Aphmau froze as she looked around and counted all of the cats. Eight. Oh no.

Panic broke out among the girls. How did one get away?

"Okay. Okay. Okay. Calm down!" Katelyn told Aphmau. "First things first, we don't have a litter box. These things can let themselves go at any moment; we need to contain them."

Aphmau took a deep breath.

"Right. Where should we put them?"

"Let's put them in your room," Katelyn suggested. Aphmau quickly denied the idea since Celestia was in her room right now, yet Katelyn kept persisting.

"I don't want to put the cats in my room!" Aphmau argued.

"Why not? You love cats," Katelyn countered.

"Because I don't have a litter box either. Where are they going to pee?"

"They can pee on your Levi poster."

"Don't bring Senpai into this!"

They continued to argue until they finally agreed to put the cats in the guest bathroom. Katelyn opted to move the cats herself while Aphmau looked around for the ninth cat.

"Make sure to check every inch of this house," Katelyn advised. "Cats are like liquids; they can fill up anything they put their mind to."

With that, Aphmau searched around the house and was soon joined by Katelyn when she moved the cats to the guest bathroom.

When Aphmau was searching the basement, she heard Katelyn yell for her from upstairs. Aphmau ran back up to see Katelyn looking at the guest bathroom. The door was open, and all the cats were gone. They hadn't been gone for more than ten minutes, and somehow the cats were able to turn the doorknob and escape.

"Katelyn, what did you do?!" Aphmau yelled, immediately putting the blame on her roommate.

"What did I do? I did nothing; the door was closed!"

"Uh huh. Sure. It's not like these cats are any different from other cats."

At that moment, Aphmau's phone buzzed. She pulled it out to see that she had gotten a text from an unknown number.

"Maybe they are magic cats," they texted. "Maybe they're not magic cats. Who knows? You'd be surprised what is actually canon."

Aphmau looked around the room, confused about how some stranger knew of the conversation and why they kept talking about things being "canon". Before she was able to bring it up to Katelyn, she noticed that Katelyn was running around, searching for the cats. When Katelyn noticed her, she snapped,

"Well, don't just stand there. Those cats could be peeing on your Levi poster right now!"

At the mention of Levi, Aphmau screamed,

"My Senpai!" Dropping the phone, Aphmau ran upstairs to her room, completely forgetting the weird text.

The moment Aphmau ran into her room, she froze on the spot.

Surrounding her bed were eight of the sweater cats, and on top of her bed was Celestia, cowering. This wouldn't have been so surprising if it hadn't been for the fact that the cats were all talking.

"A dog lives here," one of them said.

"That dog smells!"

"This is a catastrophe!"

Aphmau tried to call for Katelyn, but she couldn't seem to find her voice. She had seen a lot of weird things in her life, but this was by far the weirdest. She shook her head lightly to come to her senses.

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