Chapter 20:Search

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January 1st, morning

Adrien waited at home for hours. Nathalie had left to visit the woman who called about his father.  Half an hour later, Nathalie finally returned home. 

"So, what happened?" Plagg asked when she walked in to Adrien's room.

"Well.." Nathalie started the story:

Nathalie stepped out of the car in front of a quint townhouse. After ringing the doorbell an older woman answered. "Hello, are Madam Martin?" Nathalie asked. "I'm Nathalie Sancoeur, we spoke earlier this week-"

"Yes, about the missing man. Come in."  She lead her into the living room. The mantle over the fireplace was crowded with many photos of the Madam Martin with another man who looked around the same age, and young adults.  "My husband is at the store, but I don't want to keep you waiting." 

"Ok. Madam Martin, where did you see Gabriel Agreste? Was it here, or-"

"No, it wasn't here." Madam Martin laughed. "Here,give me a second to get my cell phone to the photo."

She turned her phone to Nathalie and explained. "My daughter was on a  trip and she sent me these photos. I was looking at them when the news came on with the photo of Mr Agreste and the man in the background looks very similar. Is it him?"

"Yes..I believe so." A young woman was making a silly face into the camera. In the near background a man with light blond hair walked by. "Where did they take the photos?" Nathalie asked.

"She was on a road trip throughout Asia. I'm not sure where she was at that point. I'll have to ask."

Nathalie stood. "Thank you Madam."


"So it was Father?" Adrien asked.

"Where in Asia is it?" Plagg flew around the room.

"She emailed me on the way was-let me check my phone-Nanxun." Nathalie said.

"Search how far it is from Shang-hai?" Plagg started typing in the keyboard. "AN HOUR AND A HALF. TIKKI WAS RIGHT HE WAS TAKEN BY THE ZODIACS."

Adrien sighed.

"What?" Nathalie asked.

"If the Zodiacs really did take him, let them keep him. Once Marinette and I beat them we'll get him."

"Adrien, even if he's cold, he's your father, we should investigate this." Nathalie decided.

"No, the police will. We will deal with the Zodiacs, but...after this I don't want anything to do with that man." Adrien went over to the window and quietly stood there."

Finally Nathalie spoke "If that's what you really want...fine. Just, be ready in a hour for fencing lessons."


January 1st, Afternoon

Somewhere on the outskirts of Shang-hai.

"Sorry I'm late!" A blonde lady ran into a board meeting. A lot of lights and windows lit up the dark room. "My alarm didn't go off!" She laughed

The woman at the head of the table chuckled. "It's always something with you."

" asked for me?" She faced the twelve adults in front of her.

"Yes, we have great news!" The man next to the first woman said.

"Very exciting news." Another chimed in.

"Well what is it!?" The woman wondered aloud. "Master?" She asked the head woman.

"As you have heard, Dog has left since his mother is ill."


"Well, we've decided that you are to be the next Dog!" 

The woman gasped and the table of adults lightly applauded.

"Thank you!"

"You've only been here a few years, but you've devoted yourself completely to our cause." Another woman said.

"Thank you Snake!" The woman said. Her green eyes lit up all the way.

"To our new Dog." Master toasted.

"To Dog!" 

"Now that you're a head of the Zodiacs, there is a few things you must know..." Master took out a small box filled with files from a desk near the window. "Catch up on this tonight for tomorrows meeting. Anyway, Snake and I have great news that we've kept under wraps for a few months." She motioned to Snake to present.

Snake stood up. "You've all heard of the superheroes of Paris. Miraculous users. I took my team out there and got some DNA samples. After finding out there identities, I placed my best spies there since the end of summer."

"Dog, you used to live in France before you came to us, right?" A man called Rat whispered to her.

"Yes, I grew up there." She left it at that.

"So these are the young miraculous holders." Snake passed out pictures and profiles. "I would have taken them in the field but I didn't want to cause an uproar."

"Good choice." Dragon commented.

"The first profile is of Ladybug. Her name is Marinette Dupein-Chang. She's a high schooler and her parents own a bakery. She's an eaiser target than Chat Noir. Now him."

Dog thought she might have been to the bakery before when he lived there, but who knows for sure.

"Chat Noir is another teenager. Very famous though. His name is Adrien Agreste."

"WHAT!?" Dog screamed. She thought about the train ride to England a while back. 

"What's the matter Dog?" Snake asked.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Master rolled her eyes.

"Oh...uh. It's just that Adrien Agreste is an extremely famous model. He'll be capture?"

"Well that's the problem isn't it. His father has him under guard for all hours, but now that Gabriel Agreste is missing and the mother has been gone for years, it'll be easier." Snake smiled.

"Therefore, the time to act is now. Who wants to go?" Master asked.

"I'd love to help our main cause, but i'm busy dealing with illegal crimes overseas." Pig sighed.

Dog thought about what she just heard. Adrien is in danger. "I could go." She has to be chosen.


"Yes, just uh...are we taking the kids or just their Miraculouses?" Dog asked.

"If they fuss take the kids, if not, the Miraculous are the important part." Snake respoonded.

"Fine." Master smiled. "Prepare your new team and catch up on the files tonight. Leave tomorrow. Anyway, besides the Miraculous, there's.."

Lily continued to listen on and comment in, but her mind was on Adrien. She was going back home. She was going to steal from a teenage girl. She was going to break into her own home, and steal from her son. But it's worth it 100%.  She thought, and as she thought those words she knew leaving her home was the right choice.


Hey, sorry for not posting a lot. That's all I can really say

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