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"Nationals. Song selection, we will be kicking off our Vintage theme with the legendary Jim Steinman's 'paradise by the dashboard light' Rachel will do the solo 'it's all coming back to me." Mr Shue told them.

"We will be performing 'what a feeling' from Flashdance and I'm familiar with the choreography, of course, because I was Jenifer Beals' dance double and on that note please look under your chairs." Sue fold them.

They all looked under their chairs to find a box full of metal stuff.

"The best way to get props is to use props! A healthy dose of props and our plucky transsexual Porcelina and you are over the top." Coach announced.

Mr Shue went on to say if you don't want to try hard then leave and then Tina had an argument about not getting the solo and then stormed out.

"Since Porcelain refuses to be a team player and dress like a lady, we're gonna have to up our prop game. I've ordered 18 little people, one for each of you. Munchkins, I found them online."

"I can't dance with a little person, I can barely walk," Medley told Sue.

"You'll learn, M," Sue told her with a smile. "Let's spend less time on props and more time on choreography for Dash Board."

Then something that will never change their eyes walked in, Noah in a dress. "Hello!" Kitty said. "My eyes are burning..." Mercedes said as she covered her eyes. "I am strangely turned on right now!" Santana added on. "I am not!" Medley said.

"Please, only address me by my stage name, Lola." He said. "Puckerman, I respect your commitment to winning but without a doubt, you are the ugliest woman I've ever laid eyes on." Sue told him.

"It's not about being pretty, it's about someone in here having the balls to do what he has to do to put us over the top." Puck said noticing Medley trying her best not to laugh.

"If this is going to work get shaving."

"Enough! Puck, go change! For the next three hours we are learning choreography for dashboard."

Medley walked out of the school when she saw a bunch of people crowding around Puck who had a knife. She ran over to him and grabbed his wrist. "Puck, drop it!" She said to him and he did.

"Go home now! The shows over!" She said and everyone scattered off and went home.

Medley grabbed Puck's cheek and turned it so she could see the cuts. Medley grabbed his hand and dragged him to the locker room.

He cleaned up his wound on his arms before turning around to her.

She wet a towel before they sat down on the bench, she started to wipe the blood away.

"A knife, Noah? Seriously?" She asked him. "It's rubber, it's a prop." He told her. "You could have got into trouble for this!" She said to him as she finished wiping the blood.

"I don't care."

"Well, you should!" She yelled at him and he stood up. "I'm nothing! Don't you see, I'm the school failure. A joke! You don't know what it's like to be worthless, where nothing you do matters. I feel that way every day of my life!" He yelled back at her.

She turned around from him and wiped her tears. "Don't shout, please." She told him. He grabbed her hand gently and spun her around.

"I'm sorry.." he whispered, his voice breaking as he looked for something to wipe his tears on. "I'm so sorry..." he whispered again.

She pulled him into a hug, he cried on her shoulder. "It's okay." She said over and over again.

Medley was heartbroken as she watched his breakdown in front of her, she never thought she would ever see him like this.

A PERFECT MISTAKE, 𝗇𝗈𝖺𝗁 𝗉𝗎𝖼𝗄𝖾𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗇Where stories live. Discover now