Highway to Hell- 7

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Chapter Seven

I tried not to gag from the ungodly smell in the bus and looked around. There was trash everywhere and it didn't look like it had been cleaned since they bought it. Pizza boxes, candy wrappers and who knows what else was buried. It looked like an episode of Hoarders: Trailer Style, except for it was a bus instead of a trailer.

"What the f- heck died in here?" I asked, holding my shirt up over my nose.

"What are you talking about? I don't smell anything." Adam said as he walked onto the bus.

"You don't smell anything? What, is your sense of smell impaired in some way? It smells like a dumpster!" I exclaimed.

"You got yourself into this pumpkin. Welcome to our humble abode." Brad said, walking past me and moving some trash to sit down on the couch, obviously less than pleased to have me here.

"Don't worry, he'll get better. It'll just take some time for him to warm up to you." Neil assuaged.

"Thanks for being better about this than he is." I told Neil. He gave me a little salute and squeezed past to sit next to Brad.

"Alright guys and girl, let's get this show on the road before we make ourselves even later off schedule than we need to be." Stu clapped his hands. However, his demeanor changed when he saw the inside of the bus. "Oh come on guys! You couldn't have even tried to clean up any of this mess? I swear y'all are like teenage boys sometimes."

"We are... In our hearts." Barry said, placing his hand over his heart.

We all gave him a stare. "And on that note... Let's hit the road!" Stu exclaimed.

Stu climbed up to the front of the bus, which was partitioned off from the rest by a curtain. I felt more than heard the bus start up and jolt forward. I managed to find a place to sit that wasn't overrun by trash and took a seat. Adam came over to sit beside me and draped his arm over my shoulder. "So, you like the place?" he smirked.

"You did this on purpose, didn't you? You knew it was this gross." I complained.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." he said innocently. I just scoffed and turned away.

I pulled out my phone and sent Lily a quick text saying that I was up and got her note. I then opened up Twitter and almost tweeted about what I was doing, then I remembered that no one was supposed to know about this. I sadly closed out the app, it's not like I had that many followers anyways. Adam picked up on my mood. "S'ok hon. It's for the best anyways."

"Yeah whatever." I shifted my body and closed my eyes, hoping for some more sleep.


I awoke with a snort. Turning my head to crack my neck, I cracked my eyes open to look at my surroundings. Oh right. Stink bus. However, I was laying on something very comfortable. I opened my eyes fully to find that I wasn't laying on the seat anymore, but on the floor instead. With Adam. On his stomach. He was sleeping soundly, but everyone else was awake. I tried saying his name and moving his arm, but nothing was waking him up.

"You gotta do something drastic or else nothing will wake him up." Barry commented.

Drastic huh? I can do that.

I slowly lifted my head off of Adam's nice stomach. I eased it up and right when it was about a foot away, I brought my head crashing down onto his stomach. I heard a satisfying whoosh of air come out of his mouth as his eyes jolted open. He sucked in a big breath and started wheezing while Neil and Barry started laughing like idiots. Brad just sat off to the side with a small smirk on his face.

"What... The..." Adam wheezed.

"Ah bup bup. Do you really want to finish that sentence? I did you a favor by waking you up." I said triumphantly.

"That was probably one of the most hilarious things I have ever seen in my life. Also the most effective in waking Adam up. I give it a 10 out of 10." Barry said, still chuckling.

"See? You're welcome." I did a little half bow. This earned me a glare from Adam and a thumbs-up from Neil.

"Whatever." Adam grumbled, still sounding a little bit out of breath. "Where are we?"

"Well," Neil began, "while you two had your nap-which was very interesting, by the way, I'll get to it in a sec-we drove through North Carolina and we are almost to Memphis. And you guys, I just wanted to let you know that you two are hilarious while you sleep. You-" he pointed to me, "were all over his shoulder and that couch. And you-" now he pointed to Adam "-were shoving her off of you. That's how y'all ended up on the floor. You pushed her and it kind of backfired. Then she went ham on your stomach and started drooling." He finished with a wide grin. I sat, horrified, and wiped my mouth. Sure enough, there was a spot of drool.

"So, Memphis, huh?" I stated, breaking the silence that followed with an awkward chuckle. Then realization hit me. "Wait, isn't Memphis like a four hour drive from Greenville? I was asleep for four hours!?" this part was screeched.

"You both were. And quite deeply too." Brad commented, then turned his head.

We clambered back onto the couch into our former positions before we fell asleep. Adam scratched the back of his head and asked, "So, what happened while we were out?"

The boys exchanged a knowing glance before responding in unison, "Nothing."

Since nothing always means something, I gave Neil a creepy stare, knowing that he would crack first. He noticed me staring and tried to avoid eye contact. "Neil," I said in a singsong voice, "look at me."

He brought his eyes up slowly to meet mine, and as he looked at me I could see his resolve start to crumble away. He finally cracked.

"Okay, okay! Just stop staring at me like that! You two might want to go look in a mirror."

I looked at Adam at the same time he looked at me. Our eyes widened simultaneously. I stared at Adam's face which wasn't very recognizable anymore. Instead, his face was covered in drawings in black pen. Basically, he had another face. They gave him a unibrow, a large mole, a bushy mustache, and more. We both walked to the small bathroom in the back and looked in the mirror. We both saw the full extent of our own and each other's drawings and busted out laughing while comparing. The guys gave Adam a bushy mustache, whereas I got a thin, curly one with a monocle around my left eye.

"Hey you guys! We're here!" Barry yelled at us.

We emerged from the bathroom and went over to look out the window. The first thing that greeted my eyes?

Lots of land.



Yay! So in Memphis now! I have no idea what Memphis looks like so I dunno if there is lots of open land. But anyways...

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