𝗈𝗉𝖾𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗇𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍

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Medley arrived to New York to watch Rachel in her Funny Girl show

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Medley arrived to New York to watch Rachel in her Funny Girl show. She was so proud of Rachel and happy for her.

Medley was a lot more happier ever since she's been with Puck, she doesn't know what it is but knowing she is in love with him and in love with someone who accepts her and loves her back makes everything bright.

She knocked of Rachel's dressing room door and she opened it. Medley stood with a bouquet of flowers and handed them down to her.

"Hi!" She said as she brought her into a hug. "Hey," Medley replied, noticing her short bob.

"Oh, don't worry, it's a wig. Taking changes you know," Rachel replied back to her. "You excited?" Medley asked. "More nervous than excited but, I am living my dream." Rachel replied.

"5 minutes, Miss Berry." A man said as he walked in.

"I better go, I love you." Medley told her before walking out of the room and walking over to Mercedes and sitting down.

Tina popped the champagne bottle and everyone cheered.

"I'm going to have a big glass of that!" Rachel told everyone as she gave people a hug.

"Rachel, you were so great. I bawled during Who Are You Know? I had to blow my nose on Sam's sleeve." Mercedes told her. "This is suede." Sam said as he walked in.

"I'm sorry, you guys, I love you so much. I seriously I couldn't have done this without you," Rachel said as some flowers came in. "And your flowers from Quinn and Artie and Mike Chang and Puck and Figgins. Clearly you're loved by many,"

"Tonight, you are a star!"

Everyone cheered as they had a glass of champagne, Medley not having too much.

"Who wants to rub my feet? I haven't danced that hard since Nationals!" Santana said as she took her heels off and put her feet on the couch.

"I got the DJ's number!" Tina announced. "Tina, I told you the DJ is totally gay." Blaine said. "Gay? No!" Tina replied. "Are you blind?" Blaine asked her as they started to laugh.

"I'm going to make some coffee, guys. The reviews are coming out in thirty minutes." Rachel told everyone as she made coffee.

Then a man came out.

"I'll take my black, thanks." He said and everyone looked around confused. Medley played with Sam's hair as she tickled his face to try and wake him up. Mercedes didn't mind as she knew how close they were.

"Who are all you people?" The man asked.

"Oh, my God. You are the guy that walked out of my show last night! What are you doing in my apartment?" Rachel asked him and then Sue walked out.

"Aren't you all so rude?" She said as she kissed him.

"Oh my God, Sue had sex in your bed." Tina said. "Actually, we did all over the apartment. And if I were you I would put something down on that couch," she told everyone and Santana stood straight up.

Rachel started to kick off at Sue, Kurt tried not to laugh and Medley tried to wake Sam up.

We all started to clap for Rachel as she stood up to Sue and that finally woke Sam up.

Rachel stared down at the paper as everyone told her to open it, but she couldn't so she gave it to Kurt but he wouldn't take it so Santana took it.

"One might ask themselves, why? Why revive Funny Girl? An iconic show with an iconic star. Well I can give you one reason why and that is, Rachel Berry." Santana said and everyone started to read the paper.

Rachel smile grew bigger and bigger with every sentence read off by the group and then Rachel's phone started to ring and it was Mr Shue.

"Boy or girl?" Medley asked straight away. "It's a boy!" Everyone cheered.

"We're naming him Daniel. Daniel Finn Shuester." Will told everyone and they all awed. "How was the show?" He asked her. "It was amazing! How do you feel?" Rachel asked him.

"I feel... completely happy. How about you?" Mr Shue asked. "Same. I feel the exact same." Rachel told him. "I got to run."

"Okay, we love you! Bye!" They all shouted down the phone.

A PERFECT MISTAKE, 𝗇𝗈𝖺𝗁 𝗉𝗎𝖼𝗄𝖾𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗇Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang