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I rolled around on my wheelchair until I got to the home ec room

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I rolled around on my wheelchair until I got to the home ec room. I started to make cupcakes for the stupid bake sale that we had to do. I got everything perfectly measured and ready to go when I mixed everything.

"I didn't even know we had a home ec room," Puck said from beside me, I chuckled before pouring the dry ingredients together.

"What's all this?" He asked me. "Ingredients for the stupid bake sale," I tell him, he then grabbed my hand and placed money into it. I smiled and looked at him with grateful eyes.

"What's this for?" I asked him, placing the money back into his hands just for him to giving it back to me. "It's for doctor bills. I know you've been sonograms without me," he told me and I felt guilty immediately.

"That's fine if you don't want me to be there, I can deal with that but I want to go to the next one if that's okay with you?" He asked me, I nodded my head and smiled at him.

"You are such an egg head," I told him. He shook his head and replied with "I'm not."

My instinct was to be nice to him but I grabbed an egg and smashed it onto his head, I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing.

He then grabbed some flour and chucked it onto me, I giggled before grabbing chocolate powder and chucking it onto him.

He then grabbed the bowl and sprinkled it all over me, I screamed slightly before throwing more stuff. Our laughs, followed by screams, filled the home ec room.

Once we were done we started to get closer together, he moved a piece of hair out of my face and we leaned close, we went in to kiss one another but was cut off by two people.

"What the hell?" Finn asked, Quinn, smirking at me and raising her eyebrow. Finn didn't know Puck was the father, no one did other than Santana, Brittany and Quinn.

"We're baking!" I say holding my hands up. "I'm going to go and change," Puck told us all, walking out of the room.

We all sat around the cupcakes, I was sitting next to Santana and Puck. I felt eyes on my left and right, no matter where I go or what I do.

After we sold a cupcake to sweet Becky we had one dollar. "One dollar, is that it?" I asked. "Well did you see anyone buy a cupcake?" Finn pointed out in anger, I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked him, he shrugged his shoulders frustrated. "Finn, you can always tell me. I'm always-"

"Stop. Okay. I said I'm fine, I don't need to talk to you!" He shouted to me, I took a deep breath before feeling tears prick in my eyes, stupid hormones.

"I get you're frustrated but don't take it out on me, idiot!" I shouted back to him before wheeling away.

Pucks POV

"What was that all about, man? Medley was only trying to be nice." I tell Finn, he just shrugged his shoulders.

"She's pregnant, her hormones are crazy. Don't take your anger out on her, she was right you are an idiot." I tell him, he rolled his eyes before answering back to me.

"Nice support, you can clearly tell I'm upset."

"Well you clearly know that Medley is pregnant," I argue back with him, stopping his wheelchair from moving. "She doesn't even know who the dad is. Could be anyone knowing Medley." he spat causing me to jump onto him and punch him.

The wheelchairs fell and I ended punching him quite a few times before he did as well.

Medleys POV

We were sat around the tables of cupcakes and were surrounded by people who gave us money and took the cupcakes.

I looked over at Puck who counting the money and smiled brightly.

I cheered for Kurt even though he didn't hit the high note, he still rocked it.

I closed my locker before walking away just to be stopped by someone shouting me.

"I cracked open the piggy bank, it's for you. Well, it's for it."

"It is a she..."

The smile on his face made me smile at him. "Cool," he replied with making me chuckle a little as he seemed dazed it was a girl.

"I told you I wasn't a dead beat." He told me and I nodded my head. "And you're also not a thief, sometimes, I know this is from the cupcake fund. And it's really sweet of you to give it to me, for my- our baby but we can't steal from a friend in need." I tell him and he nodded his head.

"If you need money, I promise I will work extra hard, hell I'll even become a buss boy! My family comes first," He exclaimed, I laughed at him before hugging him.

"Thank you!" I whisper as he wraps his arms around me. "No problem,"

A PERFECT MISTAKE, 𝗇𝗈𝖺𝗁 𝗉𝗎𝖼𝗄𝖾𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗇Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt