You Bought A What?

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[Kat's POV]

Thank God! Work is finally over. dont get me wrong, I love my job but todays the day harry gets to go home. I've been counting down the hours, minutes, and seconds till I got off and now that time has finally came and I couldnt be more excited. As soon as Dez told me I could leave, without a second to spare, I jumped up and clocked out. I told him why I was in such a hurry to leave and he told me I had every right to be. I couldnt contain my happiness much. Hell even Austin noticed today how happy I was. With the premiere of Mocking Jay Part One coming out tomorrow, I planned on spending the entire day with Harry, wrapped up in a blanket, watching some stupid love story on Netflix, wrapped around one another's embrace, eating junk food till we vomit. That says perfect day to me. 

I wave goodbye to Janice and Austin and make my way to the elevator. I push the down button and wait. The doors open and I step on. I turn and push the down button and the doors close. I look out the glass walls, deep in thought. Harry was so mad when he dropped by today. He had came by to give me lunch, and I hadnt even texted him to see how he was. I was so busy today with getting an offical tour of SI and filling out my paper work, Harry had slipped my mind for once. I had tried texting him after he left, but he completely ignored me. I glance at my phone, and still nothing. I sigh, and look back out the wall. The seconds turn into minutes, and I become more and more aggravated. It finally comes to a hault, and the doors open. I step out and take off full speed to my car, receiving some awkward stares. I didnt care. I was much closer to seeing Harry.

I reached my car and fiddled with my keys till I found the right one. I unlocked my door and quickly climbed in. It was rather hot today. I turned on the AC and threw my car in reverse. I put the car in drive, and turn on the radio. My favorite song "23" came on the radio. I crank it up, and sing loudly. I recieve awkward stares by the people crossing the street. I smile and wave to them and continue singing. I pull out of SI's parking lot and speed my way home.


I walk into the house and it smells amazing. I take my coat off and hang it up. I take off my converse and place them on the floor beside Harry's. I start to head to the kitchen when I notice someone on the stares. I slowly peak around and smile instantly "Harry" I say. He stands up "Hey Kitty" He picks me up in a hug, swinging me around. I giggle which causes him to smile. He puts me back down and places a soft kiss on my lips. I kiss him back, feeling all soft and fuzzy inside. I love moments like this. When we kiss and there's this spark. I pull him closer to me, kissing him back. He pulls back slowly, but rests his forehead against mine "I made dinner. Its your favorite". I pull back arms length "good, Im starving" I say, and head to the kitchen with him quickly on my heels. 

We reach the kitchen and he has the table set for two. There's two plates on plate mats, with the silver ware on each side of the plate. Kind of like what you see in a romance movie. There's a lit candle inbetween the two plates. They both are already made, with lasagna on both of them. I smile and look around. He went all out on this. He placed a rose on the table too. There's also a little basket on the table. I walk up and look in it. It has my favorite cookies in it too. I turn and look to him, smiling like crazy. I place my hands on his waist and pull him to me. He places his hands on my waist too, staring down in my eyes "You did all this for me?" I ask. He nods "And this is just the start of it all, baby" He says. The moment "baby" leaves his lips, my heart begins to race. I bite my lip and he leans down and kisses me. I smile and kiss him ever so passionately. He takes ahold my my waist and props me up on the table. I wrap my legs around him, pulling him to me. I make my hands to the front of his shirt, and start to unbutton the buttons. He finds my hands and holds them. I break off and look at him, slightly confused. He smiles "after dinner". I pout but not, recieving an approval from my stomach. Harry steps back, holding my hands. I hop off the table and give him a quick kiss on the lips. He kisses me back, then guides me over to my side of the table. He pulls out my chair for me, and I take a seat as he pushes me back in. He sits across from me, and takes my hand in his. He strokes my hand, then we both begin to eat.

Dinner was amazing! We step out into the hallway with our fingers intertwined. I turn to say something to him but he pushes me against the wall and presses his lips to mine. My fingers find his curls as I deepen the kiss. I pull him closer to me, and he grabs my hips again. I step back to jump up, but he grabs me and throws me over his shoulder. I squeal and softly hit his back "Harry!! Put me down!!" I giggle. I feel his body shake underneath me hearing his laughter. "I will once we get to your other surprise". "Other surprise?" I ask and my mind begins to swim with ideas of what it could be.

The bath was hot as I slipped in. Harry agreed to give me some privacy to get inot the tub alone. Yeah, we've seen each other naked before, but still. I felt awkward. I slouched back, throwing my hair into a bun to keep it fron getting wet, then smiled "Okay, you can come in now". The door creaked open and a shirtless Harry approaches.

"About damn time" he says, smiling. I grin at the water sloshes up slightly, covering my breasts. I stare at him, looking at all his tattoos. I look at the one we got together, and smile as the memories flood back into my head. I begin to smile, and he notices. He chuckles and sits on the side of the tub, staring down at the water. "Like what you see?" I ask, giggling. He smirks " I cant really see much.. Maybe I should join you so I can get a closer look" he winks. He stands up and unbuttons his pants and pulls them down to his ankles and steps out of them. He puts his thumbs in the top part of his boxers and stops "close your eyes, and no peaking" he says. I smile then close my eyes, squeezing them shut. I hear him take off his boxers, then shuffles to the tub again "Slide forward" he says at almost a whisper. I smile, keeping my eyes shut, and do as I'm told.

It takes him a minute before he slips in the tub behind me. By this time I have already opened my eyes, and my heart has began to race. I feel his arms slip around my waist, and his hands rest on my thighs. His legs are on either side of me and his kees are bent, poking up slightly just above the water. I look fron his knees, to him and smile. He kisses my cheek, causing me to smile and slightly blush. He trails kisses to my neck, then to my shoulder. I bite my lip slighly, and rub under his thighs as he continues making his way back to my neck. He plants one more kiss unerneath my ear then he whispers "I bought a house". I still, as the words finally click... He bought a house.

I smile then look back to him "you bought a what?" I say. He smiles "A house. For us" his smile slowly fades "Do you not want a house with me?" he asks, suddenly regretting his decision. "Its a shock" I say as he looks down "But I love it" I say. He looks up at me, and his one dimpled smile returns. "When do we get the keys?" I ask. he looks at me, noticing how excited I am and he answers "two days" he says smiling. I bire my lip, smiling. He bought a house for the two of us. I climb ontop of him, sloshing water everywhere, and begin kissing him. Our kisses become more intimate as I rock my hips back and forth on his length that hardens within seconds. He bites my lip, causing a moan to escape my mouth. He smiles and posistions himself underneath me. I smile and moan aloud as he enters me, slowly. He starts a rythem that I catch onto almost immediately. We both begin moving faster and I can feel my legs begin to shake. "Harry, im gonna.." but I dont finish. I tilt back my head as the moans become louder. I can tell Harry's getting close to because his grip on my waist becomes harder. "Come for me baby" he demands. And that when I come undone around him. He stills as he empties himself inside me. My hands find his curls again, and I rub his scalp softly. I lean down and kiss him ever so softly. He smiles and kisses me back. God do I love this man! We both dont say anything, just lay there in the tub, wrapped in one anothers embrace. Now this, this is much better than any day with Netflix.

All I can say about this chapter is wow.. and Awwwh <3 Way to cute huh?? I cant wait to see what their house looks like!! Pictures will be provided :P Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Comment/Rate! Love you guys x

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