UIMY....A new beggining

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Katelyn pov

Chapter 1- Fresh Start

I was drifted off my trance, I was reminiscing my father, he recently died. My heart is bleeding every damn day. I wish I could bring him back. I was so attached to him. I still remember seeing him in his coffin. It was just so traumatic.

"Katelyn I have been calling you all along!!! I need to you to come downstairs sweety" Mum said

"Sorry Mummy I was asleep you know" I said

"Ok cutie, I wanted talk to you about something." She said

"What is it Mama? I curiously asked.

"We are moving to a new state sweetie" she said.

"Are you serious Mum?" I said

"Yeah I am love " she retorted.

"No ways Mum, I can't move to a new school I mean I'm used to living in Atlanta Georgia. Where are we moving to?" I asked.

"We are moving to LA babes" She said.

"Oh really? I have always wanted to live there Mummy, but then I'm slightly overwhelmed as well" I said.

I was so astounded. I wasn't expecting that we would relocate to a different state. I really don't know how I will cope because, I'm so used to living in Atlanta Georgia. I mean, I lived here all my life, so it's going to be an immense transition.

"I understand baby, it is a bit strange but I'm sure you will get used to it." Mum reassuringly said

"I will miss this place" I despondently said

"I know Kate but I found a job babes, that is why I'm so eager to move darling." She said

"When are we moving then?" I curiously asked

"In a few days time Katie" she said

"Wow I wasn't expecting that at all, I'm so reluctant and excited at the same time, I hope I will meet nice people" I said

"I'm sure you will baby girl." Mum said. I woke up to the sound of my loud alarm, today was the day I was moving, I had finished packing.

"Kate are you ready now?" Mum said

"Yeah I am Mum" I yelled gathering all my luggages and possessions.

The sun was vivaciously blazing, it just put a smile on my face. I love the weather in America, but it is sometimes cold. I don't have a lot of friends because, I don't really like affiliating with people. I don't trust people, most of them are just deceivers and fake idiots. I'm the type of girl that's very reserved but I aint a fool I do defend myself if someone provokes me.

"Kate our flight has arrived" Mum said.

So we boadered on the plane. They were so many people. Airports are always busy. "It 's extremely hot Mum" I said

"I know honey my head is killing me right now" She said

"Take water Mama you will be alright" I reassured her.

I'm so close to my Mum, she is the queen of my heart and my everything. She is also my soulmate, I cherish her so much. Words can't express how much she means to me.

"Mum I'm really looking forward, to this journey but what if I, encounter with bullies?" I inquired, sipping my latte.

"You won't honey babe think positively you will meet great people don't worry at all" She optimistically said smiling.

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