67. Spirit Dream

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"There were two other faces I saw in the dream, two Na'vi I still have not met, yet familiar... Two young boys, barely into adulthood, with identical grins, noses, eyes, face, and lips. Yet, two completely different looks. One wore his hair up in funny braids, the other with the sides of his head shaved and the hair down the center braided. I..." I stopped, thinking, "I think I will give one of these two boys something, because in the hands of the boy with the shaved head, I see my metal bow, painted up with white and blue like Solros. On the other boy's wrist, I think I see my seashell necklace... But it is hard to tell." I said, thinking over the details of both of the young Na'vi boys.

"Both of them are clearly twin brothers, their arms thrown around each other's shoulders, smiling at something in the distance....." I said slowly, shaking my head.

"Finally, the images change again to show rolling hills of green grass and beautiful sunflowers, their petals opened up to the golden sun rays above...." I frowned, thinking of something I only just realised of my Spirit Dream that I never though much of before, "There are.... pulsing beat sounds in the background, oddly familiar, like I have heard them somewhere before...." I frowned at that, "But the hills are covered in yellow, hundreds of great sunflowers, trees in the distance..." I said, stopping for a moment before leaning down, smiling at Grace who's eyes were barely open, very likely she isn't hearing me at all.

"But you want to know that part that made me so determined to fulfill my Spirit Quest? It's a secret I never told the Elders." I whispered, seeing a slow grin rise to Grace's face as I leaned back, smiling happily.

"I heard a voice, whispering in my ear in Tula these very words, Muil min Kolbir..." I spoke in Tula, smiling softly, then sadly.

"It means, My love is forever. It always filled me hope that... one day, I might know that love I could hear in those whispered tones... But I cannot recognize the voice, because they are whispering, so I still don't know who it was." I said, looking down at Grace.

Grace stared at me with a soft smile.

"Sounds peaceful... Bright..." She muttered before her eyes closed, a low whine escaping her, making me sigh as I stood, carefully stepping over to the First Aid kit, pulling out the last morphine injection as pressing down the button to ready it as I returned to Grace, who's face was beginning to scrunch in pain. I released the needle and gently took Grace's arm, administering the last Morphine.

I put the empty Morphine injector into the trash bin, watching Grace's face as she sighed and relaxed, the Morphine removing her pain as she fell back asleep. I sat there for a while, continuing to rub Grace's arm, before I heard the speakers turn on.

"Holy Crap! It's Jake! I spotted Jake! And Neytiri! He won back their favor!" I suddenly heard Norm yell through the speakers, making me hiss.

"Norm, shut it! Grace is sleeping!" I whisper yelled, while inside I was overjoyed that Jake won back The People. But how? How did he win them back? Or is this just for Grace?

"Oh, sorry Hettie!" Norm said. I check Grace carefully, sighing in relief that she is still out. Any escape from the pain is better than nothing and sleep is the best for her now. I carefully stood and leaned against the window, looking out excitedly, nearly sobbing in relief as I spotted Jake, in his Avatar, and Neytiri walk through the tree line and into the tight clearing, Neytiri holding Jake's hand.

"Jake!" I faintly heard Norm call over the speaker, glad to see he turned down the device he's using to communicate, as I watched him run into view in his avatar, stopping before Jake and Neytiri.

"How is Grace doing?" Jake asked, dropping Neytiri's hand.

"Not good, Jake, not good at all, Hettie's doing everything she can but Grace is getting worse." Norm said sadly.

"Hetibay is healer?" Neytiri asked curiously, looking between Jake and Norm with interest.

"Oh! Uh, yes, back on Earth she was what we call a Field Medic, so not completely a healer, but she can tend to some wounds." Norm explained, rather shocking me with how simple he described it in a way Neytiri can understand. I guess Trudy is doing Norm's over explaining some good.

"You have a communication link up, Norm?" Jake asked.

"Ya, ya, here." Norm said, unclipping the device from his neck and holding it out to Jake, who took it and began speaking into the mic, luckily keeping his voice low.

"Hettie, can you and Trudy get Grace outside the airlock? I think we found a way to save Grace." Jake said, filling me hope as I looked back at Grace's sleeping, pale face.

"Ya, ya, send Trudy in and I will have Grace ready to be carried outside." I said quickly, moving to the latch by the airlock and pulling out two exopacks, quickly securing my own and having it at the ready before turning to Grace, biting my lip.

I guess I don't have to wake her, the Morphine should keep her out for the whole carrying her outside. I took the second exopack and sat at Grace's side, carefully lifting her head and slipping the strap over, positioning the mask on her face before clicking the buttons to pressurize it, sighing as I noticed her breath puffing in and out on the thick glass. She's still breathing, thank Eywa.

I looked up at Trudy entered looking at grace and then the door.

"You, Hettie, look like you couldn't carry a jug of water much less Grace's weight. So I am going to carry Grace and you are going make sure I hold her right so I don't make her wound worse and open the airlock for me." Trudy ordered me, making me frown before nodding and pushing Jake's wheelchair back to his corner and the other chair out of the way. I watched, directing Trudy on where and how to carry Grace as she slipped her arms under Grace's body and lifted her like Grace wasn't that heavy or something, shocking me. I pushed the button for the airlock before pulling it open, Trudy stepping sideways into the airlock with me alongside her. Normally you are not supposed to have more than two people in the airlock but I was here to help Trudy catch Grace if she starts slipping.

Trudy didn't seem to be struggling though.

I heard the airlock beep before the door outside opened. I took a deep breath as Trudy carefully stepped off the stairs, me right behind her. I didn't miss Norm staring at me with wide eyes as I stumbled oddly along after Trudy, my leg moving like a block of wood. Jake too was watching how I walked with wide eyes.

I knew  eventually they would see the signs of my Cyrosickness, so I ignored their looks as Trudy came to a stop by Jake, who knelt down.

"I have given her the last injection of Morphine we have Jake, bullet hole still stitched up nicely and no blood, so whatever is causing her to deteriorate at this rate..." I said, grimacing.

"It's internal." Jake finished. I sighed in agreement, watching as Jake carefully took Grace from Trudy, Grace looking small in Jake's avatar's arms. Jake looked up at me.

"Tsu'tey found your avatar by your White Foot among the children you saved, those healthy enough carried it to The Tree of Souls when he asked." Jake said, making my eyes widen. "Get into The Link, Mo'at said she may need your help." Jake said, making me frown. My help? How can I help when I have already done all I can for Grace?

"Okay, right on it." I said, turning awkwardly and stumbling back to the airlock, yet I didn't miss the conversations behind me as Jake stood.

"Jhake, why does Hetibay stumble?" I heard Neytiri ask, making me look down in pain.

"I don't know, Neytiri, she's been off since we brought her with us, but she won't tell us." Norm said, watching me walk away, clearly unaware that I can still hear them.

"What you noticed anything?" Jake asked Norm.

"I have, but nothing good." Norm said as I entered the airlock, no longer able to hear their conversation.

Wooo, wrote this chapter a day early, going fishing with family tomorrow! Yes, yes, I know, doesn't seem like Social Distancing does it? Well, we are going to be on a pontoon in the middle of a lake so, if that ain't Social Distancing, than I don't know what is lol. Enjoy!

Edit: The Lake was great, time outside in nature has given me new ideas for this story. Got to watch two guys do some crazy tricks windsurfing. Never seen it before but damn it must take a lot of skill. I am exhausted so I am glad I wrote this chapter yesterday.

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