𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗉𝗎𝗋𝗉𝗅𝖾 𝗉𝗂𝖺𝗇𝗈 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗃𝖾𝖼𝗍

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"What are you doing after graduation, Miss Holland?" Jacob asked Medley as she grabbed some books from her locker

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"What are you doing after graduation, Miss Holland?" Jacob asked Medley as she grabbed some books from her locker.

"I, umm, big plans. Yep, real big plans." Medley replied with, Jacob smiled weirdly at her before she walked away.

Truth us, she didn't know what she was going to do after graduation. She couldn't go to college because that would be too far away from home so no one could take care of Delilah and she couldn't leave Delilah with her mom.

Medley walked into the choir room and noticed the trophy's on the floor.

"We made it to Nationals last year. This year, I'm not going to let anything or anyone stop us from winning it all; I let you down last year. I lost focus, let some Broadway dream get in the way. We are three men down."

"That's because Quinn is MIA and Landon got bummed out that he didn't get Medley."

"He hardly talked to me or anyone, I kind of forgot he exist," Medley explained.

"I have inspiration, The Purple Piano Project. Whenever you see these pianos play a tune. No matter what you're doing!" Schuester told them, Brittany, Tina and Kurt jumped up to the pianos.

"For many of you, this is your last year. Let's make it special." Mr Schue said as Kurt jumped on top of the piano.

"Why are you guys ignoring Mr Schuester's assignment?" Rachel asked as she stopped at the table.

"Wait? There's a purple piano in here?" Finn asked. "Wow. How did any of us miss that?" Mercedes added on in sarcasm.

"Okay, we have to do a number!" Rachel said.

"We have to survive lunch." Artie replied back, he was right. "The point of the assignment was to find people who couldn't help but join. The more people that we sing in front of, the more chances of getting someone." Rachel explained it did make sense.

"It's simple mathematics." Rachel finished. "Which I stopped attending years ago." Puck said.

"Hold on, Rachel's right. How's anyone supposed to believe we can do Nationals without seeing us perform, right?"

Becky ran up to Rachel and threw peas at her, she ran away laughing. Then spaghetti was thrown at them. "Oh, god."

"Food fight!" Jacob shouted, Puck ran up to Medley and protected her from any food. Rachel stood there taking all of the food and nearly crying and all of the others threw it back.

Medley watched as everyone tried to wipe off food from themselves, she only had gotten a few bits of spaghetti and cola on herself.

"You guys sucked ass. I'm Sugar Motta, I have self-diagnosed Asberger's so I can pretty much say whatever I want. Here's the deal, I'm awesome and I want to be a big star and when I saw you guys singing and dancing I thought I'm so much better than you. Sorry, Asberger's."

"Well great, show us what you got." Mr Schue said and walked in the middle of the area.

After trying not to laugh she walked out after ruffling the piano man's hair. Rachel went on about how she would bring the New Directions down and it was all correct, she couldn't dance nor sing.

After Blaine performed the piano suddenly set on fire, they all watched in shock as it burned down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's hear it for Glee Club's newest member, Blaine Anderson." Mr Schue said and they all clapped.

"Were all going to go to Nationals!" Blaine said and they all clapped again.

"Is there a problem, Finn?" Mr Schue asked him.

"I just want Blaine to know that we aren't all bells and whistles or the ball hogging," Finn replied back to him. "I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" Blaine questioned Finn. "You set a bonfire in our courtyard."

"Actually, doorknob, it was a political protest." Santana corrected Finn.

"Which leads me to the next order of business. Santana, you need to leave. It was you and Cheerios that set fire to the piano. How could you do that?" Mr Schue asked as Medley leaned forward.

"Coach made me," Santana replied back, her voice laced with worry. "Brittany didn't do it."

"Well, yeah, I was going to help but I'm a water sign so..." Brittany replied back, Tina chuckled a little. "You're banned from Glee, don't come back until you've found loyalty for us." Santana stood up and looked around the room.

"I needed a break anyway." She said before walking out.

"Mr Schue, that's not right. It wasn't her fault!" Medley complained, she didn't want Santana to leave she had a great voice.

"Do you want to go to, Medley! You're welcome to leave with Santana and join back on the Cheerios. Is that what you want?" Mr Schue shouted to Medley, she sighed before picking up her bag.

"Fine." She said before leaving. "I'm sorry, Medley!" Mr Schuester shouted down into the hall but the brunette kept walking.

A PERFECT MISTAKE, 𝗇𝗈𝖺𝗁 𝗉𝗎𝖼𝗄𝖾𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗇Where stories live. Discover now