Chapter 26: United

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Tuesday, February 13th, Night

"Marinette, honey! Dinner will be ready in 10?" Her papa called up from the kitchen.

"You have to tell us how your trip to the zoo was! Anything happen with Adrien?" Maman said, having already gotten some of the details from Alya.

Marinette laid on her bed, tired, but finishing up her homework. "I'll be done with my work in a sec. Be down soon!"


Marinette smiled, but shook her head to herself. "I'll tell you about my day when I get done!" She looked around her bed for her calculator to finish the math homework she started before leaving for the zoo. Not seeing it, she got out of bed, and opened her bag. 


There was a small black and red box. Beautiful she thought. Marinette softly touched it, having no clue what it is or where it's from. There was a small latch to open it. She did. A blast of light came alive. A red ball formed and from that a small creature emerged. Red with black dots.

"AH!" Marinette backed up and screamed. "Bug?!" She reached for a cup and captured Tikki, having no memory of Tikki or of their history together. 

"Marinette, calm down." Tikki softly said, a tremor in her voice. It's technically has been years since they've been together, even though in another life, only a month has gone by. It took all her strength not to just hug Marinette and cry.

"How do you know my name?" Marinette calmed down a bit, leaning down to examine Tikki.

"I know a lot about you. My name's Tikki. I'm your kwami." Tikki emerged from the cup. "Please. Let me explain. You have a destiny."

Marinette looked, bug-eyed, at this weird creature, this kwami. She must be going crazy to listen to this being, but somehow, Marinette trusted Tikki. She knew she could believe her.

"Okay. Explain everything."

Tikki quickly went over the miraculous, the powers, the goal of defeating the zodaics, and Marinette's role as Ladybug. The secret to keep.

Marinette was a bit confused, and scared, and worried, and many other things

"Do you really think I can do this? I think you have the wrong girl." She looked down. 

Tikki flew up to her, and lifted her face, giving her a small hug.

"Absolutely." The look in Tikki's eye and the strength in her voice, made Marinette feel a bit more confident and capable of this duty. 

The least she could do is try.


Plagg sat dormant in his box, waiting for Adrien to get home and open it. Adrien was special, Plagg grew closer to Adrien than any other Chat Noir. It's been years since he last saw Adrien, and a bit over a year ago when he was supposed to be given to Adrien. That day, both he and Tikki were allowed by Master Fu to go out in secret to watch over them a little. They watched as Adrien and Marinette went to school. Just having met days prior. They watched Marinette falling in love, and Adrien gaining friends. 

This damn kid...Plagg needed Adrien to open up his container. Plagg needed a second chance with Adrien. To watch him become Chat Noir and a hero again. 

Finally, a light came through, and Plagg was released.

"What?" Adrien gasped, almost dropping the box. Plagg flew up.

"Hi Adrien, don't freak out."

Adrien backed up and tilted his head. "A mini cat is talking to me?" He backed up a bit more, banging into his desk. "What are you?!"

Plagg huffed. "Calm down, will you?" He sniffed the air.  "How about this. Grab me some of the cheese from the kitchen, and I'll explain everything."

Adrien slowly nodded, still confused. He started walking to the door.

"Oh, and Adrien!" Plagg flew over to where Adrien stood. "Don't tell anyone about me. No one can know."

"..Okay. I have questions." Adrien observed Plagg, looking curious than confused now.

"Bring me cheese, and I'll explain everything."


[Later that night]

"Okay so me, my partner, and a few other miraculous users have to fight the Zodaics?" Adrien asked.

He was sitting on the floor next to Plagg, who was devouring cheese. The last half hour Plagg spent explaining everything Adrien needed to know.

"Yep. Once you train a bit, it'll be a piece of cake." Plagg looked over at Adrien, still his normal self, but a bit happier now that he's back with Adrien.

Adrien took a sip of water and leaned back. "How many chat noirs have there been before me?"

"Not too many." Plagg moved onto the next piece of cheese.

Adrien thought for a moment, before asking. "How come I've never heard of this before?"

"Always forgetten over time, or becomes a myth, or just exagerrated science." Plagg said, shaking his head. "Humans never believe the truth, even if it's right before their eyes."

"What was the Chat Noir before me like? How did he retire?" Adrien smiled, wondering his predecessor was like?"

Plagg thought for second. "Like miraculous users, some hold onto their miraculous for life, 'retiring' them when they die." He stopped for a second, thinking of Max and Addi back in the 17th century. "Others get killed." He softly said. Plagg looked up to see Adrien's eyes widen at the thought of getting killed in battle. "Others do retire when the threats are gone, and their actions are no longer needed."

"So, once we defeat the Zodaics, are you and uh-Ti..." Adrien couldn't remember the name.


"Thanks. Are you and Tikki going to be retired?" Adrien wondered if this wonderous event in his life would be gone in a year, or less even. If he'd have to give it up, before learning all there is to know.

Plagg thought of it. Without Hawkmoth or the Zodaics, there's no reason for Chat Noir and Ladybug. But he and Tikki have grown close to Adrien and Marinette. He isn't leaving Adrien. "I think there's more plans for you and Ladybug. You two are going to be a strong team, I can tell."

Adrien nodded, and watched as Plagg took another bit of his cheese.

"So, what was the last Chat Noir like."

"...He started out a bit immature and naive, but turned into a strong powerful hero. He was selfless and unafraid. He risked his life for his partner and for his city." All the memories of him and Adrien over the past years came to mind. From their first meeting, to their last.

"Sounds like I got a lot to live up to!" Adrien chuckled, not knowing that this person he's living up to is himself. He's already has the potential to be phenominal.

Plagg flew up. "Don't worry kid. You're going to be a good Chat Noir. And as long as you keep giving me cheese, we'll get along just fine."

"I have a feeling I'm going to be buying a lot of cheese in the upcoming future." 

And just like that, things were basically back to normal. Memories missing, but new ones to be made. Owners and kwamis reunited. Ladybug and Chat Noir brought back to life. The Tales of the Bug and Cat continuing on. On to the next battle, their next journey, their tale.

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