-5- (✔️)

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Ragini was sleeping on the bed, she wasn't able to get over her conversation with Rachel. Am I narrow-minded? I don't trust love, but I feel it's better to be with someone who loves you, yet I don't care about it. My life is in my hands, it's dedicated to my God, I don't want anyone to come between me and my religion.  Is it only a facade I have built up to protect myself?

Laksh woke up in the morning looking around his room, "she isn't here and I'm not imagining her. Yes." He was happy, "all is right no more problems." He stood up from the bed and entered his washroom, getting ready for the day.

At the other side Ragini just finished with her morning prayer, she looked at her father, who was drinking his chai {tea} while reading the newspaper.

"Abba you know there is an app you can use to read the news?"

"I know my child, but I like it to have something in my hands, you know it's another feeling."

Of course she knows it, she too likes to have a book in her hands to read and not to stare on the screen of her phone or tablet.

"After all you are my father, some similarities should be visible between us." Ragini drunk her coffee and her father laughed.

Laksh went downstairs, he didn't said anything or ate something, he made his way leaving without having food or a conversation.

AP shook her head, "what is wrong with him?" DP looked up from his newspaper, "we have given him too much freedom. He isn't respecting us or the value of being our son, for him he matters and nothing else. We made him to a doctor, but we never asked him to forget his roots."

AP feels bad, "do you really think we failed us parents?"

DP frowned, he shook his head in anger, "no, he just has lost his faith. That's not our fault it's his and his attitude. He has reached a high, but you never know, when you fall and in his case, he will fall deep."

"No," AP shook her head, "what are you saying, don't eye him or curse him. He is our son I can't see him failing."

"Neither can I, but something will happen only then he will understand it." DP said and continued with his breakfast.

Days were passing by and the operation, which was postponed previously was finally taking place.

Laksh had avoided everything and he was sure that it's not love or anything, he doesn't have any feelings for her.

Everything was ready, the operation team was waiting for the doctor to come.

"Ragini, you know it's him?"

Ragini shrugs, "I have no idea. All I know is, that he is definitely from the other hospital, who knows it could be him."

Ragini and Rachel, both were selected to be a part of the operation, this was decided by the head of the department as it was a condition from the Doctor to have the best team possible.

Laksh took a deep breath, "okay man, you can and you will do it, no one can stop you, you are the best." He stepped out of the car and entered the hospital, he got the direction to the changing room, a nurse was waiting for him outside.

Laksh changed and was fully covered, he followed the nurse to the operation theatre, before that he went into the isolated room, he cleaned himself and was sanitised.

They entered the OP, while he was checking on everything, "is the patient under anaesthetic?" He asked before he would start with the first cut.

The anaesthetist comes forward, "yes, the patient is under general anaesthesia. You may continue I have a watch on the patient."

He smiles under his mask, "thank you." He looked at the round, "so guys best of luck."

Ragini was so happy, she was smiling all the way as she was the first nurse to assist the doctor.

"Scalpel!" He asked and a hand forwarded the instrument, just then his gaze fall on the bracelet, he shook his head thinking of an imagination. No, this can't be true, but what if?

"Stop!" He shouts and all looked at him, his gaze was fixed at the person with the scalpel.

"Get out!" He said in sharp tone making her feel a shudder running down her spine.

"What?" Her voice was low and chocked, then she saw it too.

She let the scalpel fallen and rushed out of the operation room, the surgeon was hell angry, "how could this be possible, I asked for the best and this nurse was wearing her bracelet in a sterile room, we are going to operate a human."

They all were shocked, "she is brilliant, please it never happened before."

"Shut up!" Laksh shouted, "it just had happened don't you try to cover her. She made the mistake and she won't assist any further in my operation. I don't need such lazy people in my team."

Ragini throw her gloves away, she couldn't believe it. How irresponsible of me, I entered the surgery room with a metallic material. I could infect the patient and had increased the possibility of any kind of infections. No, Ya Allah {Oh God} please keep the patient safe. My foolishness shouldn't harm him.

Ragini was biting on her nail, she was scrolling to and fro the room, she had got the information that she is out of the team and she fully accepted it. It took hours, but the operation was done, Ragini's shift had ended, but she doesn't wanted to leave without an update about the health of the patient.

Rachel came into the changing room, "Ragini you still here?"

Ragini rushed to her, "you say, how was it? Everything alright with the patient?"

Rachel nodded, "yes, the patient is fine. There were no complications during the operation, now we are waiting for his awakening."

Ragini sighs in relief, "Shukhar {Thank God}." She was more than happy, "now I can go home, I'm so sorry. I don't know how I could forget to remove it."

Rachel shook her head, "we all do mistakes, it was the first time you did one and hopefully the last time too."

Ragini nodded, "yes, I will never repeat this again."

Ragini took her bag and left without talking to anyone, she knew it was her own mistake and she has no right to complain about the decision of the leading surgeon.

Laksh was hell angry. Damn it, how dare she to be so irresponsible, she isn't good enough for this job. The anger inside him increased more and more, it wasn't enough that his inner turmoil had returned giving him advices to give her another chance.

Laksh was cursing himself for having such feelings, which he can't sort. All he wanted right now was a drink to forget about it and her.

Laksh has decided to invite the team to a couple of drink at the nearby club.


Khuda ka faisla {God's decision} - RagLak (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now