Heart Broken

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[Harrys POV]

[Two Months Later]

The boys all laugh when Jimmy Fallon makes a joke. All of them except for me. I stare at my hands, lost I thought. I've lost her. For two months, I had lost the best thing that has ever happened to me. All because I became this jealous douche bag. I've finally gotten to the point to where I don't care anymore.

I have let my curls become longer. I have dark circles around my eyes from my lack of sleep. I have a 5 o'clock shadow. To say the least, I look like complete shit. Anyone can tell that me loosing Kat has taken a huge toll on me.

My stomach growls in approval. Hell, I don't even remember the last time I ate something.. last week, maybe. I blink away the tears that threaten to escape my eyes as I scan the audience looking for her.

She hasn't came to a One Direction get together in over a month. I was starting to get worried about her, until Louis informed me that he saw her with that dick Austin. They were leaving a small cafe when he passed them.

They're probably a thing now that I'm out of the picture. a lot of girls squeal as I look in the crowd, probably thinking I'm looking at them. I'm not.

Nialls laughter brings me out of my thoughts. I look around as everyone is laughing. I fake a smile and a chuckle, completely oblivious to what's going on. Everyone turns their attention to Jimmy who's trying to balance a spoon on his nose but fails epically.

After about an hour of him making a complete ass of himself, they finally call for a 10 minute break. I'm the first one off the stage as I hurry out the doors and make my way outside and up to the roof top.


I lean against the railing and look over New York City. It had finally gotten dark out, which made the city light up. I take in deep, steady breaths, calming myself down. I felt nauseous.

I placed my head in my hands and let the tears fall. "How could I be so stupid?!" I say aloud. I continue letting the tears fall, quietly sobbing to myself. I didn't care who saw. I hate myself for letting her go. I deserve all of this pain. This misery.

The entrance to the backstage opened as a figure approached me. I kept my head down "I'll be in in just a sec" I say, trying to calm my voice down abit. It's raspy from my crying. "Mate" it's Louis. He steps beside me as I look up to him. I probably look pathetic. Crying over someone I could of easily kept. I wipe my eyes and nose on my sleeve and look back out to the city. Instead of talking or lecturing me, he places his hand on my back and rubs it softly, calming me down.

"You have to call her" I say "Tell her I'm sorry. I've tried about a dozen times but she won't answer my calls or my texts" I look to him. He looks down then back to me "I've tried writing her on Facebook, Twitter, even through my email and nothing" I feel tears come to the corners of my eyes again.

"Mate, I hate to say it but..." He pauses. I look down to the city, knowing what he's about to say. "Why don't you try and forget about her? She'll come around. She has too" He says, comfortingly. "I don't think she will" I say, blinking away the tears.

Louis continues staring at me "Me and the guys are gonna go out tonight, you should come" he suggests. I look back to the city, thinking. "It'll be fun" he says. I look to him as a grin plays on his lips. I stand up straight and half laugh, wiping my eyes again "Yeah, sure" I place my hands in my back pockets. Louis places an arm around my shoulders "Come on" he says smiling, as we make our way back inside.


I come down the stairs at Louis's apartment in my usual black fedora, black see through button up shirt, black skinny jeans, and my black boots. This was my usual "Going Out" attire. I walk into the living room to find Niall, Louis, and Zayn all sanding, waiting for me. I grin as I approached them.

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