Chapter 31: Missing him

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Kate's POV

A week later

Life without Corey just sucks I can't stop thinking about him, I wish he never relocated to another state, I can't stop thinking about it, I feel so bloody stressed out right now! It really sucks trust me. I can't live without him, he is my everything I love him so much. But I guess I have to just try and get over it, I'm sure I will eventually heal from this pain I'm feeling. Things happen in life, that's life at the end of the day but it's not easy, I just miss him. Who will comfort me when I'm feeling low?. No one will ever replace him, or be a substitute for him, he's my heart. Cory and I are inseparable. To think I won't see him for a long period of time is just literally breaking my heart into pieces. He is my rock, and the one that strengthens me when I'm in debilitating situations. Even though we fight but we still love each other. Our relationship remains resilient. I was just about to heat my food when I recieved an unknown call from someone.

'Hello... 'I say

'Hey baby' I was so shocked to hear Corey's voice.

'Hey babe omg I miss you so much gosh I feel like crying.'

'Stop it don't even go there I miss you a million times more my princess. I wish I was there to hold you and give you endless kisses and hugs' he compassionately said making me melt inside.

'It's funny that I was just thinking of you and you just happened to call.

'How peculiar huh?'

'I know right babe tell me about it. How's chris and your Mum?'

'They're fine, they all miss you lot. I will come and visit soon!'

'Ahh that would be great Corey!!!' I excitedly said

'Plus babe I'm not gonna be living in Hawaii forever, I spoke to my mum and she said once  I start working, in about a years' time I'm allowed to come back to LA but I would have to look for a house.'

'Omg shut up you're joking! I'm so happy I hope that will happen.

'I know right, it will eventually babes. How's Wendy and everyone there?'

'She's good and everyone is not bad Hun. Have you started uni yet?'

'I'm starting uni next week babe'

'Ok are you excited boo?'

'Slightly but I'm gonna miss Crescentville college.'

'Tell me about it boo, I will miss going to college with you.'

'I know princess but I'm sure you'll get used to it. Okay I will leave you to rest because I know you have school tomorrow'

'Yeah I do Hun'

'God night baby, I love you'

' Love you too Corey.'

Talking to him made me feel better it slightly alleviated the stress but then, it kind of made me miss him more but I just guess I have to be brave and get used to it. I will be going to New Orleans this summer to visit my cousins and I will also be jetting off to Atlanta Georgia to see my best friend Vanessa. I can't wait, I'm so excited!! I went to my room after I had finished dinner, my Mum then came in.

"Hey munchkin you're ok?" Mum said sitting on my bed.

"I'm good mama I was just talking to Corey I miss him." I said but I knew she wasn't convinced I was okay.

"I know babe but you'll eventually recuperate from this emotional pain of being in a long distant relationship. I remember when I was your age, when your dad and I first met, we were so inseparable I couldn't be apart from him but I learnt to just live without him. Occupy yourself with other things which make you happy like studying, or going out with friends, you'll feel much better cupcake trust me." Mum reassuringly said

"Awww you're making me crying you're the best you're absolutely right about that Mum but its just hard to adjust, it sucks Mum but thanks for the advice."

"That's what I'm here for my baby girl she said kissing my forehead."

Just hearing her mention my father made me reminisce him. Mum and Dad were so in love, I wish he was by my side. It's been a year since we lost him and I still think of him and miss him a lot. I try to get over this emotional trauma but it's hard. I'm sure he is watching over me each and everyday even though I can't see him but he is in my heart and will always be. Meeting Corey is something I can highlight as the best moment ever. I know we were slightly rivals but we just happened to fall in love, I never knew this fella would be the best thing which has ever happened to me, and when he left he technically took a part of me. We may be staying in touch but it won't be the same as seeing each other in person. He means a lot to me, but I have to acknowledge the fact that things happen in life that we don't expect. I'm sure we'll see other soon but it isn't guaranteed. 'What if Corey just gives up on me and finds another girl in Canada' I thought to my self as I dozed off to sleep. I woke up to the sound of my old alarm audibly ringing the next morning. I then remembered that there's no school, it was basically a strike day. I began jotting notes in my diary and contemplating my plans for the day. I then decided to call Shanelle, and ask her if we could hang out, she then agreed to meet up with me since she was free all day.

A few hours later...

"Hey love, you're ok" I said greeting her.

"Hey babe, I'm good boo, how are you doing?" she retorted embracing me.

"I'm okay I just miss Corey" I sadly said heading to Starbucks with Shanelle.

"Awww bless, it must be hard boo it really sucks to be apart from someone you're so close to, but don't worry babes you'll get used to it at least you guys stay in touch have you heard from him since he left LA?" Shanelle asked

"Yeah I did I actually spoke to him last night, wish he was here but then you have a point girl I will get over it with time" I said

"What are you ordering boo?" She asked taking her money out of her pocket.

"I'm not sure huns" I said trying to figure what to buy.

"Put your money back misses, I'm paying" she insisted.

"No Shan, I can't let you do that you'll make me feel bad" I reluctantly said trying to convince her to not pay for me but she kept on insisting I then let her pay since was so keen to do it. I love this girl she's more than just my best mate she's also like my sister.

"Ok I will have cappuccino and an Oreo cake please, can I also have a vanilla fudge cake and a latte" she said ordering our food.

"Ok darling will be right up in a bit" the shop keeper said, he was so handsome but not as hot as Corey.

"Awww babe you didn't have to do that thanks"

"No problem boo, and you're welcome don't feel bad babes"

"So how's college been so far girl" I asked sipping my hot cappicinno.

"Same as usual girl, I've been doing a lot of assignments lately,  it's just getting so intense." She said.

"Tell me about it girl, college is just getting harder and harder each and everyday, it really sucks but what can we do eeeeh, we just have to get a grip and do it, we don't have a bloody choice" I teasingly said laughing and giving Shan a high five.

"You're right babes, just continue to work hard you'll get there" Shanelle reassuringly said interlacing my hand with hers.

" So how's Chris?" I curiously asked

"He's good, i just miss him a lot" she sadly said.

"Awww sweet I miss him too and Corey but at least we get to stay in touch with them"

"You're right babes" she retorted.

We continued to chat, after a few hours of chatting away and having fun we then headed home.

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