~•🥀Chapter 6🥀•~

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"BlueFur! SnowFur!" Everyone cheered. It had been a few moons, you sat in the distance, you were cheering, however you kept that one thing on your mind, ThistleClaw was happy for SnowFur, never looking over at you, once the meeting was over, you left camp, over to the bush you normally hide in. Your pelt was all ruffled up, you hadn't groomed yourself in a while, you just sighed and slept on the cold forest floor.

The next day, you grabbed a small scrawny mouse from the fresh-kill pile and sat alone under a tree, once you finished you started grooming your pelt, ThrushPelt came over and sat beside you, he became one of your closest friends, ever since ThistleClaw hung around with SnowFur.

"So, I keep on seeing ThistleClaw looking over at you," he mewed, "do you have any thing for him?"

You stopped grooming for a moment, you always had a small crush on him, even after what he's done. "No, I-I don't," you lied. ThrushPelt gave you a questioning look, "what?"

"Nothing, I was just thinking." You saw him take a glance at BlueFur, before leaving. You gave a small sigh, that was until you noticed ThistleClaw looking at you, you gave a small smile, causing the Tom to blush and look away. After a few moments ThrushPelt came up to him whispering something in ThistleClaw's ear. The grey Tom nodded, his ears flattened.

You shrugged it off, finished grooming your pelt until it was sleek and smooth and padded away, tail flicking from side to side, and went into the elders den you poked your head in to see the elders talking about what's going on in the clan, being RosePaw and SweetPaw being ill and LeopardFoot already baring kits. "Hello Y/W/N," LarkSong dipped her head in greeting, "what brings you here?"

"I just wanted to ask if you want fresh moss bedding?" You mewed, LarkSong and WeedWhisker shook their heads.

MumbleFoot gave a small nod, "could I have fresh bedding please?" You smiled and gave a small nod and padded away to the medicine den to ask for moss. Once you got the moss, you changed MumbleFoot's bedding, "thank you Y/W/N."

The elders then looked a bit uncertain, "I don't think SweetPaw's doing so good," LarkSong murmured.

"Well she's got food poisoning, but her sister seems to be recovering," WeedWhisker responded.

You laid down, lost in thought for a moment, "why is LeopardFoot baring kits at such a young age?" MumbleFoot purred in amusement.

"Well I see what you mean, she was made a warrior not to long ago," he mewed.

LarkSong then looked at you for a moment, you gave a questioning look. "Have you ever thought of having kits?"

Your eyes widened and you just laughed awkwardly, "well I-it would be nice to have kits but I haven't really looked into it, I mean what Tom would want to be with the daughter of a cat that was looked down upon. WeedWhisker gave you a sad look.

"I think that's were your wrong, see you act like him a bit, soft. However your fierce like your mother, your a good fighter, tree climber jumper and... swimmer," he meowed.

"Wait swimmer?" You mumbled, LarkSong nodded.

"Your mother's from RiverClan, she was abandoned as a kit and PineStar took her in." You were a half-blood. But the clan didn't look down upon you for this or that your mother was mates with a ThunderClan cat. "And let's just say, if you think that your not beautiful, well you are. Y/F/N was a handsome Tom but everyone thought he was too soft, Y/M/N has sleek shiny fur from Being in RiverClan, and if I'm honest RiverClan are good looking."

"LarkSong! Have you forgotten which clan your in?" MumbleFoot meowed, LarkSong rolled her eyes.

"Of course not mouse-brain!" She growled. That is when, Surprisingly, ThistleClaw came in that when LarkSong awkwardly coughed, "Y/W/N I think it's time you should go."

You didn't question this but nodded, and left the elders den. That's when you heard the yowls of LeopardFoot in the medicine den. "I guess she's kitting half a moon early," you mumbled, PineStar went into the Medicine den to see his mate. You just sighed and left for the warriors den to rest.

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