Chapter 42

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"Shouldn't we take him to a doctor?" Jimin asked. Taehyung had told them  that Jin was vomiting.

"Yeah. But I'm sure it's due to the separation." Hoseok said.

"The separation can cause many problems. That's why Yoongi hyung should come back quickly. He must be going through some problems too. I hope he understands how much pain he is putting both of them." Namjoon said.


"What does it mean that he is physically fine? Then why is he nauseous, has a fever." Taehyunng said.

They just had come back from hospital and the doctor said that Jin had no sickness and was physically fine. He said that the omega was emotionally disturbed. That was causing problems to his body. After that they came back home. Jin was shaking, had a fever and was crying. They had hugged him, given him the pills the doctor gave so he could sleep but he was saying only one word 'Yoongi'. Jin cried in Jimin's arms, continously asking for Yoongi while Jimin caressed his face, wiped his tears and said soothing words. Slowly he drifted to sleep. After putting him in his bed, Jimin came to others.

"I did say that it's due to separation." Hoseok said.

"The separation is hurting him and his omega. His mind is in turmoil. That is causing harm to his body." Namjoon said.

"When will he come back? Yoongi hyung must be feeling something due to the separation right?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah." Namjoon said.

"He should come back. The longer he draws it out the more ridiculous it gets. He harming himself and Jin." Taehyung said.

"He should. But we should do what we can. I will continue to find him while you guys help Jin. It would be better if two people stay by his time all the time."

The alphas nodded. It was decided that Hoseok and Taehyung will sleep with Jin.


It was night. The alphas were having their dinner. They were all tired. Jin had been continously crying and asking for Yoongi. All day he cried and later due to exhaustion he fell asleep. Atleast two alphas stayed by his side. Their pheromones were helping him to calm down as much he could. The thing that tired them was that was seeing Jin this way. It really hurt them. The pheromones, the emotions they were getting from Jin were really disturbing. Their own emotions were getting affected now.

No matter what they did Jin was still crying. It was apparent that he only needed Yoongi and no one. Right now Hoseok was by Jin's side while he slept. He was eating his dinner while sitting with Jin. After he had finished he lay down next to Jin. Sometime later Jungkook came

"Hyung if you want to go and sleep you can. I will stay with Jin hyung." Jungkook said, while lying down with Jin.

"It's fine, Jungkookie. I'm going to sleep anyway. Better sleep with Jin." Hoseok said, closing his eyes.


It was the fourth day of Yoongi's dispearence. The house was in chaos. Their vacation had taken a bad turn. It was supposed to be fun and relaxing but it was anything but that. Now the alphas were debating whether to go home or stay and wait for Yoongi. It was a hard decision. Most were saying that they should stay and wait. So that if he comes back he doesn't have to look for them. Hoseok and Taehyung were saying that they should go back. Since Jin was very stressed and if he goes back home he will feel a bit relaxed in familiar surroundings rather than in a resort.

They were still debating when Jin began to whine and whimper in his sleep. His brows were furrowed and he was hugging himself. He cried a bit saying words that were unclear.

"Kitten." Namjoon said, rubbing Jin's shoulder. But Jin was still asleep

"He's having a nightmare I guess." Taehyung said, sitting beside Jin. He shook Jin "Jin. Wake up." Then Jin whimpered, slowly opening his eyes.

"H-hyung?" Jin asked, eyes filling with tears.

"He's not back." Jimin said, sitting on the bed.

"How lo-long...." Jin tried saying but his voice broke. Namjoon picked him up and hugged him, as he knew he was going to cry. And it was true, Jin began to cry again. It really hurt to see Jin like this. The omega cried, on Namjoon's chest. He was sobbing and hiccuping. Namjoon silently rubbed his back. The others were silent too, just touching him and saying soothing words from time to time. They have gone through this so many times, so they knew after crying a bit he will fall asleep again. That was Jin's routine, wake up, cry and sleep again. No eating, no smiling, no laughing. It was apparent that he was breaking, slowly dying. He had a pale, small, sickly appearance. He ate nothing, even if they force fed him he would throw up. They all just were giving him water and electrolytes. But still he needed solid food.

The alphas were feeling helpless as they saw their dear omega breaking. They couldn't do anything but try to find Yoongi. Yoongi was the only cure. It was a torture to see Jin like this. How many times have Jin cried by now? How many times had they wipes his tears? Countless times.

They had tried everything they could think of. Checking the whole area. Checking back home. Giving out posters. Calling the police. But no results. It was like Yoongi just vanished.

"I want to punch Yoongi hyung." Taehyung said. Namjoon looked at him,raising his eyebrows.

"It's fine. Jin's asleep." Taehyung said.

"You can't just punch him." Jungkook said. Every one smiled at his comment.

"It's Jin who will decide whether to punch him or not" Hoseok said.

"Jin is the one being affected the most. So when he comes back let him deal with him. Later will be our turn." Jimin said.


The alphas were still with Jin in his room. He had woken up a bit, so they decided to move to the lounge. Once there, Jin fell asleep again. Now some alphas watched tv or read a book or were on their phones. They were sitting like that for about an hour, Jin cuddled up with Jungkook as he slept. Suddenly Jin woke up, sniffing around.

"What is it hyung?" Jungkook asked, as Jin moved to stand up. The others attention came on Jin as he stood up.

"Jin you ok?" Jimin asked.

"He's back." Jin said, as the main door opened.


The book will end in two or three chapters. I wanted to make more chapters and continue the story but I feel my story is bad. I feel my writing style is getting worse as the story continues. So I will try to end it quickly.

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