Victor: We're getting attacked again!

Doreen: Yay!

Everyone looked at her.

Doreen: Not yay?

You looked out the window and saw a jet landing. A SHIELD jet.

Y/N: What the hell?

You walked out with everyone following. The jet landed and slowly turned off. The back door opened and a man in a suit walked out. He looked around before spotting all of you. He took off his glasses and smiled as he approached you.

???: You must be Monster! Huge fan.

He extended his hand which you shook.

He extended his hand which you shook

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???: I am Agent Coulson with SHEILD. You all have made some big splashes over the last few months. We would like to talk.

Y/N: We?

He held up a tablet which showed another man. One you recognized.

Director Fury: Hello Y/N

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Director Fury: Hello Y/N. It's nice to finally meet you.
You were all sitting in the living room as Coulson set up the tablet so Fury could see all of you. This was just plain out bizarre. Why did SHIELD want to talk to you? Was it because you've all been attacking Hydra?

Coulson: And there we go. Ok. Can everyone see fine?

Fury: Golden. Now let's get to business.

Y/N: And what would that be?

Fury: As of late, you and your team have been taking down Hydra bases we didn't even know of. You caught our attention pretty early on but we want to see what you all could do.

So you were right. This was about the team.

Fury: You have to understand that this can't go unnoticed by us. When we learned that it was you leading this team, I figured we could work something out.

You rasied a brow.

Cat: Ahat what would that be?

Fury looked at her and then back at you.

Fury: We want your team to work with SHEILD.

Everyone seemed surpised by this.

Robbie: Why? Don't you guys have the Avenegers and everyone else?

Fury: The Avengers need permission to enter other countries. Everyone does. However the whole lot of you don't. If you work with us you will serve as a Black Ops team of sorts. Going across enemy lines and getting information.

Molly: Like spies?

Fury: For a lack of better words. You'll be working in the shadows.

This was a offer to become legit. Wow. Talk about stepping up in the world.

Fury: And Y/N and Felicia won't have to reapply since they never technically left the Next Avengers Program.

You and Felicia looked at each other. You were still a part of that?

Fury: I can even cover for the both of you if you'd like.

That would be awesome. You looked back at everyone and they seemed on board with the idea. However...

Y/N: I have a few conditions. If you don't mind.

Fury: I thought you would.

Here we go.

Y/N: First off, we keep the name Strikers. I have final say on who joins the team and you won't kick anyone out. We need new uniforms and gear. We would also like our own housing cause Robbie is scared of heights.

Robbie: Deathly.

Y/N: Also preferably somewhere with a tree.

Doreen: I like trees.

Fury nodded and typed something on his computer. Coulson's device beeped and a digital contract appeared on screen.

Fury: Alright then. We can meet those demands. Surprisingly they're a lot less worse than Starks.

Coulson: You guys won't regret this. You immediately get level 5 clearance and access to the cafeteria. Food there is perfect.

Fury: You will also be attending school again. We nees you to be able to graduate.

Of course. Looks like you're doing that again.

Doreen: School? Do we have to?

Molly: Do we really have to?

Fury: Yes. We can't be letting our own be drop outs. You will be Agents of SHIELD if you sign.

You picked up the device and read oved the contract. Nothing in there that would screw you over. Everything looked to be in place.

Y/N: Alright. Well, I'm on board but I'll have to talk to the others.

Fury: Take your time.

Coulson held the device and talked to Fury while you talked it over with everyone.

Y/N: I read it over. There isn't anything there that will screw us. We'll also be getting a lot of benefits and money. If anything this will benefit us.

Tyrone: What if they turn us into libing weapons?

Cat: We take them down. It's not like they can really do anything to us.

Tandy: SHIELD can't do anything? They're the home security of the world.

Y/N: And we're the Strikers. They won't do anything. I actually trust Fury. On top of running Black Ops, we'll also be called on if there's a major threat. We'll be like actual Heroes.

No one had any arguments. Looks like everyone was in agreement. You turned back to Coulson.

Y/N: We came to an agreement.

Coulson: Awesome.

He handed you the device and you signed the contract. Everyone past it around and signed their names. You handed the device back to Coulson. He smiled and checked it over.

Fury: Seems like everything is in order. Welcome to SHIELD.

Everyone smiled. Coulson stood up and placed the device back to his pocket. You all showed him out before he turned around.

Coulson: We'll be contacting you once your new base of operations is ready. Until then you guys are free to continue what you're doing. As per the agreement we will also contact you if something happens. Hopefully that won't be anytime soon.

Y/N: Right. Well, have a safe flight.

Coulson smiled and waved before getting back on the jet. It the lifted up and took off.

Felicia: So we're agents now.

Molly: COOL!

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now