Why Did I Say Okie-Doki?

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"So Grian, what made you consider the Literature Club?"

I was afraid of getting this question. Something tells me that I shouldn't tell Xisuma that I was practically dragged here by Mumbo.

"Well, I hadn't joined any clubs yet, and Mumbo seemed really happy here, so..."

Xisuma looks at the blush that painted its way across my cheeks. "Hey, don't be embarrassed! We'll make sure you feel right at home." Striking a dramatic pose, he continued. "As president of the Literature Club, it's my duty to make the club fun and exciting for everyone!"

"Hmm..." Quickly changing the subject, I say, "Ex-eye-suma, I'm surprised. How come you decided to start your own club? You could probably be a board member for any of the major clubs. Like, weren't you the leader of the debate club last year?"

X seems a bit confused at the new pronunciation of his name, but lets it slide.

"Ahaha... well, you know... I can't stand the politics around major clubs. It seems like all they do is argue about budget and how to prepare for events. I'd rather take something I personally enjoy and make something special out of it, and if it encourages other people to get into literature, then I'm fulfilling my dream!" X has stars in his eyes as he talks about his plans for the club.

"Wow! X is a really great leader!", marvels Mumbo. Joe also nods in agreement.

"Then I'm surprised there aren't more people in here yet. It must be hard to start a new club."

"Yeah, you could say that. Not many people are interested in putting out all the effort to start something brand new, especially when it's not something attention grabbing, like literature. You have to work hard to convince people that you're both fun and worthwhile, and that makes school events like the festival that much more important." X shrugs. "But I'm confident that we can all really grow this club before we all graduate! Right guys?"


"We'll try our best."

"Ya know it!"

The other guys enthusiastically agree.

Such different people, all interested in the same goal... Xisuma must have worked hard to find these three. Maybe that's why they were all so happy at the thought of a new member joining. Though I still don't really know if I can keep up with their level of enthusiasm about literature.

Joe gently nudges me with his elbow.

"So, Grian, what kind of books do you like? Any specifics?"

"Uhh..." Considering how little I've read in these past few years, I wasn't sure how to respond.

"...Minecraft books...", I mutter to myself, half-joking. Scar's head suddenly perks up. He looks like he wants to say something, but keeps quiet.

Joe sadly giggles. "N-Not much of a reader then, I guess..."

"That can change!" I spoke without thinking after seeing Joe upset. "Anyway, what about you, Joe?"

"Well... let's see..." Joe traces the rim of his teacup with his finger. "I like novels that build deep and complex fantasy worlds. The level of craftsmanship behind them is astounding to me, and telling a good story in an unusual world is equally impressive." Joe rambles on, gesturing with his hands, clearly passionate. He seemed so reserved and timid when I walked into the room, but it's obvious from the way his eyes light up that he is more comfortable in the world of words, rather than people.

"But you know, I like a lot of things. For example, stories with deep psychological elements. Isn't it amazing that a writer can deliberately take advantage of your own lack of imagination to completely throw you for a loop?" Joe seems lost in his thoughts. "I've been reading a lot of horror lately..."

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