"Sure. I'm okay with anything, thanks." Steph replies.

Emily stares at her. She knows that something has changed between her brother and her babysitter. Steph isn't acting like she hates her brother anymore and she didn't complain when he called her Hazel. They're acting like friends now and Emily is happy about it.

Steph catches her staring.
"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Emily smiles. "I can see you don't hate my brother anymore."

"Hey!" Steph exclaims. "I never said I hated him."

"But you like him."

"No, I do not," Steph huffs.
If that happens, she'll feel like her heart betrayed her.

Chris walks back in with a can of Pepsi for Steph and an apple in the other hand. He hands Steph the drink and she thanks him then he bites into the apple.

"So are you going to the party on Saturday?" Chris asks as he sits on another couch.

His question takes Stephanie's mind to her last party- when she kissed Chris in that game and she feels weird because he's right in front of her.

"No, I'm not."


"Because I don't want to."

Chris smirks. "Not your scene, huh?"

"Yeah," Steph drawls.

"Okay," he smiles. He was damn right. Something must have made her come to Jason's party that time they kissed.

That kiss, Chris thinks and takes a deep breath. If care isn't taken, he might find himself crashing her lips with his. At that thought, he stands and heads to his room without uttering another word.


"Okay, I should get going," Steph announces after Chris comes back to the living room.

"Aw," Emily pouts.

"Want me to drive you home?" Chris offers.


The front door opens, cutting Steph off. They look to see Kate walk in.

"Hey people! Momma's back," she declares as she shuts the door, her back to them.

"Oh hi Stephanie, you're still here?" Kate asks rhetorically when she sees her.

"Yeah, I was just leaving," Steph replies.

"Why don't you stay for dinner, dear?" Kate asks with a broad smile.

"Yes!" Emily exclaims then takes one of Steph's hand in both of hers.
"Please stay."

Steph shifts her gaze to Chris and he shrugs.

"Sure. I'll stay for dinner," Steph accepts.


"Why don't you sit and feel at home while I start dinner," Kate suggests.

"Is there anything I can help with?" Steph asks.

"No no no," Kate waves her off. "Just get comfy."

"Okay ma'am."

"Hey! It's Kate. You're making me feel like an old Lady," Kate mutters with a chuckle.

"Ain't you?" Chris finally speaks with a chuckle of his own.

"You!" Kate narrows her eyes at her son. "You'll help make dinner because of that."

"But I hate cooking," Chris whines.

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