Chapter 10: Eventful

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Hey so I started watching S2 with English sub on youtube; so I want to remind all that everything that happens in this fanfic is after the S1 finale. K? K


Monday, July 24th

Adrien read through the pamphlet for the big fashion event. First, the reception. Next, the super-long, super-boring meeting where the designers ask other designers questions about their work. Lastly, a meal where models wear the most beautiful pieces of fashion, and show it off on stage for the designers. Adult fashion only. Tomorrow would be teenage fashion, sadly Adrien would have to model once more. They hasn't been to one of these conventions for a few years.

Plagg opted to stay in the room at the hotel, since Adrien would only be downstairs in the ballroom used for the event. Besides, they wouldn't be needed for any superhero duties anyway.

Adrien stood on the side of the large rectangular ballroom, dressed in a black collared shirt and grey vest, grey pants to match.  Gorilla stood no less than a foot away to guard him. The room had a small bar to provide drinks and one long table with finger foods. Adrien slowly drank his water, wishing he was back home more and more by the minute. A blonde boy walked over to Adrien. 

"Hey." The boy said to Adrien. He spoke in an English accent.

"Hello." Adrien greeted. He put hand out to shake. "I'm Adrien. Adrien Agreste." Adrien smiled, eager to make a friend while he was forced to be here.

"I know who you are. Why are you acting happy to be here?" The boy wondered aloud. "No kid wants to be here. Unless it's me."

"Wait, how'd you know who I am?" Adrien asked. 

"I'm guessing it's been too long since you've been here." The green-eyed boy chuckled. "You really don't remember me?" Adrien shook his head. "I'm Felix Pasvrai." Felix Pasvrai was the son of two other famous fashion designers.  Felix and Adrien would hang out at the conventions when they were younger.

Adrien gasped. "Felix! WOW. It's been..."

"Years." Felix finished. 

"We couldn't come the year before mom's disappearance, and haven't came since."

Felix grimly shook his head. "Heard what happened to your mom. Sad story. And your father' not so soft, if I remember right." 

"You remember right. Anyway, how's it going here in London?" Adrien and Felix walked over to a small table.

"London is home, but I'm only here for the summer and breaks. I go to a boarding school."

The head of the fashion convention went on the mic to conclude the reception. 

"I have to go answer questions with my parents. Come over to our house for tea later so we can catch up." Felix offered. Gorilla furrowed his eyebrows at the thought of Adrien going to some unknown place.

"Sure, i'd love to. I'll see you later."  Adrien waved goodbye, and walked over to his father. 

"Nathalie, answer the simple questions for me. Any questions that aren't from someone who's almost as successful as me aren't important." Gabriel said. Nathalie nodded. 


"What is it? If you can't tell, I'm busy, Adrien."

"First, Felix invited me over for tea after the convention today. Second, does that mean actual tea or dinner?"

"Who?" Gabriel asked.

"Adrien, I'm not sure. Felix Pasvrai." Nathalie said.

Gabriel nodded his head. "Felix was recently added onto the board of directors for the Pasvrai company. You might learn something about being a part of the business from him." Gabriel scolded.

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