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"What happened to her?!" Wally rushed over.

"Gabe found her. He was a lot stronger than he used to be. I couldn't...I couldn't pull him off of her." Diana said, looking away. I frowned and looked up at Dad.

"She'll be fine. I'm not as good at helping people heal as my nephew, but I'm a decent healer in my own right." Dad said, shifting me. I snorted. Yeah, decent healer in this context meaning he could do close to nothing to help me. He had to call in a healer because the water couldn't heal anything more than the internal damage. Which I am thankful for don't get me wrong, but when even that was limited it's kinda funny to hear Dad say that.

"I still said I'd protect her." Diana didn't look at Dad. "I said I'd protect her and I didn't. What kind of hero am I if I can't even do that?"

Great. Diana's becoming me.

Dad sighed. "You sound like Percy and it's not good on you. You're a perfectly capable hero. I'm just as much to blame for this situation as you are. If I hadn't let you take her from my place, then she wouldn't be injured. Do you care if we move this to the living room? Percy's not exactly light."

I glared at him. He chuckled.

"Muscle is heavier than fat."

And he's a god who has flipped mountains and islands. He should have no problem holding me like this, well, in terms of strength and endurance anyway. I guess it's kinda weird to talk while you're holding an injured teenager.

"Sure, it's this way." Wally led the way to the living room. Robin was sitting on the couch, Connor laid sleeping on the floor.

"Do you want me to sit you on the couch?" Dad asked.

I shook my head. Diana laughed at his disbelieving expression.

"You should know better than that. She's a cuddly person. Plus it looks like you've moved into the position of the favored parent. Congratulations. You get a celebratory mug which you will have to steal from Sally."

Dad sat on the couch and helped me shift into a more comfortable position. My head rested on his chest  and I could hear his heart beating.

A small smile spread across my face and I let myself fully relax, the first I have since everything that's happened. Dad messed with my hair and mumbled a couple comforting words.

"I don't want her to go out fighting with you guys." Dad looked at Wally.

"Then keep her at your house."

"I tried. Somehow she managed to make it here with a broken leg. For some reason, my daughter likes staying here and she likes fighting." He tightened his grip on me as he said that, though this time he was careful not to hurt me. "I would question where she gets it from but my family has never been passive. But I can't approve of her going out and putting herself in danger. She's already in enough due to my enemies."

"What kind of enemies?" Robin asked.

Dad chuckled and shook his head. "Believe me boy, you are better off not knowing."

"Now I really want to know."

A loud sigh fell from Dad's lips. "Fine. One of them is my brother. He wants Percy dead. A few more include some of my uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews. Some of her brothers want to spill her blood. Then there are more outside of our immediate family who want to kill her. She is vulnerable at the moment, unable to protect herself and those around her. That's why I wanted her to stay with me. If she's killed...I don't know what will happen. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to my princess."

"Apologize to Sally and not have another affair?" Diana suggested.

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah, I do. But she'll be safe here. Hopefully. But you know there's never anything as truly safe for her. Even staying with your brother and nephew she's still at risk. No matter where she's at, there's risk. Even staying with you. At least here she's in a former League base."

Dad looked down at me. "Do you want to stay here?"

I nodded.

"Are you sure? I'm not sure how fast you'll heal if you're this far away from my palace."

I nodded again.

Dad forced a smile and kissed my forehead. "I'll go then. Stay safe." He moved me off of his lap. He walked away, leaving me to stare at Wally, Robin, and Diana. The occasional snore from Connor broke the silence.

"So I'm going to get going. Don't let her do anything stupid." Diana flew away, leaving me with the guys. I sighed silently. Yay. Let's see how much they try to press me on how I got hurt this bad.

Surprisingly, they didn't press me on it. Wally's eyes were trained on my neck, on the bruises persisting there. Within an instant he was infront of me and he pulled me into a gentle hug.

My eyes widened and I stared at the wall. It took me a second, but I wrapped an arm around Wally and patted his back. As soon as I did that he pulled away.

"Uh sorry about that. You hungry? Cause I could go for a pizza. And maybe a large cheese-stick. And ice cream. And maybe rootbeer. A rootbeer float sounds really good and-"

"Wally, go get the food instead of talking about it." Robin said.

"On it."

Wally disappeared from sight. Robin looked around the room. He tilted his head slightly. "I wonder where Artemis and Kaldur are."

Okay, so...

Someone please hit me. I'm tired. And while I was sitting in the woods for an hour trying to come up with dialogue and stuff, I wrote the first paragraph for a story.

One which won't be started until I finish a lit of books. Mainly cause...well, look at how many books I have.

But I'll post that in My Random Stuff after this so check it out if you want

See yah

Quiet Waters (Fem. Percy x Young Justice) (EDITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now