First Day

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[Kats POV]

Beep. Beep. Beep.

 I watch the heart moniter as Harry sleeps. He's got a cut under his left eye and a spranged wrist. I sit beside him in the hospital, holding his right hand. The boys all came to visit earlier that day. Harry's mom said she was going home to shower and change but would be back shortly. That was an hour ago.

Today was my first day at SI and I only had two hours to get ready and go. I texted Dez from my phone, letting him know that I might be late, but I explained what happened. He told me not to worry about coming in today, saying that I can just come in tomorrow. I thanked him and apologized again but he brushed it off, assuring me that Harry needs me now more than ever.

I honestly couldnt agree more, but I hate blowing off work because Harry desided to be an idiot and go out drinking instead of facing his problems. I shake my head and give his hand a light squeeze. I look at him. His chest still moving. Up and Down. I watch his chest, lost in thought.

"How's he?" I turn to find Zayn in the threshold. I smile at him then look back to Harry "He's okay".  I smile at Harry, watching his chest rise up and fall back down. They had hooked up an oxygen tank to his nose and had an IV in his arm. My eyes glossed over and my bottom lip began to quiver. Zayn stands on the opposite side of Harry, looking at him "This isnt our fault Kat" he says. I look at him, then back to Harry. "I know, but I mean he heard you in the background on the phone and he hung up on me a-and" I couldnt finish the sentence. I put my head down, crying silently.

Zayn comes over behind me, rubbing my back softly "Wanna step outside for some air?" he asks. I sniff and nod. I place Harry's hand beside him, then follow Zayn out of the room, letting the nurse know i'd be back shortly to stay with him again.

I wrap my arms around myself, sniffling every so often. Zayn pulls out a cigarette and lights it. He's started smoking, and not only cigarettes. We stand by his jeep, both keeping quiet. I look to him and he's staring at me. He grins, then takes another hit of his cigarette.

"So, your my pretend girlfriend" he smiles. We both laugh slightly "yeah" is all I can say. "You dont think they will like.. make us kiss and all that do you? Because that would be weird considering your like my sister and all that" I look at him, grinning. I'm just glad that the feelings are mutal. It would be weird kissing Zayn, although, before I met the One Direction boys, I have to admit, I'd thought about kissing all of them. Just thinking about the past causing me to blush. Zayn notices "What?" He asks, smiling. I shake my head, biting my lip, looking away. He finishes his cigarette and drops the butt, squishing it under his boot to put out the fire. "I-I dont know, but I totally agree with you. It would be weird. I mean not weird in a bad way. I mean like.." I look back to him, and he's smiling. "You know what I mean" I say, half laughing. 

"And I dont think I can take another arguement with Harry. He was so protective over you. Almost like you two were" he stops, smiling. I look at him and smile too "n-no.. we are just really close is all" I lie, but smile. I felt bad lieing to Zayn, but I promised Harry I'd keep it a secret till things calmed down with Modest. "Yeah, I heard that the night we stayed there... You all doing the.." He stops. I look at him as he begins doing sexual motions with the air, causing me to giggle.

"Ugh" I groan, and playfully shove his arm. We both laugh. It felt good to laugh. Zayn steps closer to me so a lady could get into her car that Zayn parked next to. I look up at him and he looks down at me, our faces inches apart. She finally pulls out and leaves. We stay standing this way. He leans down and my heart begins to race. His lips slightly touch mine, and I turn my face, causing him to kiss my cheek instead. He pulls back, slightly confused. "W-We should go in, yeah?" I step away, smiling to him. He smiles "yeah" and we both go back up to Harry's room, smiling.


I pull up to SI and kill the engine. The last time I was here was when Dez offered me the job and Harry completely lost it. Speaking of Harry, I send a quick message to Anne asking how he was and told her that I felt bad leaving him this morning. She told me not to worry, said that he's okay and resting. Said she talked to the doctor and they said the ywere going to keep him another night to be on the safe side.

I thanked her and put my phone in my pocket, after turning it off and looked up at SI. "Well, here goes nothing" I say as I steop out of my car. I wore a short sleeved shirt supporting my favorite TV show (Switched At Birth), and my short blue jean shorts and converse. I take a steady breath and make my way up the steps and into SI.

I walk inside and make my way up to Janice's desk. She was on the phone when I approached. She was writing something down. She spots me and smiles, pointing to the sofa. I nod and take a seat on the sofa, knotting my fingers on my lap, biting my lip, looking at my feet.

A door opens and I look up to see Dez and... I dont believe it.. AUSTIN BUTLER!! The Austin Butler!! Standing infront of me "Well I hope your son gets to feeling better" He smiles at Dez. Then he turns and looks at me, smiling. "Hey" he says. HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Austin Butler just said hey to me. I smile "Hi" I squeak. " Kat, glad you could make it" Dez says, smiling at me. I look to him finally breaking eye contact with Austin. "How's Harry?" He asks, concerned. "He's good. Anne's with him now" I say, looking back to Austin who winks at me, then gets some papers from Janice. "Did they say when they were going to release him?" Dez asks me. I look back to him "tomorrow" I smile. "Good. I'm glad he's better. So ready for your first day?" He smiles, and I nod. "Good, take a seat in my office and your trainer will be there shortly" he says. I smile, then glance to Austin, who's smiling at me. I smile back, then turn and go into Dez's office, smling like crazy. 

I'd been sitting here for ten minutes when the door opens. I look up and instead of seeing Dez or Janice, Austin was standing there. He shuts the door, locking it, then sits infront of me. "Your my trainer?" I ask, smiling. "Is that a problem?" He asks, smiling back. I cant help but get butterflies everytime he makes eye contact with me. Those beautiful blue eyes. His full plump pink lips. I bite my lip, then shake my head smiling. "Not at all". "Good" He says. I half laugh then look at him again. "So, lets begin" He says, handing me a pen. 


We ended up finishing my paperwork in time for lunch. Austin offered for me to grab some lunch with him since I didnt think to pack anything. I agreed, seeing no harm in it. I signed the last paper, and we both stand. We head out of the office, dropping off the papers to Janice who watched us with close eyes. I smiled to her and we made out way to the nearest coffee shop.

Thirty minutes later, we come back into the building, laughing and smiling. I look at Austin who is looking at me, smiling "Thanks for lunch. I probably would of starved if it wasnt for you" I say, smiling. We get onto the elevator and wait "anytime" he says. The doors open and we step out. We are chatting again. I laugh then look forward "Harry" I smile. He turns around with a big smile on his face, that quickly vanishes when he see's Austin. I look at Austin, who's looking at Harry "See you later Kat" he say. I watch him go back into the office, then I look back to Harry. He's mad. Shit.

Determined (Book Two) [HarryStyles-OneDirectionFanFiction] **COMPLETED**Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon