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"Hold still."

Tears rolled down Percy's face, making it clear what the healer was doing hurt.

He straightened and moved to a cabinet. He pulled out different materials.

"My Lord, you may want to hold onto her while I set the bone."

"Uh, where exactly am I supposed to hold her?" I asked, getting up from my seat. There was only so much the water could do, only so much I could do. Almost anywhere I could try to hold her was injured.

"You can restrain her with water. I cannot have her moving. She may injure herself further."

I nodded and water wrapped securely around Percy. She whimpered and I couldn't watch as the healer aligned the bones and quickly splinted her leg. He wrapped it up, forming a temporary cast. He repeated the process with her right arm, placing it in a sling to try to prevent further injury to her collarbone.

"I will have one of the other healers check in on her later. You are free to take her elsewhere."

I nodded and looked at Percy. "So kiddo, do you want to watch some movies?"

She nodded and I used water to lift her up. The living room wasn't empty for once, with Triton lounging on the couch and Amphitrite talking with a few of her sisters.

"What happened to her?" Triton shot up when he saw Percy.

"Her old stepfather was brought back to life, with some added strength and abilities. If my brother hadn't shown up, I could have kept this from happening." As I was talking, Triton moved toward Percy and tried to pull her into his arms. She shifted uncomfortably and pain flashed across her face, causing me to carefully gather her in my arms and sit on the couch.

I rubbed her back, barely touching her. I don't know how much damage was dealt and I have no idea how much was healed. Triton sat on the arm of Amphitrite's chair. She pushed him off.

I chuckled. I turned my attention back to Percy. Her full weight rested against me, her breathing remained steady, and her eyes were closed.

That's not to say she was resting peacefully. The expression on her face showed her sleep was anything but peaceful.

I frowned. She needs to rest, but if she has a nightmare and starts thrashing she might hurt herself further.

"Amphitrite, can you come here?"

She nodded. She said goodbye to her sisters before swimming over. Sitting next to me, she leaned into my side. "What do you want, dear?"

"I know she's not your child, but can you try to calm her? I...I don't want her hurting herself further if she has a nightmare."

Amphitrite nodded. I sighed in relief and shifted Percy to her. "Thank you."

"She's my step-daughter. It's not her fault you cheated on me, do you think I'm your sister or something?" She glowed softly and she kissed Percy's forehead. Almost instantly, Percy relaxed nestling into Amphitrite's arms.

I smiled and kissed Amphitrite. "I love you."

"Hey! You have kids in the room." Triton covered his eyes. I laughed and moved over to him. I ruffled his hair. He glared at me. "Stop."

"No." I pulled him into a hug.

"Mom, he's being weird."

"Let your father hug you. You complain when he ignores you and you complain when he doesn't."

Triton groaned but he did relax into the hug. I held him for a little bit. I don't want him to think he's less important than any of his other siblings. Percy may be my favorite, but I care for Triton as much as I do for her. I just have to worry about her more because she's mortal.

Quiet Waters (Fem. Percy x Young Justice) (EDITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now