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When I got home, I saw that it was cleaner than when I left. I also saw Percy passed out on the couch, and based off of the glow coming from the kitchen I'm guessing Riptide is in there.

I sighed and lifted Percy off of the couch before carrying her to my room. She stretched and her eyes cracked open.

"Go back to sleep." I mumbled as I laid her down.

She didn't fight against me and just laid there as I pulled a blanket over her. I pressed a kiss to her forehead and told her I would be right back before heading to the kitchen to eat.

As I made myself a sandwich, I sighed. I swear, I'm already acting like her mother and Sally is still alive.

I ate the peanut butter sandwich and drank a cup of milk, noticing Riptide had finally returned to Percy. Then I went and brushed my teeth before going to grab a change of clothes from my room.

"I'm going to turn the light on." I warned quietly and gave her time to cover her head before flipping the switch. I moved some stuff around and I don't want to accidentally grab some of the clothes I got Percy.

After I grabbed my clothes I turned to turn off the light, only thing is...I froze halfway.

Percy's gone.


I walked along the streets of the city wincing when there was an overly loud noise.

I kept to the shadows, trying to stay out of sight. All too soon did I find myself standing outside of the Hall of Justice.

I stared up at it not with awe, but with...some emotion I can't name. If I were normal. I guess that this would be overwhelming, but since I'm nowhere near normal, it's just another building to me.

I shook my head and turned. I kept walking, determined to not fall back asleep.

Nothing interesting happened, until it did.

I was on my way back to the apartment when I turned a corner and I saw a group of kids fighting-

Oh come on. I pulled Riptide out of my pocket.

Four teens were barely holding back a small group of dracanae.

"What the heck are these things?" A girl was slammed backwards by a monster wielding a spear.

"Dracanae. They are of myths." A boy blocked an attack with glowing swords. I tilted my head when I saw the glowing lines on his arms.

"Great, but how do we beat them? You know, without killing them?!" Another boy, a ginger, blurred before he tackled the final kid away.

"You cannot kill us! We are immortal!"

Oh great, mythological creatures with a god complex. What will the Fates think up next?

I wasn't overly concerned about them getting seriously hurt until I realized two things.

One, the dracaena apparently stole those weapons from the Smithsonian.

Two, that means they're mortal metal.

I rolled my eyes and waited for the dracaena to knock the kids down. When they did, the water that the one guy had lost control of lifting off the ground and cut through every monster in the group, reducing them to golden dust.

"What just happened?" The ginger sat up at rubbed his head. I ducked around the corner and counted to forty before actually walking back around.

I twirled Riptide around my fingers and didn't comment as I passed them. They didn't try to stop me, actually they didn't seem to notice me. Instead they were yelling at a very confused Atlantean about not killing people or, and I quote, whatever those weird snakey, cuckoo for cocoa puffs things were.

Okay, that might have been me thinking about how I haven't seen one of those commercials in a long time but it's in the same general category.

I reached the apartment without further incident. I unlocked the door with the spare key and slowly opened the door, making sure it didn't creak.

When it latched with a small click. I winced. But I didn't think that would have woken Diana so I started to turn.

Only to freeze when the room lit up. I finished turning only to stare at an office chair.

It slowly turned around to reveal Diana who was sitting with her fingers steepled.

"Why hello there." She grinned. "You came back so early, did you not have fun?"

When I stared tiredly at her, she sighed and stood up.

"Seriously though, you can't just sneak out like that. What would have happened if you had gotten hurt?"

I shrugged and gestured to the chair.

"I flew to Metropolis and broke into the Daily Planet to steal a reporter's chair. But he deserves it, he keeps writing articles about me needing Superman for help and he always manages to throw in some sort of comment about his coworkers stealing his lunches and I don't even know how he manages to get that past the editors."

I'm guessing the reporter in question is actually Superman.

Diana brushed a piece of hair away from her face. "You need to sleep Percy."

I shook my head.

"Yes you do. What's going to happen if you pass out from exhaustion and a monster shows up?"

I shrugged.

"Percy just go to sleep, you'll need you energy for tomorrow."

I raised an eyebrow and stared at her.

She looked away, but eventually met my eyes. "I was thinking about taking you on a trip to a place in Rhode Island. The beach is really nice and I thought going there might help you."


One of my cats got hit

RIP Koshekh 2018-2019

May you either rest in piece or float in a bathroom in a small desert town

I think I spelled that right



If you guys have any ideas at all kinda just....leave them here

I have to go feed my animals and...

Well the cats body was in a box and was covered with a towel

Her mom kinda sat on her then her sister Zephyr was smelling her and just meowing like she was telling her to wake up........

Wow this note was depressing

See yah

Quiet Waters (Fem. Percy x Young Justice) (EDITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now