Chapter 3: Collision

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^ Kuma.

< Weeks later >

Imori and Kuma had been tirelessly working out since sun up. They'd been running laps around the village, practicing pushing chakra through their limbs to destroy targets placed at various points. It didn't matter if their jutsus were strong if they weren't physically fit and able to fight.

They were just in casual clothes as they had the day off after returning from their mission the night prior. Imori's dark blue hair was complemented by his black shirt with blue spots and black shorts. There were bandages wrapping his neck, just above his collarbone and down his whole right arm to the finger tips. The bandages were vital in hiding their brandings they had been given, as any adult shinobi that had knowledge of the foundation, may recognise it.

Kuma's black shirt with red stripes at the hem and black shorts, complemented his dark red almost black hair and dark eyes. He had the same bandages wrapping his neck but down his left arm to the finger tips.

Both were also wearing weights they had acquired in the Land of Waves, curtesy of the Demon himself, that were filled with chakra. They could barely move for the first few days of having them, dragging their legs along so much that Kuma ended up cramping.

Zabuza sensei had insisted they practice pushing chakra into their legs to help with their tasks given to them by Gato, on behalf of the Foundation. Now, five weeks later they were thriving.

Zabuza was a great mentor for the boys and they were glad that the Foundation had their training in mind, even though it would be used against them later. They hoped that somehow they would avoid the fight to the death but it felt inevitable.

"Ignoring the hive for a moment. Do you know what you want to do when you grow up?" Imori leapt over the river not wanting to get his feet wet. "You never did answer me last time."

"Didn't I?" Kuma slid under a low branch quickly getting to his feet. "I want to help people, Imori. Maybe I'd become a med-nin? Then I'd learn to fix your ear." He let out a shaky breath, as they rounded the last bend of their run. "But we both know the hive would never allow it. You?"

"I don't think I'd be good at anything else, other than a normal shinobi. Oh, I also want to research the use of a newt's neurotoxins in weaponry." Imori's heart was in his mouth for the last stretch and was unable to respond further, as they sprinted to the gate.

Kuma's laughter was contagious as he shoved Imori towards a tree. A smirk formed on Imori's face as he rolled around the trunk, pushing chakra into his legs as he charged into the red head elbows first.

Both boy's fists and even weapons clashed frequently as they sped towards the gates, neither wanting to come last. They were so caught up in their race that they didn't see a group of genin exiting the gates.

The horrified expressions of the genin would've been funny if Imori and Kuma weren't colliding with them. The blonde girl squealed, the larger framed boy shouted and the pineapple haired kid just accepted their fate, as the five of them tumbled to the ground.

The shocked genin watched as the strange boys got to their feet and launched themselves at the gate. "I won!" They both shouted simultaneously, a frown forming on their faces.

"If you let go then I'll win, yeah?" Kuma asked with a laugh, his right hand firmly on the green wooden gate. "You'd have to kill me," Imori retorted, left hand on the gate and his right hand hovering over his ninja pouch.

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