.

Tsu'tey really has changed, that is the most humble thing I have ever seen the proud Na'vi warrior do. I stepped forward to watch as Tsu'tey turned to The People, Jake with Neytiri at his side stepped forward.

What's going through your mind, Jake?

"The sky people have sent us a message." Jake spoke, the Na'vi slowly standing. Tsu'tey immediately translated after Jake's words, making sure all the gathered Na'vi can hear.

"That they can take whatever they want." Jake continued, my ear dropping as I remembered the pained screams and cried of grief at Hometree, the teacher I could not save falling over the edge, The People around me hunting, grieving, or in incredible pain. Tsu'tey once more translated Jake's words, and actually translated them perfectly instead of calling Jake any names. I was honestly surprised.

"And no one can stop them." Jake said. I looked at Jake in confusion, feeling the grief racking my soul. These words were not those that would help the Na'vi, and I saw the grief in the crowd in every pair of eyes I met. I couldn't understand why Jake would speak of this, speak of the pain we all have suffered these past few days. I felt a small hand grab onto my freely hanging hand and looked down, meeting Ca'lil's innocent and saddened eyes as she looked up at me with such trust that my shattered soul trembled in pain. I don't know how such a small child can put all of her trust in me, in a sky person who failed her parents, her people.

I took a deep breath, holding onto Ca'lil's hand and giving her as best of a smile as I could, mask still firmly in place. IF I can give the young one any hope, that I will try my hardest to do so.

"Well we will send them a message." Jake said louder, determination strong in his voice, making me look up with wide eyes, seeing Neytiri look at Jake in confusion at his words, all the Na'vi now standing.

"You ride out as fast as the wind can carry you." Jake said, making my ears perk up and my eyes widen, hope and, dare I say it, excitement rise in me for The People. Tsu'tey looked at Jake in surprise before translating.

"You tell the other clans to come." Jake said with such determination that I stepped forward, Mo'at taking Ca'lil's little hand as I stood next to Tsu'tey, staring at Jake in shock. Tsu'tey translated Jake words with determination rising in his voice as well.

"You tell them Toruk Makto calls to them!" Jake shouted. I grinned widely, tail swishing in hope. Jake, the dumb Jarhead I met on Hell's Gate, is restoring hope to The People who had no hope left. I met Tsu'tey's eyes as I grinned, a grin on his face too as he translated Jake's words proudly.

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