Chapter 35: Missing my father

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Katelyn' POV

I've been in Atlanta Georgia for almost a week now, it's been great just catching up with my
best friend Vanessa but I also miss my Mum at the same time too and all my friends I left in LA but I know I will see them again soon so I shouldn't worry too much. "Hey girl I've been calling you hun your phone is ringing here you are" Tamera says, passing my phone to me. She's Vanessa's younger sister. She's ever so lovely and sweet I love her to bits. I know I have no siblings but she and Vanessa are like my blood sisters.

"Sorry girl I was just taking a shower. Hello" I say on the phone.

"Hey babes" a familiar voice said I then realised it was Shanelle.

"OMG hi Shan I missed you how are you?" I happily said.

"Not too, bad babes, I miss you too how's ATL treating you girl?"  She said.

"Awww it's okay but I miss LA"

"Awww bless how is Vanessa?" she asks

"She's ok girl" I cheerfully say.

"I gotta go babe, someone is knocking" Shanelle said

"Ok boo laters babe" I say hanging up. I miss her, she's my best friend ever.

"Hey babe so I was thinking that maybe we could go have food at the Vortex restaurant if you like"

"Yeah I would love to babe, I just don't know what to wear" I saying trying to figure out what outfit to pick.

"We can work on that together babes, you can even borrow one of my outfits if you want." Vanessa insisted.

"Awww thanks sissy, you're the bestest friend, I have ever had I love you" I say pecking her on the cheek.

"Awww I love you more bestie" she says winking.

So I started getting ready for this special dinner, it wasn't formal or anything but I just wanted to look very distinguished and presentable. I decided to wear a white jumpsuit since the weather was slightly mild and not too cold. It just literally put a smile on my face. I hate it when it rains, it's so distracting and annoying. Vanessa then began to curl my hair, she also put make up on me.

"What eye liner would you prefer wearing today?"

"Maybe dark purple boo it will match with the shoes"

"Awesome idea girl,coooh you're slaying in that jumpsuit you look sexy babe" she teasingly complimented. She had already dressed up she wore a yellow short dress and some heels. She sure looked amazing too, I don't know, if I was looking okay. I always feel insecure about my image and appearance I really don't know why. After finishing all the touch ups we then headed downstairs.

"Let's take selfies on snap chat babe" Vanessa suggested.

"Sure lovey..." I say cheerfully. We then did a cute pose and made funny faces, which ended up making us laugh hysterically. We surely had a great time

"You girls are looking so beautiful' Nicole complimented sipping her coffee.

"Thanks Mum" Vanessa retorted entering the kitchen.

"You're welcome babes" She says

"Do you want to eat something before you go ladies?" Nicole asks.

"No we are good" we both said in unison, heading towards the door where everyone was waiting.

Nicole was dropping us to the restaurant. Everyone was going including Vanessa's siblings Jayden and Tamera excerpt her Mum who couldn't come. "Ok then let's go then" She said, we then walked out the door and headed to Nicole's car. We all quickly got in.

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