Chapter 4: Newt

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^ Imori

The boy almost jumped out of his skin in fright. He hadn't expected any words to be shared between strangers. They hadn't for four years, so why would they now? Pain flared across his midsection, his right bandaged arm was supporting the jolted area as he controlled his heart rate.

Imori had only just gotten back from a messy mission the night before, trained and then his brother decided to punch him that morning. Oh, the joy of having a brother.

Sakura felt a little guilty when he sent her an annoyed look, one that she was getting use to. Sasuke had sent her many of those already, after she and Ino had been overheard talking about the cute boys in class. Mainly Sasuke.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you," she apologised quickly, noting how he tilted his head to listen and reapplied the ice. "I'm glad you're not as hurt as you were when we saw each other the last few times. You scared me a bit but I think you would've scared most people, showing up like... that."

"Covered in blood? It's been a while since then."

Sakura was quiet. She hadn't expected him to actually engage in conversation with her. But the strange boy had. His tone didn't fluctuate or possess any emotion, albeit a little hoarse. Did he actually want to have this conversation?

"... yeah. How'd that happen anyway?"

"How do you think - uh," the boy saved himself by changing his words. He only meant to be sarcastic, not going to spill any secrets. Damn seal. He coughed, trying to rid himself of a familiar tingle at the back of his throat.

"A bee hive." He then paused, thinking of how to lie further about what had happened, because it was clear she didn't believe him - the raised eyebrow was a dead giveaway. It was a pretty shit lie.

After a few minutes, it appeared that he gave up, shaking his head. The bee hive story would have to do. Either lie well or don't speak at all. This was something he had often forgotten.

"It's okay if you can't tell me. I know bees can't cause wounds like that," Sakura inferred, resting her chin on her hand. There were many causes of injured ribs but none of them were favourable, Sakura didn't want to think about them either. "Maybe one day you can? And even then if you can't, I'd be okay with that."

The boy shrugged, stretching out his aching legs before recrossing them. He could be polite. He definitely didn't have to be, but he found himself... curious. Danzo-sama would have his head if he ever voiced this. But still, he wondered why this girl was so eager to talk.

Probably because she doesn't know what you are.

His grey eyes found the river as his left, unbandaged hand dipped in. This was one of the few places, a shadow of the village was allowed. He had proven his loyalty many times over the years but Danzo-sama wasn't through with him just yet. He still felt emotions at times, and that was not allowed in the Foundation or Root. It wouldn't last. It couldn't, if either of the boys were to survive.

"What's your name?" Sakura asked. Her gaze remained on the odd boy as his hand dragged through the clear river. She didn't feel the need to impress the boy, as she did with her classmates. He just accepted her in his presence and she was more than happy with that.

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