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Triton hummed softly; water materialized, glowing a soft green. The glow ebbed and flowed with the rise and fall of his voice. The water swirled around me, and I stared at it with awe. It was like something out of a video game or anime. It brushed against my skin, the glow strengthening with each passing second. Warmth spread through my body and wounds stitched together. Triton's expression faltered and the water lost its glow. Resolve hardened in his eyes and the light reignited. It continued swirling around me and my wounds continued healing. 

Eventually the water fell away and evaporated into thin air. Triton collapsed to the ground, chest heaving with each panted breath. He ran a hand through his sweat matted hair. "That-" he panted. "-took a lot more than I thought it would." He groaned and sat up. 

I stared at him and tilted my head. He sighed and his eyes scanned over me, taking stock of which injures had healed.

"It's an old method of healing using water. Dad's forgotten about it, and I had too until Athena reminded me." Sadness welled in his eyes. "Pallas got into a lot of trouble, and ambrosia doesn't exactly work the same way for us, or for nymphs. It's incredibly difficult, using both the water and the healer's own wish for the person to heal. Pallas and I were the only two able to use it. Either because the others never cared about someone enough to or it's some domain I have control over that the others don't." 

He continued talking about the specifics of it, but I was stuck on one thing, 'the healer's own wish'. Triton wanted me to heal. There goes his whole hating me thing.

He must've realized what I was thinking because he snorted. "Don't get me wrong, I still hate your guts, brat," he said and ruffled my hair. "But I don't feel like watching Dad through a fit if you stayed injured like this." Even having said that, he wrapped his arms around me in a loose hug. "This is from him by the way." I returned the hug.

"Who the hell are you?!" Connor yelled. Within seconds Triton was pinned against the wall by his throat. To his credit, he didn't immediately kill Connor. Which would've been more impressive if it were Ares instead of Triton, but sea gods are known for short tempers. How Diana is still alive is beyond me.

Triton's eyes flared and he disappeared. He reappeared behind Connor and placed his hand on his back. Connor froze. 

"How about you appreciate the fact that Percy is mostly healed? I mean, you won't be able to after I leave, but ask questions first then try to beat people into a pulp. Have fun explaining this, Percy. The paralysis will wear off in ten minutes." A burst of mist and Triton disappeared, leaving me with a disoriented Connor staring at the wall. I sighed and stood up. My legs were unsteady, but I could walk.

Stumbling towards the kitchen, I found the wall to be my new best friend and the floor as my love interest. Put simply, I leaned on the wall and I fell for the floor.

"You should not be up," Kaldur said. He rose to his feet to help me; I glared at him, but he didn't sit back down. His hands hovered, but they didn't touch me. A silent offer of assistance if it was needed. I didn't need it. I made it to the couch without falling and to celebrate, I fell onto the couch face first. Half of my limbs hung off of the couch, and I knew at some point I'd slide off, but I couldn't find it in myself to care. I didn't even care when Megan flew into the room in a panic because  Connor wouldn't stop staring at the wall and wouldn't respond to anything.

I'm not a hero. I'm just a girl who happens to be really good at fighting and knows Wonder Woman and is staying with a bunch of teenage heroes. Heroes who should be capable of dealing with this on their own. If they couldn't, why were they heroes in the first place? 

I felt around with my hand, eventually finding the remote. I turned on the TV without looking on it, trying to offer my mind a distraction from a conversation I had no intention of joining. Spongebob, Duck Tales, random shows, and finally the news. The stories ranged from weird, too boring, to just plan random. Who decided to run a story on Superman's apparent lack of cooking ability? How did they get footage?

My second question was answered when they showed a clip of Supey helping out at a kitchen and immediately catching a pan on fire. Hm. Maybe they can make a Worst Chefs in Heroism show. Soon ten minutes had passed and Connor walked in. He still seemed dazed, but who wouldn't be after a god did some weird godly magic on you?

Not me, and I'm speaking from experience. 

Instantly, the rest of the Team was asking him questions about what happened. I snorted and focused my eyes back on the screen. Short of some other god changing his memories, he wouldn't remember what actually happened. I was thankful for that, but at the same time a bit upset. Just how much longer am I going to stay here? When can I go back to staying with Diana?

When can I stop lying?

I've started keeping track of how much I write in a day. It's uh, it's interesting

Hm...I honestly don't know what else to say except 

See yah 

Quiet Waters (Fem. Percy x Young Justice) (EDITING IN PROGRESS)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ