"H-hello, table for two, please?"

The two customers smiled to Karin as she just stare at them with blank but welcoming eyes, fitting her character.

"...Welcome. Please follow me."

As Karin showed them to their table, she gave them the menu along with her notepad that was given not to long ago. "What would you like today?"

"Um, one rice omelette and..."

"one cappuccino will be fine."

Karin felt like it wasn't enough for the other customer to have only cappuccino so she added another treat for him before nodding, walking away with the order.

"Man, are you sure you want only cappuccino? You know it's on me, right?"

"I'm alright, I'm not hungry anyways."

Karin smiled to her idea to give him a free treat. As the food was ready to serve, she quickly went to her character again and gave the customers their order.

"One omelette..." Karin puts the omelette in front of the customer and the cappuccino and her treat to the other customer. "...and one cappuccino."

"Um, I didn't order the cookies..."

Karin look at the cookies before looking at the customer. "It's already serve for you, so take it. Besides, a drink in a café with only the cappuccino seems not enough, right?" She tilted her head with her eyes sparkled a little but still with a frown face.

Suddenly, flowers appear around the customers as the one who was treated thank her and both of them blushed. "T-thank you so much!"

Dino, Akizuki and Kaho admire her good work. "Karin sure knows her character!" Akizuki slightly smile to how Karin nailed her characteristic.

When the three of them turn to where Maika was, they all sweat dropped.

Maika was going to serve the two omelette and put the ketchup on it for them. Instead of the ketchup on the omelette, it splattered on both of the customer's faces.

Maika look at them, unknowingly she was glaring at them. But both of the customers shivered to the glare.

In a good way.

"oh, dear. Should I help her out?" Kaho asked Akizuki, who's behind the kitchen counter.

"No, she'll be fine."

"They're f...filthy." Maika said darkly at the two customers, glaring at them again.

Instead of sad and anger, they both thank her. "Thank you!!"




Both of the customers that Maika and Karin serve walk out and feel all refresh.

"That was awesome!"

"Yeah the best!"

"Man, the new girl sure is nice. Even if she didn't show it!"

Both Karin and Maika bow down.

"Thank you for coming."

"Yes, thank you, please never come again!"

As the door closes, the girl started to freak out as the other took a deep breath of relief.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm sorry for being mean to you. Please come again! I'll be waiting!" Maika turn around towards Karin, Kaho and Akizuki. "I-I didn't make the customers mad at me, right!?"

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