𝟐𝟔| Tension

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"Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean."
—Maya Angelou

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"Good morning, mama Uchiha." Shisui greeted with a grin on his face as he entered the kitchen.

"Shisui!" A wide smile enveloped Mikoto's face as she embraced Shisui in a tight, motherly hug. Once she let go, she immediately whacked him on the head. "That's for not visiting me sooner! You think you're all grown now that you can't visit your mother."

A blush grew on his cheeks. He cherished and adored his own mother with his heart and soul, but considering she was busy all the time looking after his father after he had lost his leg and weakened his Sharingan during the war it was rare that he could visit them on a free schedule. As Itachi was his best friend, he had spent a lot of time around him and his family, and Mikoto became a second mother to him- babying him when she needed to and scolding him whenever he was reckless. He absolutely loved Mikoto, in his eyes she was emotionally strong and independent, and wasn't afraid to speak her mind.

"I haven't been here for a long time and you're already scolding me!" Shisui whined, a huge pout on his lips.

Mikoto rolled her eyes, but there was a warm smile on her face. "Stop acting like a baby, you're twenty-one." She teased.

"Yes, but I will always be your baby whether you like it or not." He beamed.

She let out a laugh, her dark, onyx eyes softening. "Of course you are, at least one of my sons remember me. Itachi is out over-working like usual despite being sick and Sasuke is out all the time doing who-knows-what? I do hope he's safe out there."

"Sasuke's a big boy." Shisui assured comfortingly. "I'm sure he's alright, he has Kakashi as a Sensei and Kei to also watch his back so I doubt they'd let him do anything stupid. And don't worry too much about Itachi. Don't tell him this, but I asked the Hokage to decrease the amount of missions he takes so he doesn't over do it."

Mikoto sighed in relief, holding her hand to her heart. "Thank you Shisui, you're an absolute angel I tell you! So what have you been up to lately? I haven't seen you around a lot."

Shisui smiled nervously. This could either turn out good, or bad, there was no in between.

"Well..." he strung out, with his hands behind his back. "I got a new job, surprise!"

Her eyes widened. "You got a new job? When? As what? With whom? Does it pay well? For how many days? Why didn't you tell me sooner? How is it?" She fired questions immediately.

The short-haired Uchiha chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "A couple of weeks ago, I had to start straight away because they wanted to see if I was suitable for the job."

Shaking her head, she poured herself some water and took a small sip. "What's your job?"

He gulped. "You're looking at the newest member of Konoha's Torture and Interrogation Force!" He did dramatic jazz hands.

Mikoto spat out her water.


Shisui laughed awkwardly, slowly backing away when she lowered her glass onto the table. "Ah... well."

He couldn't exactly tell her the real reason why he joined the Konoha's T&I team solely because he acted on a whim and impulsively submitted his application in hopes his reliable resources were correct. The truth was, he hadn't really quit his job at the Police Force, but instead requested some time off so that it wouldn't be a hassle managing two jobs at the same time. The first reason was that it paid more and his family needed all the money that they could get despite Mikoto's awfully generous donations that he refused to accept, secondly he was gathering intel and although it could land him in a lot of trouble it was worth a shot if it meant finding a lead.

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