Chapter 21

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"Taetae come sleep with me tonight." Jin said, dragging Taehyung towards his room. The others shot him a jealous glare to which Taehyung smirked.

As Jin closed the door to his room, he went to his bed, Taehyung by his side and lay in the bed. Taehyung placed his arm so that Jin could lay his head on it. Jin sighed contently as he placed his head on Taehyung's arm and placed his one arm on Taehyung's chest, side hugging him. Taehyung ran a hand on Jin's back, drawing different patterns.

"What made you want me tonight baby?" Taehyung asked. Jin pouted, snuggling closer to him "Do I need a reason to want my alpha?"

"No you don't. I was just curious. You have become quite clingy after your pregnancy. So I was just trying to understand the new you."

"I haven't changed. About the clingy part it's like my omega part suddenly wants one of you specifically and if it doesn't get what it wants it makes me angry. And I'm not able to control it."

"It's ok. I like it when you become clingy and pout. You become more babyish." Taehyung said smiling.

Jin stayed quite for awhile, thinking, then said "Maybe its the pup."

"So the baby wanted me tonight." Taehyung said placing a hand on Jin's tummy.

"It wanted daddy Tae." Jin said laughing, his hand going towards Taehyung's member. Jin was missing a bit of sexual touch. He wanted Taehyung to do something.

"Jin you better not be teasing me. You're pregnant and I don't want to risk the baby by fucking you." Taehyung said, warning Jin. Jin pouted then removed his hand. After awhile Jin said

"Taehyung are you ok? You seemed out of it today."

"I'm fine." Taehyung said, closing his eyes. Jin sat up looking at him "You're lying. There is something that is bothering you."

Taehyung didn't say anything, eyes still closed. Jin cupped his face "Taehyungie... Tell me." Taehyung opened his eyes, looking at Jin. "I don't want to worry you."

"Tell me." Jin insisted. Taehyung sighed, frustrated. Running his hands through his hairs he said "My parents found out about your pregnancy."

Jin gulped, nervously. Jin knew Taehyung's parents didn't like him. They never fully accepted Jin as Taehyung's mate. They also wanted Taehyung to inherit their company but he didn't want it, Taehyung wanted to become an actor. But they never agreed. Taehyung insisted and somehow entered into Big Hit university. There was ongoing fight between Taehyung and his parents. Jin knew Taehyung hated his parents so he never mentioned them.

"And what was their reaction?"

"The usual."


"No! Jin-ah I don't want to say it all to you, neither do I want to recall it." Taehyung sat up huffing. Jin hugged him from behind.

"You know I'm never bothered by what they say." Jin said.

"I know. But it hurts me when they don't accept you. Do you see how they look at you? I just want to leave them, forget them."

"Taehyungie don't say that. Their your parents."

"They aren't. Parents accept their child. Not push him away all his life, not let him follow his dream, not accept his mate and not accept his baby."

"They didn't accept the baby?" Jin asked. Taehyung turned towards Jin, hugging him. "Forget about it. I don't want to talk about it."

"Taehyung its important that we talk. I'm pregnant with our child. And I don't want the child to grow up withouth the love of his grandparents. Maybe we should talk with your parents."

"Jin no. They are pshycos. They didn't accept you, my mate! They didn't accept my child! I don't want to do anything with them." Taehyung shouted catching Jin off guard. Taehyung hardly ever shouted. But he was very angry. How could they think about bussiness when they should be thinking about their grandchild. Taehyung thought as he recalled his conversation with his parents.

"So who's child is that omega carrying?" His father asked.

"Mine father. Of course its my child. And don't refer to Jin as an omega." Taehyung said.

"What is he then? I'm giving him enough respect by calling him that even though I know he is a whore."

"How dare you!? Why can't you just accpet him as my mate. We are bonded by fate. " Taehyung shouted.

"Don't you shout at your father Kim Taehyung!" His mother said.

"Don't forget the respect you should have for your parents." His father said.

"Maybe if you respect Jin then I would respect you." Taehyung said.

"You better shut that mouth of yours! You have forgotten everything I have taught you. Living with that omega is ruining you." His father said. Taehyung tried to keep quite. He had come all the way to their so called family house to listen to the same old argument. He could be doing better things like being with Jin rather then doing this.

"You shut up finally." His mother said.

"Are you sure that child is yours? If it's Kim Namjoon's then its better that it's never born. The disgrace it would bring if the child isn't..." His father stopped when Taehyung banged the table between them with his hand.

"How could you be talking like that? How could you be thinking about bussiness and family honor shit when it's your fucking grandchild. And Kim Namjoon is Jin's mate. How can you compete with him?" Taheyung said, his anger rising.

"Taehyung language!" His mother shouted. His father was rising from his chair

"I'm going to quit. I'm not going to be associated with such a filthy family. I'm not a kim from Kim Hyun enterprise anymore. I will sign the papers and withdraw my right as an heir. Have another child or something. I'm not a fucking toy for you to use." Taheyung said turning away from his parents.

"How!? You are a disgrace!? You hear me!? To this family you are a disgrace! I wish that whore of yours and that child die! Along with his so called mates!" His parents shouted as Taehyung went away from them, to far away to hear them.

Teahyung came back to the present, looking at Jin. How beautiful. How beautiful is my mate. I'm so lucky. And now he even gifted me with a baby. Why can't my parents be like Jungkook's? They cared so much about my Jin. They were so nice. Why can't they be like Namjoon's parents? Why the hell did they do this to us? Taehyung thought.

He grabbed Jin making him lie down, caressing his face. He laid down on Jin's tummy, trying to hear the baby but the baby was at early stages. He sighed as Jin massaged his forehead, running his fingers through his hair.

"Tae?" Taehyung looked at Jin "Stay away from them Jin. I don't want the pup and you near them."

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