Chapter 11

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"My name is Kim Seokjin." Jin smiled, reached out his hand for a handshake. Jungkook seemed hesitant, shifting his weight from one foot to another. Jin raised his eyebrows.

"I don't want to hurt you." Jungkook said as an answer for not taking his hand.

"You won't hurt me by shaking my hand Kookie." Jin used the nickname, causing Jungkook's heart to flutter.

"My mom said I need to be careful with omegas, not to hurt them in anyway." Jungkook said. Jin smiled and thought, so he is a good boy, listening to his mom and caring for omegas. His family must be really caring.

"Kookie, shake my hand. I know that you won't hurt me. Anyway, omegas aren't that fragile." Jungkook hesitantly shook his hand. His heart beating fast when he touched the omega's soft hands. How soft! Jungkook thought. He's my mate. Oh my god, I found my mate.

"Kookie." Jin called out to the boy as he got lost when he shook hands, not letting his hand go. Jungkook noticed and let Jin's hand go, blush appearing on his cheeks.

"Sorry hyung." Jungkook mumbled. Jin laughed, making Jungkook's heart to beat faster. Such a sweet laugh, he thought.

"You are too cute Kookie. Do you have time?"

"Huh?" Jungkook taken back.

"I asked if you are free. We need to talk a bit." Jin explained. Jungkook understood, looked at his watch and said "I can stay until 8. I can't stay out longer than that."

"Ok. Let's go find some place to sit." Jin said, messaging his alphas that he would be a bit late.


Jungkook was very shy around Jin. They were sitting opposite to each other. There were couples around them, talking, giggling and holding each other hands. That seemed to make Jungkook uncomfortable. He never dated anyone before, even though he got many confessions. He was shy towards other genders. He never thought about meeting his mate so suddenly. He thought he would meet him when he went through his first rut. But now he was sitting at a cafe, with his mate and with such a romantic atmosphere, made him really uncomfortable.

Jungkook kept his head down, when a waitress came to get their order. Jin ordered a cupcake and a latte. He turned towards Jungkook, waiting for him to tell his order.

"Jungkookie do you want something?" Jin said when the boy remained silent. Jungkook shook his head. Jin adressed the waitress "That would be all. Thank you." But she didn't move, she kept staring at Jungkook, with lust. She wasn't paying any attention to Jin. Jin didn't like that. Jungkook was his mate and no one was allowed to look at him like that. By the scent of the girl, she was an omega and her heat was close. So she was trying to find a partner for her heat.

"Are you sure that you don't want anything sir?" She asked. Jungkook looked up and said "No. Thank you." But she still didn't leave, "Is something wrong sir? Can I help you?" and she winked at him. Jungkook looked taken back. But Jin wasn't having it.

"No thank you. He doesn't need any help. Even if he did he would talk to me, his mate, not to a slut waiting to be laid." The waitress seemed surprised, she quickly went away. Jin turned towards Jungkook who was staring at him with awe.

"What?" Jin asked.

"You're so cool hyung." Jungkook said like a fanboy. Jin blushed. "No one is allowed to look at my alpha like that."

Jungkook's heart nearly exploded when Jin said that. He got so shy again. He couldn't believe that his mate was so cool, handsome and a mature person. He couldn't even look at Jin without drooling over his features. He was such a beauty.

"I can't believe you're my mate." Jungkook said, shyly. "Aww and I can't believe I have you as my mate Kookie."

They were interrupted by a new waiter serving them their order. When he went away Jin said to Jungkook "Ask me anything Kookie. And I will ask you. So to know each other better."

"Seokjin hyung, how old are you?"

"Kookie call me Jin hyung, everybody calls me that and I'm 21. I go to BTS university. What about you?"

"Wow Jin hyung you reall go there! It's my dream to go study there too. I'm working hard right now in high school to full fill my dream. Oh and I'm 19."

"If you want to go there then you must want to be in entertainment industry."

"Yeah I want to become a singer." Jungkook said shyly.

"That's amazing Kookie. I hope you become a great one."

"Thanks hyung. So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know. Honestly, I just entered there without any thought."

"What? So you have no dream?"

"Nah it's just that I'm not sure."

"Oh." The conversation paused when Jin picked up his cupcake to eat. "Jin hyung?" Jungkook asked Jin while Jin was sipping his latte. "Yes?"

"Are you bonded with an other alpha or beta?" Jungkook was scared about his answer. He was wishing that he was Jin's first mate. But he doubted it since Jin smelled like other alphas. And there was no way that after getting his heat, he was still not bonded with atleast one mate.

"I am bonded with five alphas."

"Five!?" Jungkook quickly shut up, he didn't want to seem surprised.

"Yes. I met them one by one over the course of time." Jin said clamly, drinking his latte.

"I'm sorry if I was rude. I was just hoping that I was your first too."

"Aww Kookie, you would be the death of me." Jin kissed him on his cheeks, causing him to get red as a tomato. "I understand you. You are afraid that I would love you less then them. But I won't, I promise you I love you equally as them."


"Yes, Kookie. I promise. There is no way I won't love you as much as them." Jin reassured him. Jungkook sighed with relief.

"So who are they?" Jungkook asked. Jin explained all about his alphas to Jungkook, their names, their ages, what they do and how long he knew them for. He also explained that they just moved together into a new house. Jungkook seemed excited about that. He asked if he could also move in with them. Jin said yes if only his parents agreed. Jungkook said that he would ask his parents and convince them.

"Do you want to meet them?" Jin asked about his mates.

"Yes I would love too."

Then Jin's phone lit up indicating that he got a message. He looked at it, it was from Yoongi. Jin ignored it and turned to Jungkook. Jungkook asked who it was from. Jin told him that it was from Yoongi probably asking why was he out so late. Jungkook gasped.

"I'm going to be late. It takes me 20 minutes to go home. It's seven fifty right now. My parents would kill me." Jungkook panicked.

"Oh Kookie I forgot. I'm sorry. You better go now. Here take my number. Call me when you reach home. Tell your parents that I'm sorry for keeping you out late. Call me if they don't believe you." Jin said handing him a piece of paper, with the number.

"But you can't go home alone. I should escort you back." Jungkook was worried about his omega. Jin smiled at the young alpha, how much he cared for Jin even though they just met. "It's fine, don't worry. I always come here and go back home safetly. You should better hurry up and go home too."

It took awhile for the alpha to listen to Jin but in the end he went home. Jin payed for his order and went outside. He checked his phone, 100 messages and 50 missed calls. He called Yoongi's number, heart beating fast. He was afraid that his alpha would be very angry at him. Yoongi didn't like it when people didn't answer him.

The phone was picked up, Jin's heart jumped out after hearing Yoongi's voice over the speaker, threatening to fuck him hard and rough until he wasn't able to walk for weeks if he ever again didn't reply to Yoongi.

"Alpha..." Jin tried talking to his alpha but he was cut by Yoongi "Don't alpha me! Get your ass back here right now! Do you hear me Seokjin?! If you aren't back in ten minutes I'm going to come and get you and when that happens you would wish that you never stepped out the house."

"Yes alpha." The call ended. Jin ran to his house like he never ran before.

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