Chapter 12: When Does it End

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Thurday, July 27th

"Chat?!" Ladybug cried. She lightly shook his head, and looking around their surroundings. Adrien's backyard. She has never been back here before. There was a large patio with a small fireplace and grill, a basketball hoop, and a small pool. On the far side of the yard, closer to the gate, was a shed most likely filled with toys. 

"Ladybug?"  Chat Noir gasped, quickly filling up with life and air like a balloon. He looked confused for a second, but then the most recent memory reminded him. "Father! He's-?" Chat fell apart again. Why? was the first thought that came to mind.

"I know. Let's get out of here, just in case he's watching!" Ladybug helped pull Chat Noir to his feet. They jumped to his bathroom window, then detransformed

"Plagg, find Nathalie and Gorilla. Make sure my...father doesn't see you." Adrien commanded, Plagg flew out without a second's notice.

"Adrien..." Tikki rubbed his shoulder, "I'm so sorry."

"It doesn't matter. We found Hawkmoth, it doesn't matter who he is." Adrien bluntly stated.

"It does matter." Marinette countered. "We know who he is, and we can bring him to justice. But, are you able to do it to your own father? If not,-"

"i'll be fine. He doesn't care about me or my mom, so why should I?" Adrien scoffed. 

Plagg came in, followed by Nathalie and Gorilla. After hearing the recent discovery, Nathalie could barely comprend it.

"No, that's impossible. Gabriel is far too busy to be Hawkmoth. I handle his schedule, I would have known...right?" She stuttered, sitting down on the sofa.

"I know. But, he is Hawkmoth."  Adrien said more calmly than you'd think.

"I'm sorry, Adrien." Nathalie frowned. "I knew something was off, but I just thought it was your Lily's disappearance."

"Where's Gabriel now?" Marinette realized.  

"Downstairs. he's in his office, and doesn't have any meetings until Sunday." Nathalie complained. She got up to leave. "Speaking of the meetings, I'm sorry, but I have work to do. Be careful." She walked out the door.

"Now what?" Plagg asked. 

"I need to clear my head." Marinette said, leaning on the desk. "I just need to connect all the pieces in my head, even though the puzzle is already solved." She sighed. 

"Doe that mean Master Fu is in your basement?" Tikki said. 

Adrien and Marinette both jumped at the mention. "Master Fu!" They gasped.

Adrien rubbed the back of his neck. "I forgot about him... I can't believe I forgot!"

"After realizing your father is Hawkmoth, I forgot too." Marinette groaned. "He's been in your basement this whole time!" 

Adrien raised his eyebrows. "There isn't a basement in my house. Or I guess it's hidden."

"It's a  secret lair after all." Tikki said.

"Why don't we find it now?" Plagg decided, springing up (Ready for the first time to transform).  

"Yes." Marinette said. She, too, stood up to transform.

"No." Tikki and Adrien disagreed.

"I thought you wanted to find Master Fu?" Marinette asked.

"I thought you wanted to wait." Adrien said.

"But then we had no choice, and now we found Master Fu!" Plagg went to Marinette's side.

Tikki then chose to fly to Adrien's side. "But Gabriel Agreste is downstairs right now, we should at least wait for him to leave."

Marinette sighed, and nodded her head. "Alright, you're right. Let's wait until tonigh..uuhh" She did that weird thing when she fumbles with her hands and her head.


"I have to go to the company for my internship in...two hours. How will I face him?" She groaned, clenching her fists. 

"I'll come along and hide in the background. That way, if you need to transform, but can't, I'll be there." Adrien soothed. 

"Okay.." Marinette darted her eyes, from Tikki to Adrien to Plagg, and reached for her earrings.  "I'll see you later. Tikki, spots on." She muttered, before leaving Adrien and Plagg.

Back in her bedroom, Marinette and Tikki considered what to do next. 

"Adrien is not alright. he's just ignoring his feelings! Why can't he just say he's upset!?" Marinette furiously spun her chair over to her couch.

Tikki flew over and gave her a hug. "He wants to be strong, for himself, you, and Paris. He's putting his feelings aside because he's a hero. He's putting the sadness away, but it's still there." She explained. 

"Adrien needs something to distract him for a while...Wait! I got It!" Marinette exclaimed, she ran over to her phone and dialed a number.

"Hello? Marinette?" The other side answered.

Tales of the Bug and Cat: Book 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن