Ch14: Phase Two

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Kuma had been right it was a hell of a long night.

Imori and Sai has managed to minimise the insults thrown around as he mediated the conversation and pointed them to towards how they were going to spread distrust and chaos the next day.

They made a list.

· Transformation jutsus.

· Spreading rumours and misinformation.

· Traps.

· Illusions.

· Torture.

· Emotional manipulation.

Sai mentioned that they shouldn't be above killing genin just to create discord. And just like that, a little red arrow put killing genin at the top of their list.

The three had eaten dinner and then Sai had went back to his apartment, promising them he'd be there bright and early to drag them out of bed if need be.

Not one to lie, before the sun had even risen Sai kept his promise. So there they were, freshly dressed and weaponry hidden, sitting at Marisol and Nakoda's cafe eating breakfast.

"Oh I was positive the boys would bring you along after yesterday," Marisol chirped as she gave them their drinks from the tray she carried. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sai."

Imori and Kuma never really came two days in a row, but she apparently she had gotten a feeling they would and had set up shop a little earlier than usual. It also meant that she was baking earlier than usual, so there was more prep time for her to plan for the busy day ahead.

Sai just watched the older lady smile in his direction before flittering back to the kitchen, humming a merry little tune. He looked at the boys sitting opposite him. Both looked far too relaxed for the chaos they'd ensue today.

"She's rather spritely for an old ba-old lady." Sai corrected himself, remembering the glares he'd received the day prior.

"She's always been like that," Kuma sipped his chocolate milkshake and shrugged. "You'll get use to her soon enough. Marisol is honestly too kind to us."

"Oh, will I?"

"Yeah, it's kind of inevitable," Imori smirked from behind his vanilla milkshake. "Are you afraid you might catch some emotions?" He asked, cheekily. He seemed pleased when Sai's neutral expression flickered in what he assumed to be annoyance, as Marisol soon brought over their toasted sandwiches and muffins.

They ate sporadically with intermittent conversation about the second phase of the exams. When they had ate their fill and were ready to leave, Marisol walked them to the door. "You boys come back soon, okay?"

"Sure thing, nan. See ya, Gramps!" Kuma grinned, and sent a wave back at Nakoda who just swung his knife around in response. Sai had been quiet until the old lady unexpectedly ruffled his hair. "Yes?"

She chuckled at his dumbfounded expression, "that goes for you too, young man. I expect to see you back here sometime. And please, call me, nan."

"Okay... nan."

The woman grinned as the boys left. She watched as Imori and Kuma laughed at their friends expense, nudging him as they walked away. Surely teasing him about caving and calling her nan but she didn't mind. Marisol was just glad that the boys had found someone they were happy around. She only hoped that it'd last.


The boys had quickly filled out the required forms and were leaning against the wall, waiting to be called into one of the sound proofed tents to collect either their heaven or earth scroll.

SHADOWS OF THE VILLAGE (Naruto)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora