who is my VICTUM? chapter 12

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hi guys! hope you like! sorry about the timing delay! luv u guys!


Sally's POV:


"FINALLY" I hear a victum talking near-by.I start to cry and throw my bear into the pond. blood starts to pour down my face. I start to remember the days I had spent when I used to be normal and who changed it all.

I start to cry real tears. My life is seriously messed up for a ten year old. My victum ran up to me "Hey, I can get your bear if you'd like me to." She smiles. I look at her still thinking about that day.... It suprised me when she softly hugged me.

I flinched and to my suprize she.... hugged me. I let her hug me as i cried loosely in her embrace. She says "I'm sorry, are you badly hurt?" I think about how my life was ruined because of my uncle. (look up story of uncle johnny and sally)

I cried more. "I don't want to play that game anymore :'c " I sniffle and whisper. I looked up and realized that by her expression, she had almost been through the same exact thing as me... :c She suprized me again by taking off her lace shirt to wipe the blood off my face.

I was like WHAT!? She had an undershirt on. Okay good. whew. That would have been really awkward xP. She gently puts her shirt on my forehead to stop the bleeding. Then she pulls me into another hug. I wanted to cry again, all I could manage was a "Thank you."

I open my eyes and think, she is the bestest person in the world! I want be exactly... or as close as i can be, like her. Then she smiles at me and asks " Are you better? Let me go get your bear okay?" I see her stand up and I her hand quickly and pull her away from the pond.

"No! no, leave him. I'll get him later...." yeah, and when I do, I will not let him hurt her or anyone she cares about! She's my new best friend. I start eyeing my bear cautiously to make sure he doesn't sneak up on her.

Another girl starts to come in our direction. I glare at her. Ugh. Why does she have to be here? Then the former victum holds me closer, as if protecting me. "This is my friend, Savi. It's okay, She isn't mean."

As if I'm afraid she is mean or not. Then she pulls me even closer. I could hear the calm thumps of her heart beat. I nodded " Okay." She smiles again at me and tells me her name "I'm Aubrey."


my arms keep falling asleep xD lol


I smile "I'm Sally." Wow Aubrey's a pretty name. Aubrey smiles at me with sparkling eyes " You have such a cuttttttteee name!!! I'm jellous!" xD she's funny. I like her, I giggle. She has a wide grin "Awwww even your giggles are adorable! Can I keep you?"

No one has ever wanted to " keep" me... I just ended up where I live now because I kill. Savi shook her head and smiled like it was a redicuolus thought. I like the thought though. I guess I don't really like Savi. I play it off though.

I giggle "Okay!" I haven't been this happy and excited in... Forever :D !!! Savi laughs at my enthusiasm. "Don't you live some where?" I laugh, but that question really hurt. Yeah I do live somewhere, but nobody cares if i'm alive or dead, kidnapped or raped.

... I can't think about my past anymore. " Yeah, but they don't really care when i'm gone or when I'm there." Aubrey frowns "Aw! I'm sorry!! If I take you that wont happen." There was something promising about her voice.

She smiles " You'll be my little sister!!" She says excitedly. I've always wanted a sister!!! Aubrey hugs me. I really love her hugs. They're perfect. It's hard to describe...

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