-8- (✔️)

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Ragini was angry about her father's comment. What is wrong with this man? He never leaves a chance or situation to embarrass me, why? 'I'm a fun guy people should like me, you stuffy'

They were all looking at her, how she was waving her arms without words.

A small smirk, "she is angry on me, you want to come in?"

Laksh shook his head while Jack was ready to enter the house.

"So nice of you man, your hospitality of culture is amazing." Jack was to enter the house, but Laksh hold him back, "don't do that, just stay here or her anger will be focused on you." Laksh said loud enough for Abdul, but low to notice by Ragini.

"Smart Boy." Abdul said and Laksh smiles awkwardly, "Rachel are you fine? Actually we came to see after you."

Rachel nodded, "I'm absolutely fine, thanks. Jack can you please drive me home, Ragini has a day free and I don't want to bother her unnecessarily."

Laksh lifts an eyebrow, "haha, you mean you don't want to be her target."

"What target?" Ragini heard it and Laksh moved backwards, "yes Jack, what target?"

Jack shook his head, "I haven't understood anything, but Rachel I'm with him. I mean I was drunk and he took me to his place."

"Aha hospitality." Abdul said and Laksh shook his head to Jack.

"Yes, hospitality. Indians make their guest equal to God."

Laksh lowers his head, "I don't think their are Indians," his voice was low.

Abdul laughs, "no, we are British, second generation."

"Oh..." the men said.

"Background?" Jack was asking while Laksh was calmly waiting for the answer.

❤️ He is doing my work I don't need to ask much as long as he is there to ask those question. And I haven't asked him....

🧠 oh hold on! Why do you want to know more about her? And why do you care as for me she hasn't giving you a damn look by herself.

❤️ it doesn't matter, as long as I can see her. Be it close or from far...

Laksh widen his eyes, "what!" He shouts and Abdul looked at him.

"Young man do you have a problem with my Pakistani background?"

Laksh looked at him shaking his head, "no Sir, nothing like this. Maa Kasam {I swear}."

Ragini was suppressing her laugh, "Maa Kasam, so cheap like an old Bollywood movie, chi." She looked at Rachel, "if you need anything you tell me, okay? And Jack talk to the Janitor to change keys. He shouldn't be able to enter the apartment."

Jack nodded, "of course, shall we?"

Laksh was fuming in anger. What the hell, she insulted me again. What the ... beauty huh!"

Jack pushed him, "man what's wrong with you? Shall we now?"

Laksh nodded, "yes, after dropping her I will leave. Have to attend the hospital can you manage from there?" A stern voice of authority comes from Laksh.

"Man cool. I will handle it don't worry I'm a big boy." Jack said with a laugh, "come Rachel."

"Bye Ragini, Thank you Sir."

"It's Uncle!" AbRag_Lak said in union.

Rachel and Jack nodded, "Uncle." They said and left while Laksh gave AbRag a last gaze, and said it, "Khuda Hafiz."

🧠there was a last hope, but now even that is gone

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🧠there was a last hope, but now even that is gone. How stupid someone can be...

❤️what you mean by stupid, this was the right thing. How else would you say goodbye to them?

Silence is the best solution for this dilemma.

"Nice guy." Abdul said, but Laksh didn't heard it and Ragini didn't replied to it.

At Rachel's place

Laksh left and Jack did as said and called the Janitor, who changed it all for Rachel's safety.

Laksh was at his hospital, how much he tried not to think of her, but he failed. She seemed to be everywhere and nowhere, his mind was playing games and he was letting it, cause his heart wants it.

It was a strange day, he went home and fall on the bed, he hasn't done much just thinking of her, but now he was in a deep thought.

His face was buried into the pillow. I will not fall for her! I won't let her know about whatever it is and I will forget her. Cause I have to focus on my own life and not her's or other's. I'm the one, only one, Lakshya Maheshwari. I don't need a nurse next to me, I don't need anyone. I'm happy single, was it and will always be one. Otherwise I won't have the luxury to have the possibility to 'love' more than just one person.

Laksh decided one for all to stay away from Ragini in personal matters, he will only maintain the professional relationship, well there wasn't more as Ragini isn't giving him any heed...


Khuda ka faisla {God's decision} - RagLak (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now