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"Percy!" Mom threw her arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug. "You're okay!"

After a moment, I hugged back, pressing my face into her shoulder. I didn't cry and every instinct was on high alert. Diana told me what was going on and why I have to be here. I hate it.

Dad should have put up more of a fight, before letting Diana take me. Speaking of Diana, she was currently hovering in the kitchen eating cookies. I couldn't see her, but as soon as we got here she said that's what she was going to do.

"Where have you been?" Mom pulled me away from her. I didn't make eye contact.

"Answer me, Perseus."

"She hasn't said a word since she started staying with me." Diana entered the living room.

"And you didn't think to have her come here or tell me?"

"I found her on a rooftop and I had to force her to come stay with me. I think she didn't want to put you and Paul in danger. That if you thought she was dead, monsters would leave you alone."

"Has she used sign language? I know she knows it."

Diana shook her head. "One of the people I work with thinks it's the trauma that's caused her to stop talking, but she doesn't know if it's her choice or not."

I looked at my feet, not wanting to look at Mom. I know Dad's okay with me not talking, but he knows exactly what happened on that battlefield. He knows what I've seen, and he... He knows just how bad everything is.

Mom doesn't. What if she's going to get mad and- She pulled me into another hug.

"It's okay. I'm not upset. I was just so scared." She whispered. "I thought I was never going to see you again."

After awhile, I got uncomfortable and I pulled away. I sat on the couch and stared at the TV, which was playing reruns of an old TV show.

Mom sat next to me. Neither of said anything. When two episodes had finished, I almost laughed. My relationships with my parents have flipped. I used to be all formal and stiff with Dad and relaxed and comfortable with Mom.

As the clock neared five, the atmosphere in the room changed. Mom kept getting up to peek through the curtains, Diana fixed her lasso, and I found myself twirling Riptide around my fingers. I was shaking, and it got so bad that I ended up dropping Riptide.

"It'll be fine." Diana moved to sit next to me. "Your dad is watching this place right now and if anything really bad goes to happen he'll come."

It was supposed to be reassuring, but the confirmation that this could go wrong ruined it.

"Do you want me here?" Dad asked.

I nodded and Diana moved so he could sit next to me. He moved his arm so I could lean into his side. "I'm not going to let anything bad happen." I stared up at him. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I promise."

It did little to calm my nerves, but I did stop shaking. At least until four forty-five. At that point I surprised myself when a quiet whimper left my lips.

Dad tensed up, but reacted quickly. "Sh...it's okay. I'm right here. I'm not going to let him hurt you or your mother or- Where's Paul?"

"He had to go to a training thing in Pennsylvania."

Dad nodded. I took the opportunity to move onto his lap and hug him. He rubbed my back. "It'll be okay. After this is over we can go get ice cream or something."

I shook my head. I'm not hungry.

He sighed and kissed the side of my head. The front door, which had been locked and chained, slammed open. I jumped, grip on Dad tightening.

"Kiddo, you need to let go." He mumbled, prying me off. "I don't want him to know I'm here. He disappeared and panic flooded through me.

Mom pulled me towards her and then maneuvered herself in front of me. Riptide was in my hand.

"You little-" Gabe rushed into the room, cutting off as he lunged at us. He wasn't the same Gabe as before. He was still as smelly, but I'm guessing Gaea gave him some, uh, improvements.

I shoved Mom down and kicked him in the chest. He flew backwards, but grabbed my leg so I was pulled with him.

My head hit the floor hard. Gabe rose up, raised his fist, and drove it into my ribs. I could feel them snap and I cried out. As more blows rained down, breaking more bones, I half-wondered where Dad was, the rest of my thoughts consumed by pain.

I could see Diana trying to pull Gabe away, but she couldn't. Gabe wrapped his hands around my throat, placing his full weight on one of my legs, breaking it. I would have thrown up, if he wasn't choking me.

This is it. I'm going to die.

Finally Gabe was thrown away from me and I was gathered into warm arms.

"Do I look like I care?" Dad growled, picking me up. I turned my head slightly and I could see a pinstripe suit. "Go ahead, take away my immortality. Let's see how the council reacts to the reasons why."

"He is right, Father. Taking away his immortality for, I'm presuming, wanting to take care of his child will not go over well, considering how many of the council like her." Diana added.

I swallowed back bile and weakly wiggled, trying to get Dad's attention. He looked down at me and sighed. "Sally, I'm going to take her to my palace to heal. It will go faster if she's closer to me and the others." Dad looked at Gabe's still form. "As for him, I think Ares or Artemis will be able to come up with a good punishment."


A chapter is done!


I'm gonna find food

See yah

Quiet Waters (Fem. Percy x Young Justice) (EDITING IN PROGRESS)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora