Until I met you x Chapter 28

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Katelyn pov....A few days later.

This weekend has been irrefutably elating and enthusing too. I have had so much fun, Corey's party is the one I can highlight as the greatest moment of my life, now I'm back in school again. I have quite a lot of assignments to complete before summer holiday. Corey isn't attending school today because he is unfortunately very sick, I wish I was there to console him. I'm gonna feel so lonely with out him around but anywhere, I can hang out with my mate Jess and Shanelle. I completely abstained from affiliating with Christine after the slight controversy we had a few weeks ago, I don't trust people any more.

"Hey babe...." Shanelle said behind me.

"Hey girl what's up?"

"Nothing really?" She retorted

"How's your man Chris?"

"Shut up, he isn't my man" Shanelle said blushing

"Come on you guys kissed there is obviously something going between you too come on, I'm not dumb girl, you're blushing chica."

"No I'm not" she denied playing with her hair.

"Yeah yeah misses, what lesson do you have?"

"Biology girl and English" She said

" I have psychology boo, thank god I will be going home early."

"You lucky idiot, I'm finishing very late at around 5." She teasingly uttered

"Awwww poor you girl...."

"Shut up babe, I'm just kidding boo. My lesson is about to start, I will catch you later" She said rushing to her lesson.

"Ok love you sis"

"Love you more girl..." She said smiling

I quickly entered the lesson I thank God I was on time I'm usually late for psychology. It's an intriguing subject I actually enjoy it, I used to find it intricate but I'm gradually getting the hang of it now.

I received a text from Jess babe

Babe please tell Mr Anderson that I'm gonna be a bit late.

Sure I got you girl I will do that now.

You're a star KK xx

Anytime my babe.

It was now lunch time but, I didn't have to go to lunch, because my lessons had finished so I was allowed to go straight home. I decided to visit Corey since he was unwell. I didn't inform him I was coming I just wanted to surprise him I even bought him chocolates  and a card. I knocked the door and Lauren opened.

"Hey Laura is Corey in?"

"Hey honey, yeah he is but he is very poorly" she said

"I know that is why I decided to drop by."

"Awww how sweet of you? Are you coming from college?" Lauren said

"Yeah I am..."

"Ok he is asleep in his room." She said

" Awww feel bad for waking him."

"It's all good babe just go and see him he's missing you." She said smirking

"Okay... So I gently knocked the door and opened it because the door wasn't locked hence he didn't respond. I saw him lying peacefully on his bed looking very exhausted and sick.

"Hey baby, you're OK?

"Hey baby girl? I never knew you were coming" Corey said

"I'm sorry for just bugging in without letting you know"

Until i met youOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant