Bicycle- 12

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Chapter Twelve

"Let me take you down, cause I'm going to, strawberry fields. Nothing is real. And nothing to get hung about. Strawberry fields foreverm." We sang in harmony. Not many people know, but Three Days Grace is a major fan of the Beatles. I swear they know every single one of the songs. Currently, we were singing Strawberry Fields Forever, a song where I think John Lennon was high when he wrote it. But it's so catchy.

We were sitting on the tour bus, on our way to the next location on the tour. Wilmington, maybe? We would be in the bus all day so I made sure my iPod was fully charged and ready to go. Not that it would matter, because there are outlets on the bus. But Adam was sitting beside me as I blasted the songs through my portable speakers. He put his arm around me and made sure not to let go. When I moved, he moved. With other guys it would annoy the hell outta me, but with Adam I just felt safe and protected.


Four hours into the car ride and I was beginning to wonder how the guys didn't kill each other every time they went on tour. They had slept, and snored, and sang, and laughed, and pestered, and bantered, and poked, and everything else you could imagine, and my patience was running short.

"Poke me one more time and I swear I will punch you in the throat." I growled at Neil, who had resorted to poking me out of boredom. He retracted his hand quickly and stopped after that. Adam just watched the exchange with sleepy eyes and smiled lazily like he was in a trance. Though he had just woken up from a nap.


3 hours later...

"Oh my God, finally!" I moaned. "We're here!"

It turns out we were going to a small island close to Wilmington, called Oak Island. And when I say small, I mean very small. I had never even heard of it until today. Apparently, neither had anyone else.

"Where the heck are we?" Neil asked as he looked out the windows. "Nice scenery though."

And it really was. I clambered over to the window and a pristine beach, almost uninhabited, met my eyes. "Oh shit," I said, "we're staying oceanfront?!"

The bus pulled up to a condominium and we all piled out. Neil, Adam, and I all made a mad dash for the beach, while Barry and Brad stayed behind to unload. I ran down, feeling the salty wind rush through my hair as the beautiful sound of waves crashing against the shore met my ears. I stopped just short of the ocean and looked around. The sun was setting, and it cast a brilliant and breathtaking orange glow over everything. I was speechless, just trying to take everything in, when it suddenly wasn't there anymore, and it was replaced with water. I broke the surface and gasped for air, blowing excess water out of my nose. I heard laughter behind me, and I turned to see Adam doubled over, his body shaking with laughter at my wet state. I took advantage of his lack of sight and tackled him from behind. He went down into an oncoming wave and I managed to stay above the water. Now it was my turn to laugh. He came up soaking wet, with his hair covering his eyes, which looked quite sexy on him. By the time he got all shaken out I was already back on the shore running for my life. However, it was hard to run in the deep sand which slowed me down. Adam easily caught up with me and tackled me into the sand. I got a mouthful of it as it covered me and my clothes.

Over and Over- an Adam Gontier love storyWhere stories live. Discover now