Chapter 30: Corey's depature

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Corey Pov

I will be leaving for Hawaii tomorrow, I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything because it still feels like a dream, I have already finished packing that is what I have been doing for the past few days. "Man what's good?" Chris said walking into my room

"Dude I'm feeling so sad and overwhelmed because, I'm going tomorrow and to think I'm gonna leave my girlfriend behind is just killing me. It sucks because I'm going for good" I sadly said

"I know dude, I'm gonna miss Kate so much and all my friends and I will miss Shanelle as well, we are now dating bro" He cheerfully said grinning.

"Wow that's great news since when?" I curiously asked.

"A few days ago actually"Chris said

"Awww sweet I'm happy for you man, but I'm still fucking stressed about leaving LA tomorrow I really don't want to go" I dismally said shrugging my shoulders.

"I know but it's too late because we've already shipped all the furniture and everything I know it sucks I don't wanna go too but I'm sure we are gonna get used to it with time Corey. Chris reassuringly said

"Yeah but it will be hard to adjust bro" I retorted

"I know how you are feeling lil bro but that's life at the end of the day. You know what things happen you just have to be brave as a man, just take it easy, I'm sure we will have a fresh start in Hawaii" Chris said

"Ok man, I will miss Crescentville college and L.A in general... I mean we have lived here all our lives relocating to an anonymous place isn't going to be easy Chris"

"Tell me about it, I know it's gonna suck but what can you do?. I will catch you later dude, stay easy my man" Chris said leaving my room.

"Okay cool, see you man" I decided to text Kate...

Hey babe!! wanna go to the beach with me for the last time

Heyy yeah babe, I would love to!! I'm gonna miss you I don't even know what to do :(.

Me too boo, I will see you at around 2?

Cool I will be there soon I love you

I love you more honey cakes...

Kate Pov

This is just unbelievable, I still can't believe Corey is leaving tomorrow. I'm literally gonna burst out into tears at the airport. I can't live without him.

"You're okay baby?" Mum said touching my shoulder.

"No I'm not Mum, Corey is going to Hawaii tomorrow I'm just so sad"

"Awwww don't be tense sweetheart, it will be okay babe just enjoy the time you have with him today and  try to forget about the fact that he is leaving. Baby you should just relax your mind and stop stressing lovey. I know it will be hard babe at least he is alive, when I lost your Dad I couldn't think at all I was so disoriented and devastated but I learnt to live a normal life again I still miss him but I'm getting used to living without him. So you just have to be resilient my baby girl, everything will be okay you guys will stay in touch he won't leave you babe, Corey will always love you and I know that." She said consoling me.

"I love you Mum thanks you just made me feel so much better."                                                                       
                                                                                      "I love you more my baby girI" she replied. I  love this woman she is my best friend and everything she is the one who consoles me when I'm in tough situations.

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